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...and there you have it!!! That's the end of volume 2! 🥰 Thank you guys for sticking through us through this journey!!! I'm sorry it took us so long to get to here but I'm happy we made it! I'm going to start posting comic updates publicly again next Sunday on the 11th (its still a Monday-Thursday release schedule, this is just for the anniversary occasion). Volume 2 should run up until October or so! I'm very excited for everyone else to see where this ends up, and even more excited for the next upcoming volume after this!

The Next Steps

Since volume 2 is officially complete, it might seem like I won't have much to post for a while, but that's not the case! For the next few months I'm actually going to be working on volume 3 related things! I already have a few things planned to be posted soon, I won't be updating here everyday like I have been but posts will still be often! Some of the things you should look forward to:

  • Concept art for volume 3 (character designs, environmental concept art, etc)
  • Cast cards for new characters (because unless you have been following my tumblr for the past few years, there's going to be a lot of new faces in this volume!)
  • Potentially updates to page layout/looks (we'll see, this is a maybe, I'm trying to improve how pages look all the time)
  • And of course, thumbnails for volume 3! Thumbnails are those tiny little page layouts

I may even work on some other stuff, I'm not entirely sure yet, but this is the stuff I've decided is a must! I'm so excited to continue development for this story and I hope you all like where we're headed too! 




wow bestie you didn't have to have me crying today smh this volume was amazing, can't wait for volume 3! Caroline didn't get shown being captured in these panels, I hope she gets to escape unlike the others


holy fuck that was a ride, i loved how hemera and jay were expanded upon