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...and there it is!!! Those are the last pages of volume 3! Thank you guys for hanging around to read this wild ride! I'm really glad that we didn't have to deal with another year-long hiatus this time around -- I really never want that to happen again because updating and working on the comic has been so fun. Volume 3 may be done being posted on here, but it's going to be updating publicly up until early May. I'm so excited for everybody to see this ending!!!

The Next Steps, Once Again

Since volume 3 is done, obviously I won't be updating every single day on here like I have been, but that doesn't mean I won't be posting anything at all! I'm going to be working on volume 4 stuff. You've already seen a few posts I've made about the development of volume 4, but now we're actually going to start working on it officially! 

Regarding V4 itself, here's what you can expect to see:

  • Various concept arts similar to ones you've seen already
  • Official volume 4 thumbnails/sketches
  • And of course, official volume 4 pages!

I will also probably be posting more stuff for Karmageddeon (and maybe some of my other series, who knows)! I hope you guys like the stuff I have in store!!!

Woohoo, last post in the V3 tag!



Jesus Santana

I LOVE THIS SERIES SO MUCH! I can’t wait for V4!


Dang i called the number hoping foe an easter egg sorta thing :( But omg this was the saddest parts of the story