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W_ Two Worlds - Episode 4 - REACTION | SECRETARY YOON IS UP TO NO GOOD! .mp4

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Eeeh I just got the notification I was hoping you would continue on with W first. I’m finna watch ur reaction now. I hope you’ve had a great day.


So are u not gonna continue with goblin? 😭


You gotta understand that in most modern romance k-dramas, the couple sometimes begins to have feelings for each other kinda randomly, I think these two just had a mutual interest in one another to begin with so that why they were having all those "heart fluttering" moments. Lots of k-drama get popular because of the cringey romance lmao. Anyway, I can wait to see the rest of your reactions to this show, it just keeps getting better. To be honest I literally watched every episode of this show besides that last two episodes so I'm excited to watch the finale along with you!

Estherlynn Lubin

Yo I was waiting for this! Nice reaction man I’m glad you’re liking it so far cuz this is by far one of my favorite dramas. The secretary was out of line and I’m glad she was fired. And yes Kang Chul’s comic was action based and now slightly turning into a rom-com 😂 the readers are outraged (well some of them).

Samara Gooch

Well this was a pleasant surprise I woke up to... was not expecting so soon. Thanks. Once I’ve had my cup of tea and feeling more human I’ll be watching:) Hope you’re doing good Anthony x

Barbi Duarte

it was problably a good thing that i watched this drama as it was airing, otherwise I would've binge it in one go, those cliff hangers are just mean!

Samara Gooch

It’s very unpredictable this drama which is why I enjoyed it so much. In the comic world due process doesn’t seem as complex hence why she was held in custody despite zero evidence she had anything to do with his attempted murder. There is I guess a strong connection between them from the get go which is why they’re flirting despite the strange situation. Have you never experienced that overwhelming chemistry with someone before? I have. I met my ex through online dating and it was like fire lol it may have just been lust and not love at first but it’s easy to confuse the two but I knew we’d be together the moment I met him in the flesh. Anyway I guess that’s why she’s so desperate to protect him because she instantly felt something although hasn’t quite realised what that something is.


i like this show, but the main guy's foundation is wack. his face and neck are like on opposite sides of the color wheel


now that it's pointed out, if i spot it, i'm not sure if i'd be able to unsee


i don't think i have, but your comment, as always - did help shift my perspective a bit.


"But she showed up in prison clothes! That's no good. That's really no good at all.." I cackled so loud at that lol


BRUH imagine if you showed up at a bus stop with a prison uniform in broad daylight LOL i dunno man