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i want to briefly give you guys an update to where i am as well as answer some questions i've been seeing for the last few weeks. i haven't been in the best headspace for the last month, hence the lack of posts here and youtube really (most things were filmed in advanced and scheduled). this month i'd hoped for it to be my most productive as well as fulfilling since it was my birthday month, i wanted to give myself no reason to be down the way i have been. as soon as the month started i was thrown issues left and right, five days in and i am drowning in them all.

to keep things short, a handful of the problems that have come up are from a financial standpoint. and since i don't have the money to put towards those things i have to sell gear that i used to upgrade and ease my video making. so i'm selling one of my cameras and the lens i just got 3 weeks ago and some of my other equipment. the rest of the issues just stem from stress and anxiety coming from these problems driving me into a low feeling place. so the remainder of the week i am just waiting on my things to sell, and trying to find a cheap lens so that i can at least make something in the meantime while i'm getting rid of things (temporarily, let's hope!)

i felt it'd be good for me to talk to you guys about it, even if it's brief. now for the faq's.

q: when are you reacting to the next k-drama, and what will it be?

a: the choices are between goblin and w: two worlds, i'm not sure which one i'll be choosing just yet but now that we have dropbox up and running it's just a matter of time. since i have to come up with quite the sum of money to handle the things i've been approached with, i haven't had much time to just sit down and enjoy the next show. realistically, i'll begin this weekend at the latest.

q: when is the next bts video?

a: i will be resuming bon voyage this week, i ended up getting sidetracked and the day i was planning on posting it, i wanted to see people rapping and watching hsr instead lol. bon voyage will be posted before the k-drama starts

q: why isn't this video working?

a: most of the videos that caused issues over the last few weeks were from google drive. there was a viewing limit on the files that i couldn't remove which made it hard for new people to watch. i've recently went through most (if not all) of the videos from 2018 to present, and put them all on dropbox and updated the links to all of the old posts. there shouldn't be any issues whatsoever now.

q: what types of shows do you plan on watching soon?

a: atm i am interested in watching more things with artists i am interested in, including artists that aren't idols. (highschool rapper, smtm) i also planned on checking out that multi girl group show called queendom that (g)i-dle and mamamoo are on. the concept of that seems pretty cool. also, i need more anime in my life, i believe i will be looking into posting that much much more too, i've been slacking on new series.

q: when is the next video going live?

a: tomorrow 11/6 at 8:00 p.m. est


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