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Hey guys, i'm so sorry I didn't post on last month; it was one of the craziest months i've ever had and I didn't have time to myself for quite sometime. Anyway, here is the required info for VIP senpai, you guys can give me 10 lines, to make up for missing last month :')

****Please read the guidelines before you hand in lines*****

♡ if you are only in VIP Senpai please **do not** DM me lines, please put them here

♡  Please leave the type of voice along with your line. if you don't leave me a tone i'll be creative with it :)

♡I will not voice lewd lines in a loli voice. If you want them in my normal voice (as i'm over 18) I can do that

♡ I will take more NSFW just please don't make me make special noises for like 10 seconds lol

♡ People who are in WHEEZE tier, please put your 5 lines here and then please DM me your other 5 lines :)

♡  You can have 2 lines be two sentences, please keep the other 3 to one sentence (Wheeze tier, you have more sentence length option, if you forget just ask me)



Ever try fighting crime in a rubber suit? Really seals in the flavor... (batman voice) Hey, so... I never asked... do you like... guacamole? (lewd voice) Why dont you try a shirt with some sleeves there, Romeo. (brittish accent) Now how in the hell do ya turn a phrase? (southern accent) N-nyaa! Senpai its time to wake up! (Really just hoping for a Nii wake up alarm here, please do as you see fit, if thats a no go then no worries!) Do you want ants? Because thats how you get ants. Dude can I just sit here and eat my cupcake? (sad loli) *sigh* Grey... youre an idiot ( sometimes it just needs to be said... preferably with a tone of exhaustion)


Its time to flex your southern accent! (All of these should be in a southern accent) "Anyone can piss their pants. It takes a real man to piss his shirt too." "The four rules of being a cowboy. Be rootin', be tootin', be shootin', but most importantly be kind." (The rest of these are a collection of countryisms I know. "I'm finer than a frog hair split three ways" "I'm more scared than a cat in a room full of rocking chairs" "You're about as sharp as a mashed tater" "Well that's about as clear as mud" "Well I'm just tickled pink!" "Well butter my ass and call me a biscuit!" "He's deader than a doornail" "Don't pee on my head and try to tell me it's rainin' !"


disregard the last reply! your comment didn't full load for some reason xD i can do this for ya!