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So, this idea just kinda occurred to me while i'm having a bit of down time to collect myself: Would anyone be interested a lore surrounding my OC of her just going on various adventures? I would also be commissioning art to fit with the audio! Let me know :3 and if you have any idea's, I love to hear them! I'm still doing the other route of the last Rp audio!



Nii's bizarre adventures? Hecc ye!

Kevin McKenna

As soon as I saw "slight lewd warning" my mind went to those tropey anime moments where a character falls/mistakes herself into being super lewd :P But I love the idea of fun and cute adventures!


awh hell yeah


I mean. I am that random vore guy in the discord lol. For real though I like the idea of your character misunderstanding lots of things as lewd and getting embarrassed.


I really really like the idea Nii!