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Hey guys, it's been a bit since the last post! As we all know, V4 is about to finish publishing in a couple weeks, and V5 is on its way! I'll also be focusing on revamping the site before then, but that doesn't mean V5 isn't/won't be in production. Today I've got an exciting thing to share - the official covers of V5!

This is probably the most colorful a cover has ever looked- we probably will be getting good use out of that saturation slider I have planned. I'll make a post about that and more soon!

The sketch for this cover was first revealed in this post, and it's quite a contrast from the full-color version! This has potential to be tweaked before release as always, but it's the current version we have.

Next, here's the back cover...

A bit of a vague premise, but you can probably get an idea of what's going on here.

Now, for anyone who hasn't figured it out, Brigh is the technical protagonist of this volume. This is the first time we see anything going on in the city itself since V1 - even in V2, we didn't really see the city. You have to wonder what might be going on, yeah?

That's all I've got to share today, but I'm going to start making posts regularly again! Thank you guys for your patience and support! <3


png of angry baldi (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 11:05:10 this is going to be awesome
2024-03-20 01:11:42 this is going to be awesome

this is going to be awesome

Siri Descent

cracktheory: brigh will get admitted to sparklecare in v5