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Hey guys! First off, thank you for all the support ;;o;; i've gotten quite a handful of newcomers these past couple of days. I just wanted to give a friendly reminder to new ppl and those who have been here for a while! 

Please make sure you have read the welcome message: These are important for any tier amount. It will ask you to read my rules/etiquette in my about (which should always be done in any setting that has them) 

 For people in the $5 and up tiers: In the welcome message (which I hope everyone read) it asks you to send me your snapchat username. It's gotten to the  point I've been getting so many patreons each week, which is why I included this in the welcome. Please make sure you provide me your users if you want in on the group because I will just assume you aren't interested if you do not provide me your user.

Getting your discord role: While my server is locked, only people who have paid and gotten in their tier can enter my server (make sure your patreon is hooked to discord, there are very easy instructions on google if you don't know how) . 

VIP senpai and Wheeze tier: All the info is on those tiers :D If you don't participate in post or hand me lines via dm (wheeze tier only) each month, you won't get any lines from me :')  Please make sure you participate each month to get the most out of your tiers! 


Will you do ASMR's again: Now that I got my reg mic set up again, I will be going back into those. However, these aren't going to be released as frequently as other post. I've made quite a bunch already, so please make sure to look through patreon (this is also due to the lack of engagement they get and just taking time to make, I dont want them to be half-assed) 

Will you open your server back up: I want to open it back up in July. I'll be honest, having it closed has taken off a lot of stress from the mods and I. If it ends up getting too crazy I might just have it the way it was from now on, we will see!

Do you have original songs in the making, when will they be out: I do! Those are going to take more time so I can't really give a date atm (def have one before the end of 2020). I also have a lot on my plate atm so those are less of a priority  atm 

Thank you guys so much again!! :'3 



Yeah take care of yourself first and foremost ^-^ we can wait for content if you need time