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Second official production post about V4! Yippie! This one isn't super long today, but it's still important design wise!

So, one of my visions for this volume is something a little specific. In short, I want to make Sparklecare seem more like an actual, tangible place, which means I want to add things to make it feel more like an actual hospital. The first thing I did regarding this was mess around with the look of Barry and Uni's hospital room.

As you can see here in this concept sketch, I made the beds look a little more like actual hospital beds! The additional details aren't much, but I feel like it still adds a bit more to the immersive environment I'm going for!

The next big thing relating to this is something regarding the designs of the staff members: their badges. I decided I want to give the staff badge reels since those are often used in medical facilities. 

I gave all the staff members that appear in this volume a neat little custom badge reel:

Mood gets a flower, and Doom gets a little emo skull!

Cuddles gets a spiral to represent his mind control-like behaviors.

Party gets a happy face, because, duh, what else would he get.

I also updated the Sugar twins to give them clothes so their badge reels wouldn't just be... stuck to their paper body. Little candies, since the pharmacy has candy!

Another little thing I've been interested in displaying in this volume is updating the looks of the hospital bracelets to look more realistic as well!

It's a relatively small change in truth, but I feel like even just little details really go a long way character-design wise!

That's all for today! <3



I'm always a fan of more detail, I like the personalized badges the most! This also feels like a good time as any to ask something I've been wondering but felt too embarrassed to ask- In regards to the bracelets, what are the two white squares on the patients opposite hand meant to be?


I'm assuming for the IVs, doctors basically put a needle in so it's easier to insert IVs without damaging anything