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Hi guys! Today I have something particularly special - on a bit of a different note that I have yet to get into on here.

This is for patrons only, so please do not share it!

Now, back during V1, I posted the first ever revealed piece of concept art for V4 on here - the first designs of Kneevil and Barrific. This post was the first time I had ever mentioned the volume by its current official name anywhere (as depicted on the post). That was a 4 volume gap, it wasn't even half a year into the reboot's release that I posted that.

But now I'm going to do something in a similar vein to what I did then - a 4 volume gap between this concept comic I'm going to share today. That's right - this is something from V8 - the volume titled Everything Sucks: Out Of The Blue
- which sounds like its far away, but really its the same distance that V1 was from V4!

So... what exactly is the thing I'm sharing? Well, let me explain - the following comic you will read is a concept for the origin of stars being a special thing between Barry and Uni... and you'll find out why. This happens near the volume's beginning, believe it or not - and most of the volume actually doesn't focus on these two. Despite that, it's still quite important... and you're about to see what makes it that!

It's a bit long so buckle up!






Whe. The care sparkles or something idk anymore