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up till 24 mins of this video i accidentally covered the captions, my apologies! i didn't expect the subtitles to be formatted to the left. **luckily this is only the introduction of the trainees all walking in**

i hope the versions that go up on the websites will be of better quality, i assume it's due to streaming bitrate and such since it looked like that.

i also want to be able to hear the trainees sing a bit more clearly but we shall see :3

what did you guys think of this? im rather interested :)


I-LAND EP.1 - Reaction.mp4

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I haven’t watched 😫 I have been job hunting while doing three summer courses 😣

Sham Sham

Thank you, I could finish. Currently catching up on ur Itaewon class reactions😂


I like the way the show is set up too. I mean the voting could be better though, if they are letting them vote, maybe do it on the count of 3 or privately after everyone has performed. So that they are not putting their hands up because others are as well. They were being very generous with their votes, but it's only the first ep. I think, or should I say I hope that they become more frugal with their choices and remember that it is a competition after all. Other than that, I enjoyed it. The concept is interesting 👌

Aziza H-R

I spent most of the ep wondering how much it cost to build that whole set up because that was WILD. The way this is structured is super interesting, I feel like after all the chaos of this first voting session everyone will be a lot more critical next time. It's so smart getting them to vote their own teammates after all they have to spend all that time together. Key to longevity is actually liking your members.


I was not really interested in watching this before but since you were reacting to it I thought I should give it try, and I liked watching it with you. I do not think I would have enjoyed this show alone. I also want to hear the trainees sing more It seemed like they all heavily relied on pre recorded backing tracks.


i totally agree on the voting, i hope they become more critical since they are competing against each other- i wonder when the judges will become more of a factor aha - probably next episode im sure.


seriously! i almost said something when the first guy on stage voted for his teammate im like, ahh that actually makes sense


yeah and i think that was the difference with treasure box (i hate to keep comparing but its the only survival i've seen) the backtrack was a bit confusing and i feel like most of the vocals weren't all that clear - i mainly thought everyone was a dancer LOL. i'm glad you're here giving it a chance, i was mainly interested in the set and design of the posters cause it looked like a movie rather than a survival show ahaha.


I feel like companies these days Shifted their. focus on to performance rather than vocals cuz personally I feel like a lot of newer groups while they’re REALLY good at dancing / stage presence they don’t match up to a lot older 2nd generation groups in terms of singing technique. This probably cuz new kpop requires extremely complex choreo to get any recognition (esp boy groups)


also as much as I appreciate the subbers efforts. As someone who speaks Korean These subs are kinda messy/ missing info and the timing is off. You would be better off waiting for completed subs on Viki.


Another Problem with these Subs are that they didn't translate any Part not in Korean and some of the Trainees (Niki and Taki) spoke in Japanese so they just didn't translate their Conversations for the most Part.


Also apparently I kind of already have Favorites? Sunghoon (the figure skater) and Nicholas. He was in the Foreigner Trio.


definitely an interesting concept for sure. the theme/concept and set design alone sets things apart. I do like the idea of giving some of that control to the trainees to take responsibility for these kind of early decision cause it'll teach them about teamwork, leadership, speaking your mind etc. and I think they'll get more thoughtful with it as time goes on. I'm curious too on how the judges and the public impact things. alot of questions coming out the ep 1 but I'm intrigued. I also dont mind waiting for the better subs/quality I'm hoping it's only 1-2 days delayed.


Oh God... I just looked over their Profiles and Niki & Daniel are 14.... Jesus... These poor Babies!


I forgot about Korean Age while watching episode 1!


Daniel was born March 26th, 2006.... Can't we just... Not debut literal Babies anymore? Please?!

Sharkie Miles

Anthony I love your commentary. You took me out when you said that’s the most you seen Bang PD because I was thinking the same. 🤣 but this show seems interesting. I think I’m going to try and keep up with it. I can’t believe they made all this for a show.


agreed. Part of me is like "well ___ debuted at ___ age or ____ became famous at ___ " but a lot of those people had a lot of issues or regretted it or got into trouble because they were so young. I think 16 is a good age. Like i dont mind them TRAINING young cause its like when people start sports or learn instruments or dance young, etc. But debuting is very different...


Exactly! I have only some problems with training that young but mostly because of the physical and mental stress on young bodies but debuting is a whole other thing. Taemin from Shinee debuted with 14 and I'm pretty sure he would sooner die than take a break which really concerns me and many Idols that debuted really young are the same also they aren't able to function in the normal world at all or have really big problems with "normal" tasks. I'm totally OK with debuting at 16 because you already have more of a sense of self then and (hopefully) managed to at least have some type of normal life till then with school and friends.


i will be waiting for the completed ones on viki, i was just pretty eager to see what was up with this. the subbers are working fast as it’s already at 70% completion on there.


I think the best way to watch might be on kshow123.net. They usually have captions up within a day. Can't wait to watch this series with you!


really? viki has em 98% completed rn - pretty fast so i will be keeping an eye out on both places! how's the quality on kshow?


oh yeah viki is great too! i just hate the ads. And the quality is 1080p on kshow

Chloe Borley-Evans

This show looks so damn interesting with the way it's set up, I wasn't too sure whether to watch it or not, but I look forward to watching this series with you


it does! i'm glad to have ya here, hope to see your comments with every episode as it goes on! :D


thanks for posting this dude. i caught the first 30 mins on the youtube live stream, then it went private right when the #1 spot was about to be taken. now, i get to see all the way to the end! this show is interesting, and i think i’ll follow it. i don’t think that i would be able to stan any group but bts, but i’m interested to see where this goes.


hey of course! it was hard for me to find and i was sleep for the live so i had scavenged twitter. i’ll be keeping up to date with it on the days that they have the whole ep subbed on viki or kshow so i hope to hear your thoughts as this goes on!


They are being uploaded to viki. It takes a day for subs to be finished though


Can’t wait for the second episode and to get to know the contestants more☺️! I feel like some of the performances weren’t shown well, they focused a lot on the reactions but hopefully this next one will be different 💙


i'm hoping so too, i agree and i will talk about that briefly in the start of the next episode. hopefully it's like this one and only takes 24hr to get subbed on viki :D

Estherlynn Lubin

I watched this on Viki and the show looks promising. I like the concept a lot and I already have favorites which is not good😂😂 I also love the idea of them choosing who gets to stay.

ana maria

after watching the whole iland series myself and now watching it again really solidifies my absolute love and affection for heesung lee. truly such a talented kid.

ana maria

every time I see him on screen Im like,, there he his, that's my child. he's so young yet so good.