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W: Two Worlds - Episode 6 - REACTION | Literally... Where Can This Go?.mp4

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Lol I'm so early! I actually checked to see if you posted it and it said 1 minute ago and THEN I got the notification. wHat? How? 🤣 Can I get a prize or something?


I could just tell you who the freaky all in black dude on the bridge is, but that's kinda spoilers, even though they have showed that character before. I will say, think back on where you might've seen that character before and also think back on Dad and Kang Cheol's conversation about who really killed his family. Also, while yes, it's kinda crazy that Kang Cheol shot her dad and she still cares about him but like...her dad literally tried to murder Kang Cheol multiple times including that very night and she also overheard all the absolutely terrible things her dad said to Kang Cheol that night. Like the dad said, they both hurt each other/did bad things and neither of them was in the right in that situation, and yet her dad is now living the good life going on vacation while Kang Cheol is trapped in watery purgatory. Also, her father himself said he tried to bring Kang Cheol back, meaning he forgave him for what he did. So why shouldn't she? Especially when she's actually the one who knows Kang Cheol the best and knows he's a good person who was just driven to the edge by all the crazy shit that happened to him. None of which was his fault at all. And I mean, man literally tried to kill himself for what he did. Not like he tried to pretend what he did was the right thing. So, in my opinion, it's believable in the context of the story that she still cares about him and wants to save him.


OMG, thank you for explaining all that so I didn't have to lol I was ready to write a novel over here but you put it so much better than my sleep-deprived brain could've right now :D


I see that you have some doubts this is going in the right direction. All I'm gonna say is don't worry, it just now starts to get good! It's honestly so unpredictable that I see how you're confused though but they really do a great job until the end. :)

Estherlynn Lubin

This drama was THE ONLY drama I’ve watched til this day where it left me speechless because of how unpredictable it was. I understand your confusion but trust and believe it just gets better in the next episode. If I explain why she was smiling to be back in prison I would be spoiling so I’m keeping my mouth shut! The comment above literally explained everything I wanted to say so I’m not gonna touch on that. One thing I will say since I’m a medical student is the reason why the surgeons had their hand up like that in the surgery room is because they have to keep the room sterile since they don’t want to bring germs 🦠 and stuff so they gotta be extra careful.


I'm so excited for the next few episodes, the drama just keeps getting better after this episode. the next episode will definitely clear up some of your questions about how and why their plan worked and also about who the dude at the bridge was (although you have seen him before, thought you would have recognised him) and what he was doing there.


Just wanna say that we enjoy watching these dramas with you. Can i give you a recommendation? There's this drama callad "Vagabond". I don't know if you know about this drama but this drama is really good. It have action, mistery, and a lil bit romance. I definitely wanted to recommend this one to you. Sorry for the bad english :)


I kind of felt that way too, that maybe she didn't care enough about her dad when I watched the first time. But like Fai explained sooo well above, and like you mentioned, it's not black and white. A lot of conflicting and complex emotions in a literally unbelievable situation. No references for how to handle this 😊. Pops went to the psychiatrist when it first started happening and of course was brushed off... Because it all sounds ridiculous!

Samara Gooch

Ahh props to Fai for explaining so well. You’ll definitely get your questions answered in the next episode. At the end of the day her father goaded him into pulling that trigger and even he realises he’s to blame for that and given the fact KC wasn’t in his right mind at the time after finding out his whole existence was a lie, it’s no wonder he lost control. She couldn’t handle the thought of him being stuck under the water possibly in a conscious state of some sort, blaming himself for murdering her father not knowing he survived etc. It’s a very complex situation which can’t be simply viewed I guess. Anyway really enjoying watching with you, can’t wait for the next upload 😊. Hope you’re doing good btw

Estherlynn Lubin

Omg I he HAS to watch Vagabond!!! I love this drama so much man. My brothers came in while I was watching it and stuck with me until the end. They loved it.