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All throughout this I was salty thinking I can't vote, but I STILL CAN! LOL I CAN'T CHOOSE THE OTHER 2, ONLY 4... .Who did you guys vote for?!


I-LAND EP.5 - Reaction.mp4

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i saw that bts is supposed to be on the show on the 14th :O i hope they vote that'd be cool lol.


In my opinion, Seon is like that one messy friend people go to when they want to confront someone. Since the first episode heā€™s just been betting on his social skills to stay in I-Land. But now the producers finally got the chance to vote him out because like they said, heā€™s had the longest trainee time of almost 5 years but hasnā€™t improved šŸ¤­šŸ¤” Anyways I voted for: Daniel, Niki, Geonu, Nicholas, Sunoo, and Hanbin


As Iā€™ve written before Seon is my number one pick. I see myself in him, I feel like heā€™s uncomfortable being the spokesperson but are willing to do it for the sake of our friends. And he gives up opportunities that he wanted for his friends. Like when he wanted to take part in the singing section, but he said that itā€™s not just about singing. People really hate on him for NOTHING imo. Like you donā€™t have to like him, but some people really act like he killed their pet dog or something. Mnet really evil edits him and makes him seem ā€œgreedyā€ ā€œselfishā€ and ā€œmessyā€, but like, even if heā€™s ā€œgreedyā€ and ā€œselfishā€ so what? Heā€™s not sabotaging anyone. And he genuinely does care about the people around him; he just wants to be successful too. It really bothers me when people say heā€™s not talented, because the truth is that heā€™s very talented, mnet just hasnā€™t given him (or the other contestants) chances to show that. tldr; mnet sucks. We all know it. And honestly they put too much responsibility on the boys. I like that they get to vote, but they should have coaches and guidelines and stuff šŸ˜•. Anyway, aside from Seon. I would pick Daniel, Niki, EJ, Youngbin, Ta-Ki, Sunoo. I like Kyungmin too. He seems passionate. I hope all their dreams come true after this regardless of whether they make it here or not.


Also I like abrasive people I feel like theyā€™re more honest which makes me comfortable. Niki gets a lot of hate too and heā€™s only 14 šŸ˜•


When you talked about how do people even have bias after the first episode, I was thinking the exact same thing. Iā€™m like how does that work and even if I was to pick a bias, it still wouldnā€™t be now after the 6th episode. I say this because we donā€™t even know who is going to debut. A lot of people pick a bias on looks and I donā€™t know why and thatā€™s what a lot of people look for in voting as well. I donā€™t think looks should be the reason why you vote for someone. This is just my opinion though. Regarding who Iā€™m voting for in the ground, Iā€™m still stuck. I feel really bad for Seon. They mentioned he has been a trainee for the longest (5yrs). I can see him as an idol. The judges said he hadnā€™t really improved much though and he said this might be the last chance for him. There are idols that debut at age 20-22 and he is 20 (I donā€™t know if there are idols that debut later than that or not). So far for global voting, I have Niki, Taki, and Nicholas. I havenā€™t figured out my last 3, but I need to hurry up because todayā€™s voting is about to endšŸ˜‚ I have 43min left for today.


i just started the reaction but i will say after the ep today and talking to people on twitter.... it all makes sense to me esp seon. he really has not shown any talent that sets him apart like you've been training for 5 years? cmon now and i'll give it to him for social skills but ?? being a social butterfly isn't something to go off of esp when a lot of the other boys are really talented AND social butterflies but i'll wait for you to watch ep six before i comment on anyone else and i'll try to be nicer when i talk about it because my spur of the moment takes on twt wasn't very rainbows and butterflies lol


I honestly didnā€™t see him as greedy, selfish, or evil at all. I didnā€™t get any of that at all while watching all 6 episodes. I just honestly felt bad for him because he has been training to debut for so long, but the judges hadnā€™t seen him improve throughout his years as a trainee. Now itā€™s like, what should you do now. Youā€™ve spent 5yrs reaching toward this same goal, working hard, and hoping, but nothing has really changed since you began your journey. If I was in his shoes, I would be wondering if this was the path Iā€™m suppose to be on. I would be wondering did I waste 5yrs. I could be taking this too far because he is 20 and still very young, but I still really felt bad for him.


I just voted for Jaeho, Nicholas, Taeyong, Niki, Taki, and Daniel.


Idk why they didnt show us all 6 on this episode but whatever. Im nervous to see who makes it because now its just popularity and i feel like a lot of votes are going to the 'most good looking' instead of talent/skill wise or role in potential debut of the group. Ik it sucks tho because we never got to see a lot of so many applicants. (Buts that how the producers of the show wanted to make the show ig) now we have to wait to the 14th for part 2 ahhh cant wait. Im voting for Geonu Sunoo *my tops and Heesung* EJ Nicholas Taeyong and Kyungmin. I see all those having a significant role in a group if they can make it so I really hope they do.


Geonu, Sunoo and Niki would fill in gaps in the group very easily I feel, since they are each talented in multiple areas. I also think that Niki showed personal growth and would work well in a group now, and we have to remember heā€™s literally a child. Sunoo is so adaptable and talented. Geonu has main vocal power that needs to be kept with Heesung for balance and he is a good dancer - facial expressions can be improved. I wish everyone could debut as they are all incredibly deserving. From the grounders I also voted for Daniel, Taki and Taeyong.


Totally! I respect the honesty, I really only felt a way from how they don't like say anything to each other they all just run behind each others backs and talk about it ahahaha. I hope i didn't sound like I was sending hate towards the youngin' I voted for him :P


Totally! I really liked seeing Niki grow this episode. I think Sunoo is an amazing candidate for the group, I agree on Geonu's statement as well! I said who I voted for in an earlier comment but it may end up being different late LOL


Talking to people on twitter whatcha mean? It makes sense that you can't debut off social skills alone fasho, but I think that's all they've really allowed us to see thus far (ep 5, i've yet to watch 6). They didn't really edit his growth in, if there's any. Ep 6 is at 68% subbed on viki, if it's done tomorrow I GOT U


i feel that ahah, but i haven't even seen 6 yet so tomorrow (hopefully) i'll see what's going on

Estherlynn Lubin

Danm weā€™re voting for the same individuals ā¤ļøšŸ¤žšŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾

Estherlynn Lubin

All I know is Daniel better debut lol but seriously he is very talented. It seems like Seon has a lot of supporters so Iā€™m not too worried about him. Itā€™s sort of like the black sheep. He will probably make the final 12 to continue in the competition. Now I was talking to some other people on the voting website and learned that the final debut lineup was never confirmed. Here I thought it was 12 the whole time but thatā€™s just gonna be the second part of the competition šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I do understand itā€™s early to have a bias since they are not a group yet but K has won me over so regardless whether he debut, he will remain the favo from this show.


I voted for Daniel, K, Jay, Kyungmin, Jimin and Jake. I'm so relieved some of them are safe, but I legit cried when Kyungmin was voted off. He's maintained such a positive attitude through it all, always putting his hand up for every role, encouraging the others even when he's feeling down on himself. He's such a positive kid, I genuinely hope he has the chance to debut - whether as part of I-LAND or not


You voted for almost all the same people as I did!Iā€™m rooting for Sunoo the most I really hope he makes it!!


I voted Daniel, Niki, Taki, Nicholas, Sunoo, Geonu. I was a bit torn between Sunoo and Seon. I definitely think the show is quite lopsided in how well it shows off the contestants talents and I hope that improves in pt 2 considering they'll have less people to focus on. I also thought i was weird for voting to open here instead of after ep 6. I haven't seen it yet and I don't know if it would have changed people's votes significantly.

Kiara Mays

Well I picked Daniel for the talent that he has displayed so far. He really works well under pressure and produces good results. I picked Niki because he is a talented teen who is strict about his craft and seems to show good results when it counts, even if his personality can come off wrong to some people I like it and I like him for the final 12. I picked Sunoo because the boy can sing and he works really hard, he is a little soft spoken but I feel like that will get better over time. I picked Taki because he is a talented and hard working small bean who brings smiles to my face every time I see him on the screen. I picked Seon because he does have potential from what I can see and he just hasn't had the opportunity to really showcase it yet. He does need to make his presence more known but he is really good at gathering everyone together and getting it done. Finally, I chose Kyungmin because he really impressed me with the hard work and dedication that he put into trying to make the 12th spot stand out for the fourth task. I can see him in the final 12. As for part 2 of the show, no one's said anything about the final number of people who get to debut but I'm leaning towards some people being cut from the 12 number because I don't see BigHit releasing a group with that many people. But who knows they might surprise me!