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I-LAND EP.8 - Reaction.mp4

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That hurted I miss Geonu but I’m more upset at the mid point voting rank like wtf( they showed it in this ep but you ended it early ) but how the heck did jay get last place by votes. Also please react to ep 9 before my membership end I won’t be here in the next months membership sadly but episode 9 is my favorite 😭 love you and thank you I enjoyed this a lot what is your opinion on taki being saved and Geonu being eliminated?


based on this one i think geonu and taki didn't do so hot, but taki did worse and him being eliminated (this round) would've sucked but made more sense. we'll see how he proves his spot as time goes i guess and it'll be posted monday at the latest which would be the last day of the month.

Sham Sham

I love the support Hee had towards taki baby, he did doubt him as a leader and helped him pull through chase poor baby taki was so stressed. Now I did disagree with baby K and judge sung deuk on niki adding his own touch in the chore. I personally love when dancers add their own touch to help them stand out but ik they don’t usually like dancers doing that from most variety shows I’ve seen. And boyyy...K don’t put up with shit and I live for it👏🏾He calls u out right then & there. He will be a strict dance teacher if he debuts (he better, i will trow hand if he dont😂) niki was frustrated same with k but niki can’t just be walking out when k is trying to teach and all that extr stuff, they were all just in their head. But I did appreciate k going and explaining he wasn’t hard on niki just to hurt his feeling he just wants niki and the team to do good. I do feel bad for K tho, he so hard on himself to make debut, and since his age (24) is considered too old to debut within the korean entertainment industry it doesn’t help 😞 baby geuno let’s meet again soon👏🏾


I think K handled the whole ad-lib situation too harsh. He could've just told Niki nicely not to do it anymore because they should all be in sync, but instead he decided to throw slick insults at him and even pull him aside to scold him smh. K is too grown to be bullying people lol Anyways im really sad Geonu left because he was THE main vocal of I-Land, idk why the producers are so hung up on facial expressions. I get it's important but I personally rather see an idol know how to sing than just give facial expressions...


I just really hope this is a wake up call to Taki, i’ll do admit that he did the right thing and played it smart by getting a good team but it made him stand out and not in a good way I just really hope that the boys understand that yes some may be young but at the end of the day working well under pressure is what makes professionals well professionals especially in the idol world take Mark from NCT for example he’s been working since 15 and does a total of almost 5 different subunits. I think Heesung and the Fake love unit did well and glad they helped him out. I can’t wait until you see episode 9😃.


I really enjoyed all the performances and agree with the producers' scores for the most part, apart from Hanbin's score. I was really surprised he placed lower than Niki, especially since the producers seem so hung up on face expressions etc - I even went back and watched all the fancams so I could see each person's full performance and my thoughts defs didn't change. Stable vocals (from what you can hear), super expressive and a great dancer (all of them were ofc though). In terms of the whole K and Niki sitcho, I'm in two minds. I think K was unncessarily harsh on Niki (I think perhaps the age difference comes into play here, like K is legit 8 years older than Niki), but at the same time I agree with you when you said it's an individual test essentially, so ofc they'd want to do things to stand out and add their own flair... The first time I watched it was definitely thinking "WTF K the entire time though". Also as others have mentioned above I really admired how Heeseung handled everything with Taki, at first he didn't want to overstep and just wanted to support Taki in his leadership and it wasn't until he saw that Taki was really struggling he offered to take on the role of leader. Tbh I think this was one of my favourite eps. I was sad to see Geonu go, but I think it was a fair evalutation in terms of his performance, I just really feel for Taki because I can imagine how horrible he must feel :( Looking forward to your Ep 9 reaction - it's pretty good too, although I'm hella nervous about this global voting. I have a feeling I'm not going to be happy with the results!


heesung was awesome in this episode, yet again! i also disagreed with k and sung deuk about niki on that too, i dunno why they didn't like that :/. k was on 10 in here lmao. niki gets into his fight or flight mode and he wants to debut so i get his mindset.


i didn't take him as bullying niki but he was tough on him fr, niki froze up :/. i feel you though, geonu was singing well alongside sunoo jungwon and heesung (if i remember correctly those are the main guys that i actually thought oh hey they can sing) every other stage you can barely hear the singing imo.


yeah, he got the good members but it showed where he lacked and made him stand out, i feel that.

Taj carter

Episode 9 was a good episode I think you’ll enjoy it!! I heard that episode 10 will eliminate two I-LANDERS and then there’ll be 9 guys left.


The more this show goes on the more i wish we had nowhere near as much impact as we do lmao, especially after seeing Jay is last in mid evaluation like that makes no sense. To me Jay is one of the people who has to debut but judging from the global voting that ain’t gonna happen :/


yeah i don’t like that either when i found out about all the voting stuff i was kinda bummed 🙃


Regarding the k and niki thing, I completely understand why niki added the part for himself. I know he wanted to give a little more to stand out. I know they were scored individually, but they’re kinda still technically a team. I guess the choreographers are saying you have to “bring it” and apply your skills to what’s already been given to you (the original choreography) without adding/changing anything. I’m guessing they want them to show off their skills, presence, emotion, etc on stage and stand out this way without adding things. I guess they want their performance to speak for itself. Idk🤷‍♀️ Now in my opinion, I think K was a bit too harsh with niki. I didn’t think he had to be that tough on niki over that small little added part. It was a bit much.

Taj carter

Now Anthony who are you’re favorites and who do want to debut??


Oh sweet :))) Havent seen this yet so i'll just watch it with u XD


If this was a show to develop a group of trainees than I would feel differently about Ta-Ki at this point, but it’s to debut a group and he does not seem ready for that both emotionally/mentally and skill wise. I hope he gets to debut in time, but I don’t think that time is now and I agree with what others said re global voting it’s just throwing a lot out of balance. Someone like Jay is talented, but would also benefit the team structure a lot whereas Geonu who I definitely think showed promise earlier in the show kind of stopped adding much to performances. I’m still sad to see him go he showed more stability singing than a lot of members, but I can see why the decision was made. Not loving the global voting impact.

Fallon Tsui

This was a sad episode. I felt bad for Geuno but he was strong and I know he won't give up. I haven't seen episode 9 yet so just gonna watch it with you cuz I see you posted it 😊


Damn watching this again but I feel like Niki is a kid. Only 14-15, so I understand why he acts how he is acting.


i felt so bad for niki. kid is only 14. i mean what did k expect him to act like, if you yell at a 14 year old kid they're not gonna take it too well. he was just frozen on the spot.