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Hello everyone!!! Some exciting news! I will most likely be finished drawing every last V3 page by the end of this month, which is SO CRAZY!!! This volume was so, so much fun to work on and knowing we're so close to the end is really exciting! But in the same vein as a few previous posts, I have a few new things to share (and a couple older things) related to V4! The closer we get to the end of V3, the sooner I'll be able to do more things for V4 and actually start on the official pages!

Today I'm going to be sharing a cover concept art I did for the volume:

This is a clean concept sketch, so it's not the final thing just yet!

This cover is based on a very, very old iteration of V4's cover made back in 2018 (CENTURIES AGO) and I feel like sharing the original just for comparison's sake!

I used the exact same text style for the title because I was a huge fan of how the letters looked, lol. It just has a VIBE.

This was back when V4 was 1. going to be V3 and 2. not titled with the current poem rhyme scheme. (As you can see, the first 4 volume names go in a rhyme: And Nobody's Talking About It, This and That Too, When Nobody's Looking, Especially You!) 

The volume has generally kept true to its story at its core, despite the many different transformations it has gone through (including the huge revamp to the script done last year). 

I also have a few more page concepts similar to the ones done in this post! These are page tests using scenes from the volume as a reference! The final pages are sometimes a little different than the concepts, but they're still used for reference!

Tensions between the main patients and Hemera seem to not have subsided even after 3 months... (which is when volume 4 takes place -- Danuary 6017!)

As I've said in many places, there's a lot of Barruni in this volume! Lots of silliness between the two of them. I was messing around with angles for panels in the first of these pair of pages!

And here we can see Uni interacting with Kneevil, the living Uni puppet! He's not exactly nice, now is he...? "Kneevil" isn't a misnomer!

Who could they be talking about...?

And of course, I present you with this. This had to be on here eventually.

Yeah, this actually happens. Like, canonically, this has been a thing this whole time. It wasn't a joke. I mean, it is a joke. But it was seriously happening.

This post is probably going to be my last V4 post before I finish drawing V3 (and before V4 actually goes into legitimate development), so let's drum up the hype and everyone get ready for the next volume!!!


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