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pass: ppotato29


Bon Voyage [Season 1] - Episode 7_ Naughty boys visit Finland! - Reaction.mp4

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Hey, it wouldn't let me open the file


it's still processing, you could just download it. i will try to upload it to dailymotion in the meantime as well.


Thank you!


aaayeeee he’s back 🤩 you feeling any better??


just congested and still coughing but i feel much better than the other day.


Lol dailymotion has an age restriction under your video? Any idea how to get through it since google drive is flooded with viewers and doesn’t allow any downloads at the moment? I’m glad you’re doing better~ take it easy!


It’s kinda weird though, I’m not familiar with DailyMotion at all or how it works but I’m definitely not under age lol.


Maybe its the title of the vid....'Naughty boys`lol so they assume its x rated i guess


I need your vid to lighten my mood dude, my country is currently preparing for the impact of category 4 hurricane dorian this weekend 😣 trying not to stress

Maria Mouzouny

its not working..I can't see the video...can you please fix it?


give it a try now, also the comments tell you what's up with it, its google/dm's fault lol


The second game they played 3-6-9...you basically have to count from 1 and every time you get to a number that has a 3,6 or 9, you can't say the number so you clap instead.(eg. 21,22,clap,24,25) and you have to clap twice if it is 33,36,39 etc. It gets really confusing especially when you get to the 30s, 60s or 90s coz all you do is clap and it's hard to keep track of what number you're on. Hope that makes sense


taekook at the time were the definition of cringey high school boys but it's endearing now cause they were so carefree and goofy lol. They still are, but it just has this bit of innocence to them back then :) where they were just childish and didn't have a care in the world. Also sweating is always good. It clears and opens your pores. Just flushes out your toxins. It helps with acne and your skin. Cause this sweating is a bit different from the sweat when you're exercising. Usually, you shower first so your skin is clean and you're not dirty. It's also relaxing and can help people relax and sleep better.

Lori Dawn

You sound a little better Anthony! Thank you for uploading this even though you are still feeling sick. By the way I was wondering if you watch the behind scenes of each bon voyage episode? They are short clips, similar to the behind scenes of each Run BTS episodes, and are funny as well. Take care of yourself and make sure to drink lots of water!!! (PS: This works for me so maybe you can give it a try, Before going to sleep/bed put vicks vapor rub on your chest and upper back and wear a thin shirt under your regular t-shirt. I find this helps me when I am congested. The vapors help loosen up the mucus in my lungs and it's easier to cough up the phlegm. - Of course if you already knew this then just disregard this! lol )


yes thank you! i haven’t had any this time i was sick though. i do watch the behind cams, so in the next season i’ll make sure to make videos on them when i watch too 😊


The first game was just like you figured out. You start with holding up all fingers and then when someone says example everyone bending over all people bending have to fold one finger and when you have no fingers left you lose. It is also nice to see that you are feeling better again :)


I feel that the Manager who wrote the letter (Sejin) cares really deeply for them. He has been since 2014 with them. He is the one who takes care of them when they go out. He was with Yoongi when he went to see the baseball game some time ago, he was also with JK at Ariana’s concert. I always see him smiling behind the members, he is a big guy, so is difficult not to notice him

L i s a

I’m glad you be able to connect with them though their acts. They were playing the same games in Run Bts program. Maybe you can google that lol