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for all the scared potatoes, this movie isnt scary, it's like dark toned, mystery with some suspense... thought provoking. i'd love you all to watch it. its listed as just a drama/mystery tho but theres some comedy as well

first movie i'll bring to small potato tier, this one's long and notably amazing

i would love to have a discussion with you all in the comments since i thoroughly enjoyed this film and have quite the bit to say.. for those who are watching for the first time, maybe avoid the comments so you won't be spoiled


Parasite - Reaction.mp4

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I loved it. I realized halfway through who the real parasites were and the ending made me cry my eyes out.


this movie has so many ideas/layers that we need to talk about. i've been waiting for this to be done exporting so people can watch it and we have discussions... i'll be waiting 2 hours for people to watch so we can talk lmao


The 👿 is a liar... I'll see you for the next movie. Bye Anthony! 👋🏽

Samara Gooch

Have been wanting to see this, but it's late here now so I will watch in the morning. I've only heard good things about this film. South Korea has produced some awesome films tbh.


i absolutely loved it! i'll be waiting on your input so we can talk i need to feel like i've spoke my mind lmao


I always wanted to watch this because my Korean friends kept saying it's a classic, but I don't really dare. I heard it's gory with a lot of blood. I cant really take stuff like that. All my friends said it's scary to a certain degree... Is it not? I heard there are direct scenes of people being killed by a blender or something


instant classic huh lol, i think it's well on its way with the grossed earnings and reviews. definitely not a lot of blood but there is a few cases with some. it's not scary it's suspenseful and will keep u on the edge of ur seat maybe but theres a bit of comedic relief. a blender? nah i didn't see that lol


that ending... god i bawled my eyes out. that was such a good movie. there’s so much i want to talk about


bruhhh that just wrecked me


Omg I’m shocked. What a great movie. Just the way they planed everything and put all the family in, and that ending I’m speechless


I have so much to say and yet I feel like I have no words. This is the power of the Hallyu wave lol. As you get more and more into the amazing entertainment that South Korea creates you realize just why so many people all around the world consume it. I've been into it for more than a decade and it never ceases to surprise me in new and different ways. Parasite's social commentary is flawless....so raw. It feels like the heaviness of it will stay with me for a while. Spectacular photography, writing, acting and direction as well. It really feels like a film made out of passion for art rather than for money. Director Bong Jun Ho has done it again! He's even an inspiration for BTS lol since he made Snowpiercer...the movie that RM mentions in his Spring Day rap. It's a great one but then again I feel like all of his movies are just as good.


One thing I feel like I have to mention is how uncomfortable it is at times, on purpose! For example, the relationship with the underage girl, the whole Native American thing, that couch scene between the rich parents! (*shudders*). BTW, asking him to buy her drugs is just them roleplaying. They got turned on imagining they are no longer these high class, no-worries people but some "perverted drug addicts" just doing it in the backseat of a car. It's like...for those who have everything, someone's tragedy and suffering can be a fantasy, an exciting escape before going back to their perfect life with no consequences. Oh, and also, I appreciate that none of the characters was actually good. They were just human and flawed, which is why I could be excited about their genius con but also be disgusted by it at the same time. I mean, it's called Parasite, that word not only describes them perfectly but it's also a word that just sounds icky. But again, because they are still human (neither good nor bad) you despise them at times, love them at other times and ultimately feel for them in the end. That's how real life works since there's no hero or villain, we can all be despicable to a certain extent but we're still worthy of compassion.


Wow, this is only my 3rd time ever watching a Korean movie and it was amazing. This movie really touches you in a different spot with the class distinctions portrayed so blatantly. Honestly though, Mr.Park was the worst and most repulsive character in this movie in my eyes. Others might have murdered, conned and all but even they were more humane than him till their breaking point i feel. I loathe people who look down on others for wealth or class, etc especially the way he makes it obvious.


i felt the same.. especially with the meticulous shots that were included in here. i kept mentioning static framing but i didnt notice till after what those static shots were showing and once i thought about it i was amazed. i didn't know about rm liking his other film, i just found out about his other works but i do want to watch those as well


another thing that i noticed after the film... i figured that that's the idea that he whispered into the wives ear after the driver "had sex in the back of the car" allegedly. literally made you think about every character being said parasite and left it up to you to figure out who was more of one than the others..


totally, and he did it in front of them too, which made it worse. at first i was thinking it was ki-jeong who was the worst character because when she got in, she decided to alter the brother's plan to start to destroy the lives of the driver and the housekeeper just so her parents could work there.. honestly i felt like it all could have been fine if they didnt become so greedy to get their parents in too.. after the parents it all spiraled downhill


this was my first time watching it, I loved and enjoyed it from start to finish, I was completely and utterly speechless especially toward the ending of the movie too. I had to wait to watch this because I missed it when it did come out to the cinemas here in my hometown and in the process trying to avoid any of the spoilers wasn't easy but I'm glad that I got to see it and will probably re-watch Parasite again. (I'm sorry in advance if that didn't sound right as it is my first time commenting on here because I usually get tongue twisted when explaining certain things.)


Oh, and since you mentioned it...I agree that Train to Busan really is the best zombie movie ever lol.

Estherlynn Lubin

Yo that was an amazing movie! Only thing I didn’t like was him messing around with a minor but Danm the whole thing was epic! BTW Train to Busan is a must! It’s the same actor from Goblin and he was superb as usual so definitely check it out


Check this out! I love what he had to say and how he put it more into perspective. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpenyPkJK2Q


OMG, this too! Yeeeeessss! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWswz0EsI4s


OMG, sorry but don't think the son is going to make it rich. Think the Dad is going to die in that bonker sadly.

Samara Gooch

Just finished watching, though for some reason it kept getting stuck at 1:18 so I finished it elsewhere. Brilliant film! Greed is insidious in nature. Nobody is perfect, we're all flawed. Some people are oblivious to their own.


was she a minor? she looked young but i don’t think i caught a part that said her age.


I'm so glad you reacted to this! A lot of people said watching this movie in theatres was a fun experience. This film could be the first Korean film to get nominated for an Oscar! Did you know that they made and designed the rich family's home as well as the poor family's? The rich house isn't an actual house. The poor neighborhood was all created so they could flood it. The set design was amazing! Not related, but I would definitely say Train to Busan is pretty good too and the best zombie movie. There are some great Korean films out there.


Wow it started so thrilling yet harmless and escalated so quickly 😔 the rich family did not have to go through all of this and nobody wouldve lost anyone 🥺 i mean it was all fun and games until they made the housekeeper lose her job...


oh anthony the director broke down the first scene on vanity fair on yt if you’re interested in watching it !!


Tell me why I thought you were reacting to parasite the live action for the anime😂😂😂 Anyway really enjoyed this movie I was literally not expecting everything to go down the way it did. 😧😧😧😧 I'm still in shock.

Rodica Ogmar

Just wondering where did you watch the movie online?


I thought you were going o check out parasite the anime which I also recommend, but wow this movie is amazing I also give it a 10/10 and the movie had unexpected twist to it...


why I'm laughing every time he says "hello? 😧"


I love this movie so much it's actually my favorite of this year


hey! this is sort of an old post, but i'm really wondering why the video stops at around 1:17:53 ? I would love to finish watching your reaction!


that's really weird, it shouldn't, it should be 2:09 ish.. maybe download it if possible?

Marina Martinovic

hey, for me it also stops around 1:07:00 after that it's only audio.. I've tried several times and I would really love to watch the whole reaction :( is it maybe possible for you to upload it again but separated in 2 parts like you recently did? that would be awesome!


hi :) are you already watched train to busan?? if not i hopr you can react to it too :) thank you :)


that will take FOREVER to render but i will try to do it when im done uploading all the videos today and when i'm away from my pc! :D

Sydney Noelle

So glad you enjoyed this movie! There is another movie called Snowpiercer by the same man who directed this on, Bong Joon Ho, that is also really good. You should definitely check it out if you have the time! It's on Netflix


absolutely loved snowpiercer. the other kid that went back into * dont wanna spoil* made me mad but the ending was too opennnnn, i wish we got to know what was going to happen.. cause it made it seem like eventually they'd be ok but nothing immediate.. it was still cold af out there lol

Chloe Borley-Evans

I love absolutely everything about this movie! It's easily my favourite film but the thing I love above everything else is the soundtrack. The movie score for this film is stunning. It blows me away every time I watch it and that's been a fair few times lmao. I loved your reaction to it! And I hope you do another moie reaction soon, maybe to a film called The Witch: The Subversion Part 1. It's quite underrated and not very well known but boy it's a fantastic movie.


Hey Anthony! Not sure how much of a hassle it would be but is this file able to be split? I can't watch past the first hour and I've tried on four different occasions to download it it gets to like 99% and then gives me a forbidden error. After Googling it it seems like DB won't let the user download the file past a certain size unless they also upgrade their account. No rush I know this an old upload.


never mind I was able to finish it by taking the free trial of DropBox professional if that helps anyone else (just make sure to cancel it after!). Great movie probably my fourth watch and I could still discuss the themes for hours. Once some of the other content is done we should def do more movies!


did I just update my membership just to re watch the movie with you..?? ..yes !