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I-LAND EP.3 - Reaction.mp4

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omggggg I just did a tea and I was searching for something to watch and YOU saved my night ! Thank you Anthony 💜


Ta-Ki is so close to Ni-Ki and K because they are all Japanese and have known each other before the show. You can also notice they speak Japanese instead of Korean to each other 🥰, so I guess its a comfort thing and respect thing, especially because Ta-Ki is a bit older than Ni-Ki 😂. Also yes Korean survival shows are very emoitional; they cry about everything💀. And actaully since they’re all pretty young and only trainees this is the first time we are knowing anything about them. Maybe I'm crazy but its easy to pick my favs after an episode or 2 😅 but obviously it can change with each episode. But don’t worry we are all in the same boat still learning who everyone is! 😊

Sham Sham

I actually waited for ur reaction to watch this ep and 😂 now I can watch ep.4. I don’t remember taki saying he looked up to niki, but they were already friends. I think he said they trained together. Not going to lie the way they just through parts to heeseung without even asking his opinion on if u wants it or not bothered me as well😫 Yes I get he can help out the team a lot if he gets the center but damn ask him first. I laughed along with you at rain lt was mad funny 😂


not to sound pushy by commenting on an unrelated video, but do u think you’re going to finish bon voyage?


I’d imagine it must get emotional losing people because they spend 24/7 with each other, practice together and learn what works for them and just when they finally have built a solid relationship and team they get separated. It reminded me of Treasure Box a lot with the ones that got to advance ahead or stay in the group getting more upset than the ones who get eliminated or stay behind because they feel bad because their success means the other’s failure. They’re all so young too so that really sucks. 🥺 Lol, idk any of these guys from before this show, but was able to pick out who I really liked in the first 2 episodes and it’s been solidified more in episode 4. Especially with learning more about each person and their personalities and stuff and not just their looks and talents. My top 4 thats I’ve had my eyes on since episode 1 have stayed the same. 🥰 One I’m not so sure about still is Heesung. He’s a great dancer and has a nice voice, but his personality is just so sketchy. Like he makes decisions and judgements that just make me question him, and also he always lets the others tell him what to do and just goes along with it rather than speaking his mind. Lol, not a big fan of him, but guess that could change.

marissa h.

heeseung is actually my favorite right now! i got a lil spooked when he was saying he was gonna practice separately to get a better individual score but i think since emotions are running high and he got discouraged from when he was trying to lead in the previous episode he just got a little lost. i almost feel bad for him cause it seems like the others are putting more pressure on him, but overall his talent SHINES and i like his style. im just waiting for all of them to stop working against each other and cause that performance once they start building each other up will be FIRE

Aziza H-R

I think its quite difficult to fully connect to them as individuals as well. But saying that I think after ep 3 I basically like them all to some extent, I have to say Taki has an attitude that makes you want to like him though. Rain's training was equal parts hilarious to me but so good. I also think he gave them exactly the advice they needed. As for the I- Landers performing in front of Sung Deuk the original choreographer and someone who's been with BTS since day 1, well that was rough. He called the performance worst of the worst, he straight up didn't pull any punches. Giving them Fire to perform was a set up but they did quite well. I missed ep 4 this week so I'll wait for your upload and watch it with you. I'm super intrigued to see the grounders because I think they'll be better.


“When I wake up IN my RooM” Honestly made my day 🤣


awesome! i'll post it on monday at 10 am. i can say i definitely like them all generally but i wish i felt more of a tug for em, it'd make it more enjoyable. i think rain did his thing helping train, i'd love for them to have some teacher there with them at all times. i did not know that that guy was the og choreographer, that's awesome!


i can feel this, i think he also was being tugged in all directions - i think they lean on him too much and it's only when it benefits them all as a group lol - like when he was teaching you guys and having you guys perform solo parts everyone was like oh heck no get this guy outta here


that's wild lol, i'm pretty interested in heesung, to see how he performs without everyone putting all that pressure on the dude - i think he's been making decisions based on the opinion of everyone else (minus him saying yo imma just do me this episode AHAHA)


yeah but i was feeling like he just wants some one to look up to and shadow, being young ahah he seems impressionable. also, rain - i hope he keeps being himself cause he is a comedic relief AHAH -- totally on the heesung bit, it'll be interesting when they start to not lean on him so much, i think he'll stand out even more


yeah! i remember them being the j line of the show, but i just felt like the way they present taki as this lil baby - i just felt like he was sticking to em both like glue, it looked like even k was confused in a clip aha. i didn't remember taki was older than niki tho! ahaha


Some people have gotten to know the guys through the videos Mnet post on their YouTube Channel. There are a few clips of them hanging out that show more of their personality and there are also interview videos where they answer some questions and get a better feel for them. If you check them out you may feel a little more connected to them. It is a little difficult though because they focus on the missions and practice most of the time so we don't get to see their unique sides. I haven't really watch any other survival shows so I don't know if thats how the shows usually go.


You won’t believe wat I just found out. NI-Ki is younger than Taki!!!! And Daniel is the youngest contestant!!! WTH goin on here!?!

Chloe Borley-Evans

I've watched quite a few Korean survival shows and I can confidently say that not ONE has stressed me out as much as I-Land. Right now I can say Heeseung is probably my favourite and he stood out the most in this episode along with Jay maybe. But someone said earlier they can't wait to just see them all get along and I couldn't agree more. I'm not expecting best friend relationships but just some simple respect for each other would be nice. Even at ep 3 I'm not sure how I feel about this survival. I agree with you that there should be a dance teacher there more often than just a quick evaluation cause they're all so young and just seem to fight or get aggy when someone does something they don't like when if it was a dance teacher saying or doing it they wouldn't give it a second thought. Nevertheless I'm excited to see where this is gonna go, looking forward to ep 4!


I cant wait for ur reaction to ep 4 u really get to see some shine on a few of their vocals!


i'm glad to hear it! i was going to watch it today but i ended up filming a video for the fashion channel and went grocery shopping and to book shopping at barnes and noble. i'll watch tomorrow and post it tomorrow alongside god of hs ep 2!


If you want to watch more survival shows the most popular and well known ones are the produce 101 series however besides iz*one all the other groups have already disbanded. If you don’t mind watching a survival show where the group isn’t currently active I’d highly recommend watching prod101


When are you posting episode 4?


I'mma act like I didn't see that ep.4 notification when i just started ep.3