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As you may have noticed, I've been taking a break from working on the main comic recently for my mental and emotional health. While I am doing lots of resting, I'm also doing secret awesome things including writing (A LOT). I can officially, finally say that I have a solid plot planned out for every volume of the Everything Sucks series. 

There will be a total of 12 volumes, all approximately 140 pages in length (this is an estimate). For the longest time I was struggling with filling in a specific gap near the middle-end of the comic, and I think I've finally stitched up the hole. 

Great! What does this mean for the series, exactly?

It means that I actually know everything that's going to happen and how to do it. Obviously there will still be the actual script writing and more thorough outlining, and tons of rough drafts (gotta love those) but I'm really proud of myself and that I've been able to reach this point! The crew and I are working very hard to make sure the comic is above and beyond everything it ever was. 

So, what is this "big  secret project"?

For later installments in the series, I am creating an interactive online experience known as Sparklecare Explore, which is a deep-dive into the internet inside the comic- a dive that you can actually take yourself. Explore is a series of sub-sites connected to the main comic site that all take place "in universe," meaning they're sites that the characters in the comic itself would be using on their computers.

The purpose of these sites: Connecting to deeper lore and information that isn't accessible by just reading the comic alone. These websites will not only be littered with foreshadowing to create extra special dramatic irony, but there's also something much more major boiling beneath the surface... 

Something so vital to the most major plot points, you'll almost want to warn the characters of the dark things they don't know- that you will learn.

I'm currently working on the first sub-site, which is a cartoonish looking "forum" website where citizens of the planet chat with each other about their common interests.

Here's the site main menu- nice hover interactions!

A little dropdown for the board names...

Totally real login page!

Totally real sign up page...

And a peek at the actual boards and threads, and a user profile example. This is all php stuff. If you don't know what that is or what it looks like...

It looks like this. Looks fun huh?

When I have more progress on OurCove I'll upload a demo version that patrons can play around with! It's mostly just adding the content and database at this point.

Thanks for reading! 


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