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heya! another advice/rant/thoughts video 

I just quickly made a small separate channel for these kinds of videos and will throw small videos of things I find interesting on! 

if you guys actually want more in depth advice on how to love yourself fully, I guess let me know in the comments and I could do a follow up video

lots of love,

dd <3


it will never be enough



I enjoy hearing your rants/perspectives. So far, I also find myself agreeing with you 🤗


I said this a few days ago and I was really excited to be able to listen to these videos you posted this week. I absolutely love the content where you share your thoughts! I am extremely enchanted (no pun intended!) with the way you think and organize your feelings into words, the way you speak, and how your emotions come through as you defend your point of view, like in that one about hating relationship advice (I must admit the hatred was quite apparent, and I had a lot of fun listening and agreeing). It's really charming. Also, I love the relaxed and light-hearted way you can talk about topics that involve emotions and are therefore very intimate subjects that people may not talk about as often as we would like. Thank you so much for sharing with us, and I am definitely looking forward to the next ones! Sending love and warmth, I hope you recover soon and feel better! Again, I apologize for any grammatical errors present in the message. 💜