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so now...

yiseo is just..

saeroyi just thought of this right when...

"two months ago, remember when you asked if i still liked yiseo" - uhhhhhhhh 


Itaewon Class - Episode 15 - Reaction | This doesn't make any sense..mp4

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soo lee

I think there is a whole lot of things that I feel here... First I can't stop feeling bad for geunwon lol from the very beginning until now... When he tried to do the right thing by telling his dad that it wasn't fair for saeroyi to be in jail, he was harshly punished with that traumatizing ass event with the chicken so it's understandable that he never tried to be a decent person again. Honestly to me he's one of the best characters of the show. Also, I don't think saeroyi chose to live just because of yiseo but also because he found on his friends a good reason to live, he actually says that. Yiseo always said from the very beginning (the very first scene of the show actually lol) she kinda wanted it all to be over bc life is so burdensome and pointless but after she met saeroyi she found a good reason to be alive and continue to live. That's the same for saeroyi I think, even if it's hard... it's worthy because now he has precious people that he looks forward living with/for. I also think saeroyi would have gotten out of bed in that state for any of his friends, specially knowing that they're in danger because of him... bc he is the actual target. Of course that for kdrama purposes they made it be yiseo... But I think he would kneel down before the chairman if any of his friends had their lives in risk as well. 🤔 Geunwon thinks saeroyi is the reason his dad abandoned him and everything went wrong because of him, and also the saeroyi is the one who can put jangga in risk... I think that's why he wants to end saeroyi like that, take all the blame for it now that his dad has already publicly deserted him.... So that he would make himself useful to jangga and his dad lol 😭


the kneeling thing at the end actually didn't bother me much, for me the situation was different but it was also a matter of kneeling losing it's meaning (hence the nothing is easier than this).. like this old ass man still wants wants him to kneel after 15 years even though his son is about to kill someone like you're gonna die soon, your son was KIDNAPPED by your other son but you just want the ego boost of him kneeling ??? the other things though made me very :/ the last two episodes are honestly just a fight being me being moved/touched then me just being annoyed and confused


excited for you to get back to W though !! then maybe watch abyss or hotel del luna as the next show


yeah, i could see the angle of it not really mattering at this point - and facts with the chairman lol.


yeah, i am too! i'm thinking of extracurricular i keep seeing it pop up on netflix and i watched the trailer and it seems cool. plus it has the actor that played geun-soo in there!


extracurricular is so good !!! that’s definitely a must watch


The actor that plays geun-soo is in all the best dramas tbh. He was in sky castle too


I’m lowkey tempted to watch yo reactions to this show despite my interest in it dropping to 0 after I accepted how much yiseo annoyed me


To me, it would've been wrong for Saeroyi to NOT kneel down. This was a matter of life or death. Tbh, I think even if it wasn't Yi-seo he would still make himself kneel in front of the chairman. That's because if he doesn't, then that implies that to him his pride is way more important than saving the lives of others. Yi-seo and Geun-soo were beaten and outnumbered. They were minutes away from being murdered. Saeroyi took that into account and gave up his revenge-fueled pride to kneel to Chairman Jang so he could get the address and go do his best to save them. 15 years ago, nobody could have known all the consequences that would stem from him not bowing down when he was first told to. The situations are different, and nobody was in immediate danger back then. Now, however, Saeroyi is literally time pressed to find them in time to save Yi-seo's life. He accepted that he really can't always live the way he wants freely and still protect his people. It doesn't make sense to some, but to me, I actually respected him for it and I believe it's something his dad would've been proud of as well. Sorry for the essay lol but that's how I took it. It's not necessarily just for the girl he all of a sudden likes, but for the person whose life is in mortal danger because of him. Can't wait to see what other dramas you get into! love ya

Suzanne Austen

Saeroyi not kneeling when his dad was going to get fired is a completely different situation. Yiseo and Geun Soo were literally in a life or death situation and the only way to get to them is through Chairman Jang otherwise it would be too late, so yes it was right of him to keel when it comes to peoples lives instead of keeping his pride. Even if he didn't like Yiseo, or even if it was someone else, his choice would have still been the same because he vowed to protect his people and thats what he has been about this whole series


Just here to laugh at your pain when you come across some of the whack writing hahahahaa. facepalmed with you even tho i know whats coming. like they could not have ruined that emotional scene with his dad worse than with that i need to go on a date line.


no no that’s what the comments are for! thanks for bringing this perspective from, i can understand that actually! 😄 much love!


Ok for me the kneeling thing made sense. In the show we can see that saeroyis main purpose in life for the past decade has been to bring jangga down with his restaurant (soo ah came second, like he doesn't have hobbies or friends outside of her and his coworkers). So after that dream he had with his dad he's letting go of that need for vengance to just finally live his life happily. The kneeling thing was something he's never do out of pride and resentment but he has grown beyond that. So him kneeling actually made sense to me bc even though the chairman is looking down on him, saeroyi is actually the bigger person. He's not focused on jangga or playing petty games he finally just wants to live his own life. -- I think they just fucked up the message by focusing on yiseo bc it just looks like he's putting his sudden love for her over his dad and everything else