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Hey guys,

As some of you may know I am in finals week right now and it's been a living hell (its going to be like this until the 19th). I owe tiers to some of you and you will get them along with an add  on because I feel really bad I am late on them. Life is really crazy right now and i'm not doing well, I am very ill from stress.  I also have many commissions to do that aren't part of patreon so I am behind. The fact you are all so patient means a lot to me, thank you guys

The update: I believe I have mentioned this but soon I will be changing YT channel's as well as my handle, I will be going by N i i. My goal for 2019 is to break through as an online artist and someday when I get bigger go beyond that be a real artist. I am only perusing this further because you guys give me strength and make it possible for me, I cannot thank you all enough.

Bonus: A few weeks ago I was forced to eat  a giant ball of wasabi and it got filmed, who wants to see? 

Lots of love,

Nikki <3  



What person would force 愛らしいかわいい女の子 to eat wasabi?