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Hey everyone! I'm just getting ready to organize myself to create a schedule for everything. Is there a better day/time for me to post videos here? Especially since they're longer in length, just wondering, of course they will be up to go back to and watch at any time regardless.

I am in EST and I'm considering dedicating one day to film multiple videos for YouTube and one day to film videos for Patreon. I'm considering posting videos here two or three times a week once the goal is hit. I normally upload M/W/F for YouTube (if not daily <3) and I'm considering the weekends for Patreon OR the days in between so T/Th. This is just information for later use, just wanting to make a schedule so I can have time to relax and sleep better.



I'm fine for any time tbh, but if you want to tell us a schedule maybe include your timezone and kst? It'd be easier for me to know announcement ajdjdjd. Idk if you already do that though hhhh


I'm fine whenever, but i suggest the weekends or uploading in the afternoon, people have school, or work.


you're right, i've updated the post with some information that I have been considering. Though, this post is to know when you think you're the most available to watch these long videos aha :)


I like Friday nights! End of the week, no college classes and it’s a great way to start off the weekend. Whatever you decide I’ll totally support though. Thank you for all your hard work! 💜


Honestly? I live in Germany - I'm used to sucky Timing so I don't care anymore 😂

Cintamani Crawford

I don't care - most of the videos I watch go up after midnight my time so I just watch them when it is convenient for me


i kinda like weekends !! but honestly as long as you upload i dont really think it matters !! like you said, they'll be up to watch anyway 😎😎


Whatever is best for you. I usually watch videos when i have time so doesnt matter for me

jasmine teume

Anytime! I’m just grateful you’re being so on top of it! :) looking forward to future videos


Any time that works for you works for me! I’ll support you no matter what!


I agree with everyone that said anytime, since I live in Sweden most of your videos comes up in the middle of the night so I'm used to seeing them whenever I have time :)