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Hi, Every few days someone messages me saying the reactions are saying link not found. Every time I check in a new browser it works, so I think the old Patreon link is somehow overwriting or remaining on the old posts. Here is all of the episodes:

1: https://tinyurl.com/trb9t5g

2: https://tinyurl.com/vwk7r63

3: https://tinyurl.com/sbxgskn

4: https://tinyurl.com/tb4c2v5

5: https://tinyurl.com/wcvzz96

6: https://tinyurl.com/rxwgnry

7: https://tinyurl.com/thd8pq8

8: https://tinyurl.com/wtyhyht

9: https://tinyurl.com/ra7wppx

10: https://tinyurl.com/t5237mq

11: https://tinyurl.com/tak43q2

12: https://tinyurl.com/sdqtwzc

13: https://tinyurl.com/vz7so7b

14: https://tinyurl.com/tmmx9ln

15: https://tinyurl.com/sfj8okc

16: https://tinyurl.com/wg57bda



My subscription ends tomorrow 😫 I’m so depressed and broke wtf. I hope I can renew it by the end of April (because my birthday)🤑


Thank you for posting these!


I literally rejoined yesterday just finish extracurricular.. but now this 👏🏼 yes.. glad I stayed ! Luckily, I got paid !


Hey! This was watched months ago! Check out older posts you have access to everything! Glad to have ya, thank you!


I tried few times but I think that link to episode 5 is not working, would you mind checking it out? I can't wait to watch it


it wasn't working for me either, i created a new link and it's working across all of my browsers and when i'm in incognito and not signed into my own dropbox! https://tinyurl.com/ybm3hl59 - - it's updated in the post as well. see if that works for you!