Lately, while I was thinking about what to post about the mod, it made me think that maybe for some (or maybe just me O.o) posting stuff not exactly related to the update of Yuriana mod could be perceived as "disappointing".
With that I mean posting stories or some side things like the buxom npc replacers or FO4 Yuriana. Even while taking pics like the one above I thought: "I should just work on the update instead of taking pics". It felt as if I was wasting time trying to make a wench story O.o
So I'm curious about what people think. I think most people play Skyrim from time to time and it may be nice for them to have some "wenches side content" while they wait for the update. What do you think?
This poll is to help me know what is interesting for people to check when getting a post notification and want to see more of. I would like people to get excited when noticing I posted something so maybe just choose what you would think will do that :P
Any comments or suggestions are also more than welcome. Maybe you like the stories but would like to see less of Yuriana and more of other wenches. I didn't want to overcomplicate the poll but I'm still curious what people think ;)