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Quite happy with the new processing technique for making 180° 3D videos, I'm experimenting to get a sharper image for the mirror effects now. In this very short animation featuring Princess Peach the mirror is a combination of render target camera and panel.





Warning, the animation is just a loop of 30 frames, but here is a little story for it:

While standing in front of the castle and reaching out with your fist to knock at the door, the words of that small, moustachioed Italian run through your head: "beat at the port and say 'itsemi Mario!' to gete peach". This information was part of a barter consisting of you giving him a bunch of mushrooms to get a red cap, brand M and a fake mustache. There were lots of mushrooms, flowers, leafs and gold coins lying around his place, what makes one think he was running this business for a while now. He explained to you that some of these make him bigger, others let him fly or shot fire and after collecting 100 coins he would get an extra life. He's cuckoo, that's what you thought. You knock at the door and it opens by itself while you hear a teasing female voice calling "come in, it's always open..".



Iris Silvery

Love your works , Have you think about PSVR with Littlstar app support? The parameters and codec are here : <a href="https://goo.gl/oooP1n" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/oooP1n</a> <a href="https://goo.gl/bWcQ22" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/bWcQ22</a> I used to enjoy your works with 2160x1080 movies on PSVR with littlstar (btw HEVC codec is not supported by PS4) Just wanna let you know ;)


Thank you :) I'm always glad for feedback to improve compatibility to more VR devices. I'll check the littlstar requirements for sure later.