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Hi everyone! Kind of a crazy post prepared for today – so let’s just dive right into it!

Behind the scenes, we’ve been really busy hard at work for comic stuff. The crew collaborated on the Kisswas arc for the Cometcare AU, and we worked on that for all of November. It’s going to be publishing throughout the Christmas season, so keep following it through the month!  In October, we also started the development and creation and release of the Nightstars AU, a group effort that all of us poured our love into. It was a really exciting experience and we still have so many fun things planned for it and we’re so excited for you to see what’s in store! In July, I finished all the thumbnails for V4 (and those are all uploaded now, you’ve seen em!) and we now only have a few pages left to finish for V4. We’re getting so close! This is so exciting!

With all the stuff we’ve done this year… what’s coming next?

Oh, you know what’s next.

Still in pretty early development, and won’t begin official production until early next year, will be V5 – its title? Everything Sucks: Curing The Infection. This volume is probably one of the biggest milestones we’re going to reach so far, and we can’t quite explain why just yet – we want it to be at least a little bit of a surprise for you guys!

What I will say about the volume is that it has a layer of significance that we haven’t even began to touch on yet, and when you read it, you’ll know exactly why that is. It also marks the return of Brigh, everyone’s favorite little guy.

Here’s the concept art for the volume cover! The original sketch/composition was done by Gabe/Catnip, one of our crew members (shout out to Gabe!!!)

Pretty ominous… whose hands are those? It’s hard to tell without color, huh?

Another thing about this volume – there’s a LOT of new faces. Particularly the introduction of a certain group of people who were briefly referenced and seen in V2 as those protestors in the street. We won’t drop the group’s name just yet, but we’ll at least tell you what it is – it’s an organization of people who are fighting against Sparklecare. Here’s some of its members!

This is Brigh (obviously), Kisses Anne Hughs, and Lucy Charm. Kisses and Lucy serve sort of as acting “leaders” of the organization, with Kisses being the head of the group and Lucy being a leading activist.

Here we’ve got Iris, Cedric Coughs, and Miss Fortune. Iris is in charge of collecting/organizing information, Cedric is the [SPOILER], and Miss is a member of the medical team. She’s also a nurse on the outside to the Decentcare hospital. Cedric is Carrie’s sibling, and Miss is Jay’s mom!

Here is Jen Orus, Dearie Queen, and Jeanne Anjert. Jen is another activist like Lucy, Dearie is the head of the medical team, and Jeanne is also an activist. Jen is friends with Mel, and Jeanne is also Jean’s mom!

And here is………………. Wait. WAIT A MINUTE. IS THAT WHO YOU THINK IT IS? Yes, you aren’t mistaken – this is Till “Tilly” Fate and his parents, Timpton Fate and Pitch R. Perfect-Fate. Tilly is the head of the technology department, with his dad Timpton helping – and Pitch is a member of the information department. I know everyone’s been wondering about Tilly’s identity for a long time, but now you finally get to know who he is and what he does!

Next up, I have a few designs for some staff members who appear in this volume!

Redesigns for Ribbon Pop and Kitter Catter, and a new staff member introduced in this volume, Dr. Jesse T. Dolly (or just Dolly)! I won’t say what all these guys do yet – you’ll see for yourselves next year!!!

There's so much in store for this action-packed, very exciting upcoming volume - and we'll begin work on it officially soon; this is just the beginning! Thanks for reading!




Nothin Purrsonal

IM SO EXCITED!!! My current prediction is that this is gonna be a volume in Brigh’s POV and the outside world instead of the usual main cast