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Hi everyone! Going to try to make this a quick!I have updated the rules, tiers, and included a BRAND NEW $20 tier that's totally seiso! >///>

**Before I continue everyone MUST read the new Patreon rules here, in my about (etiquette/precautions)** With all these add-ons, my rules really needed an update. I will not take breaks lightly, please make sure to read EVERYTHING

Anyway, some tiers have CHANGED and I want to say now **those already pledged before these changes will NOT be affected but going forward**, these are the changes now.

Changes/rewards that have moved: For example, Patreon chat is now only available to $5 and up tiers and Game night VC’s are now $10 and up! (if you're a 1-3 dollar tier, you will still have access to the chat)

 I have to figure out how i’m going to organize keeping game members who were in the previous $5 tier a passing role on discord to still play (unless you don’t mind upgrading to $10). Will ask this week for any previous invaders to participate to drop a reaction so I can give a game pass for you to still be in game nights. BUT going forward game nights are now the Sugoi slime tier/for new coming members!

The new 18+ chat: This is a feature that's new and only for $5 and up tiers! This chat is for lewd convo and Nii NSFW tribute (more info on it in the Tier and there will be new/updated Patreon server rules dropping later for this channel and Patreon chat in gen). This will open up later today or tomorrow (so busy asjda) 

New added reward for the $10 tier ASMR will now be a reward along with voting on the topic! This will be an ASMR accessible to everyone in that tier and up!

$50 and $100 Pledge upgrades/changes: Most everything has been kept the same except no more voice lines. Barely anyone has ordered them/preferred the ASMR’s. If you want voice lines, check my commission site on twitter! For the $100 dollar tier, a new benefit has been added along with ASMR so please check that out!

The new $20 Tier: Why don’t you go check it out for yourself? There is quite a bit in there! Posts for that tier will start up this month– >///<

Thank you all for reading!! I hope you all like all these new add-ons and such. I tried to take them my rewards a step up from what i’ve seen from other Patreons/add my own unique things and I hope ppl can appreciate this new things:’3

Can’t wait to see you at my Debut!




This changes are great! They make every tier very appealing to get! I think this is a big improvement! And since you made a seiso tier, I guess I'll get it since I'm very seiso ehehehe


Great changes, looking forward to what's to come :3