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I-LAND EP.6 - Reaction.mp4

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bub b

wow look at you go anthony lmao thanks


I’m crying yes I’m crying at 1am AGAIN


It’s 1am 😭 hahaha I’ll watch it in the morning! Thanks for getting this up so fast! I would stay up for another hour to watch but I put my laptop away and laid down, so now I’m comfortable and about to fall asleep 😴 Goodnight Anthony! 😄




the whole sick thing i'm sure the actual staff of course knows the boys' conditions but the producers/directors might not. rewatching kinda made me regret one of my picks because nicholas actually did really well ughhh i should've voted for him but top picks were sunoo, taki, geonu, hanbin, then sungchul because he impressed me for like a second but now i noticed nicholas would've been a better choice lol and i really like niki's dancing but his vocals never impressed me + his personality just... not very team friendly to me. also after this ep i heard jaebeom can produce so he could be a nice addition if he gains more stage presence


imagine voting, and not picking niki. ahahahahaha


I think K being sick is not something they considered simply because the producers are supposed to grade them as if they were the audience. It's about professionalism, if you debut and one day your throat isn't in the best condition, what are you gonna do? Just skip an event that everyone worked so hard for? It obviously affects the performance of the team if the center doesn't step up in these moments. That being said, I don't blame K, it wasn't his fault. But that's how you get evaluated once you debut, no one cares about how you feel, the audience only judges your performance on stage.


I really hope the final group is 7-9 members 🙏🏽


Yeah, I hate that they add dramatic music when someone says something that sounds normal, but then it suddenly sounds controversial when they add the music. 🙄 Another thing I hate is that a lot of the time they don’t focus the camera on the person who has that particular part. AND it generally happens to people with smaller parts. Like you’d think they would get the cameras focus on their one small part 🤡 I noticed it for kyungmin, taeyong, and seon; but I’m sure it happened to others as well. The judges comments lowkey made me doubt their judging skills 🙃🤣 I mean, I agreed with certainty things, but K being stagnant? I was literally thinking how great he was during the performance. And I literally had the thought that “oh yeah, he’s ready for his debut”. I also don’t like how they phrase things regarding Seon’s growth. The way they say certain things make it seem like he hasn’t grown at all in 5 years, but trust haven’t known him the whole time. He was in Yuehua for a long time, and I’m pretty sure none of the judges are from that company. I know Zico, Rain, That BTS choreographer aren’t. Idk who the other people are though. I feel like people think the boys don’t have access to the internet in there. But I think they do. Maybe limited, but still. And it makes me sad that Seon knows people hate him for misunderstandings. Niki, Jay etc. probably saw hate comments too ☹️ I can’t get over Seon’s voice and how they haven’t given him a chance to show it off though. If anyone wants to I highly suggest you go on YouTube and listen to his cover of ‘So Sick’ by Ne-Yo. Just search “Seon So Sick”


Jaebeom’s cover of Sweater Weather too!


Until the voting started and we saw that we’re moving onto ‘part 2’ I definitely thought they were trying to create a 12 member team, so I’m personally really glad we’re moving onto the next phase and getting the numbers down to < 12 members. 12 is way too many imo. It’s hard not to feel for these kids that have worked so hard and won’t be able to continue though 😭


I feel like the final lineup will include 6-8 members.


- I was never totally convinced they'd end with 12 members so refining it down more makes sense even though I'm sure we'll lose someone I really like. - For K I don't really think they cut him any slack for being sick. I've see it happen in other survival shows and the reasoning is that it's the trainees responsibility to take care of their bodies and vocal condition. pretty harsh but in real life there'll be times you have to preform sick and the public usually judges you without knowing it so it's realistic in that sense. I think he still did great though. -for my voting I'm still kinda torn I went with Sunoo and he did his thing this ep so I feel good about it but I really think Seon is getting short changed, to say he's made no improvements in 5 years sounds like a major overstatement, especially since like others have mentioned he's been training in other companies so i dunno how the judges can say that this is his limit in potential plus I do think he's quite good and hasn't been showcased fully in talent and has been getting weird ass edits (the one in this ep was soooo weird i don't even know what they were trying to imply with that ominous music). it makes me sad but hopefully he doesn't give up if he doesn't make it this time.

Sham Sham

Any: “Ew there’s a freaking skunk” My dumb ass: “ what, they got skunks in I-LAND”😂 I honesty thing k deserved to place higher, at least 5th or something. he still stuck out despite being sick. I would not have put him 2nd to last. And then that one producer said k has been getting worse not improving🤯🤯 I was like sir r we talking about the same k?.. k who bodies any part he gets. The same k who dances is ass of, slays with facials/expressions 😂 I felt bad for how seon felt he disappointed them for being a “fake leader” like no kiddo everyone in I-LAND felt u were someone they can go too for a reason. U didn’t make them treat u like that they comforted in u willingly. And then nobody greeted him when he got into ground, ughhhh.

aicrylic (aimee)

I was so annoyed at the producers this episode, K has been consitently killing everything since episode 1, and the one time his condition isn't the best (according to them; his voice didn't even crack nor did it seem he made any mistakes in the choreo so idek what the big deal was) suddenly his performances have been on a 'decline'???? wonderkid was on CRACK when he said that. I'm so glad Zico advocated for K in the end. I feel like in terms of being ready for debut, K and Heesung are there. Hopefully after part 2 of the show, they'll recieve extra training; a big issue I've seen with the format of i-land is that there is no vocal trainer. I know Rain is a singer himself so maybe he could have done some vocal coaching off camera but It was weird to me that we never saw any indication of it. In one of the I-Land cams in ground, at one point ppl saw Daniel coaching I think Niki or Taki's vocals (which was really sweet of him but I think if they had just had a vocal coach for I-Land and Ground then it wouldn't have been necessary, you know?) I voted probably 5 or 6 times during the voting period cuz I just kept forgetting but my favorites in general were K, Heesung, Niki, Daniel, Jay, & Sunoo


I've voted for : Sunwoo, Ni-kI, Taki, K, Daniel and Geonu. I started voting for Geonu but with right now I kinda "regret" cause I like Sunghoon. I like Geonu really much cause I feel like he have grown a lot since the beginning but watching the episode 6 made me realize that I really like the facial expression and the energy that Sunghoon gave + he also have grown a looooot


I think part 2 is going to be about the group’s journey to debut. Maybe

ana maria

sorry dude but I really started to hate your chat when it came to Hanbin lmao. I've been a fan of him since C.A.C so I have seen his skills in dance. being a dancer/choreographer myself, he deserved to go to iland. not saying I hate anyone that didn't make it. they're all talented. but on another note I miss Seon so much. in my opinion Seon and Taki should of traded. I love Taki, he's adorable, but that alone shouldn't qualify him, its about skill level mostly. he's talented but I just feel like he needed more training to really hone in his skills. people look for who's cutest and not skills which I don't think is right at all but whatever.

ana maria

and not gonna lie, I hate most live reactions. live mv reactions I'm more fine with but when it comes to shows where subtitles are needed, they're too distracting which makes it harder for everyone to actually pay attention to the video causing both the reactor and the viewers to miss things which in turn causes confusion. I'm still gonna watch but just thought id share my opinion and see if anyone else has the same problem I do.

ana maria

just realized I commented on the wrong fucking ep lmao. I'm watching 7 but commenting on 6 oops. I'm so dumb sorry