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I'm sure you've all been aware of the things that are going on. I have too, it's made me not want to really do anything. I felt like the only thing that was left for me to do was to go out and protest and risk the same thing that everyone else is out there getting: harassed, gassed and shot at with rubber bullets. I don't think my grandma would be comfortable with me going out at all, with the way she talks - so I feel very helpless. I decided to try to bring people together after a day of heartbreak and pain from keeping up with the countless stories and clips shared online from all of the protests to take ourselves away from those apps to prevent further strain on our hearts and conscious. We completed the goal of $100 within the first 15 minutes of the stream. We raised $1300 and spread it over 4 funds. I am very proud of our community.

This stream was not to deflect the issue but to contribute towards the cause, raise awareness and also consider our well being. I know this is all scary and anxiety inducing, but we are a community, and if no one else, I am here for you. I do recommend joining discord as well if you feel as if you have no one to talk to, or want to make friends. Take breathers from consuming all of this horrifying content. Keep your mind in tact, keep sharing, keep using your voice.

This was action, there's still more that we can do, there's more that you can do too.

Please sign petitions, send text messages/emails, make the calls, and donate if you are able to: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/#

- I do hope everyone is aware that keeping up with this comes first. I will be uploading videos tomorrow though across all tiers. Most videos have been in the tier with the widest range of content though, I know it looks like I haven't posted since April 12th to some of you.


Seatin Sean

Thank you for sharing, Anthony. We are with you. 🖤


Much love 💪🏾💪🏾❤️❤️


Thanks for doing this, we're gotta make real change happen 👏 glad i could help even a little


thank you for streaming!


also been feeling very frustrated bc I cant go out and protest but I try to remind myself I'm doing all that i can atm (even if it still feels like it's not enough) and pls dont forget to take care of ur physical and mental health rn 🖤


It was an awesome stream. I'm proud of everyone coming together. If you need anyone to listen, my inbox is open. My ears and my heart are open. We're in this together.

Leenah B

Thank you for live streaming for this cause and to bring us together when many of us can't protest


Taking care of your well being always comes before uploads. I am standing with you and many others right now. I will continue to donate, write, call, sign etc in an effort to try and not feel useless. Thanks for the additional info you provided to rally this community on Patreon. All the best.


exactly how i feel too, but if we're doing all we can that still counts. trying to stay off things to balance mental health. thank you, you too!


thank you so much for helping, being vocal and active in the stream and ofc for coming amanda!


I’m from the U.K. so I can’t go out and protest sadly, but put your well-being before uploading and stay safe please 💜