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Themes: Foursome, Monster Sex, Mind Break

Summary: Part 3 of True Happiness. The true conquest of Konoha has begun. The start is claiming the current Hokage and her two pupils. Naruko enjoys some light-hearted payback on her first crush, while Kurama in particular very much enjoys fucking Hashirama's spawn like nothing else. Tsunade, Sakura, and Shizune, meanwhile, just enjoy surrendering to the inevitable~ 


The Hokage’s Tower stood in the center of Konoha, a veritable fortress from which the Ninja Village’s leader could rule. As a result, it had the highest levels of security and the strongest defenses in the entire village. It would take an entire army to successfully assail it, and a great deal of skill and guile to properly infiltrate it.

… Or one could just be invited right inside by the Hokage herself. As Naruko Uzumaki stands there squirming in the middle of the Hokage’s Office, She bites her lower lip, looking to her sides where Shizune and Sakura both stand with their arms crossed over their chests. Meanwhile, behind the desk of the Hokage sits Tsunade Senju herself, the last Princess of the Senju Clan.

The tension in the room is undeniably thick. Thick enough to be cut with a kunai. Her Master had already told Naruko not to worry… but it was hard for the pigtailed blonde to stay calm, truth be told. Because one way or another, everything was about to change.

Finally, Tsunade lifts her hand… and snaps her fingers. Immediately, the office’s security measures go into effect. The entire place goes into lockdown and Naruto flinches at the feel of them being cut off from the outside world. The ANBU Guards in charge of protecting the Hokage with their lives will be on the outside now, unable to see inside, but ready to defend any threats from without. However, threats from within… they won’t be able to help with those unless Tsunade ends the lockdown.

As soon as the four of them are all alone, Tsunade rises from her seat… and removes the Hokage’s hat, setting it on a stand as she also discards her robes. Then, she gives Naruko a wide grin.

“Shall we?”

The female Uzumaki blushes, but when her lips open, it’s not her voice that answers… its Kurama’s, using her as a mouthpiece.

“Let’s begin.”

What happens next… Naruko will be honest, a lot of it flies right over her head. Tsunade comes out from behind her desk and moves to join Shizune and Sakura as they all advance upon her. Naruko might have been more afraid, but her Master assures her that everything is going according to plan. She might not get everything, but one thing is certain… she’s happier when she follows Kurama’s lead, so that’s what she’s going to continue doing.

Everyone’s clothes come off, and chakra begins to fly around as Tsunade uses a brush to begin modifying Naruko’s seal along with medical techniques that are apparently designed to adapt the pigtailed blonde kunoichi’s body to be able to handle what is to come better.

Sakura, Shizune, and Tsunade all get seals of their own and similar modifications, albeit far less involved than Naruko’s. But then to be fair, all they all need is to have bodies that can handle their new Master’s inhuman, monstrous appetites. Naruko, on the other hand, requires more changes… in order for Kurama to be able to manifest himself in the office.

It happens quite suddenly, at least from Naruko’s perspective. Between one moment and the next, it’s not longer just the four kunoichi… it’s the four kunoichi and their massive fox master. Kurama towers over them all, having to crouch in order to avoid brushing against the ceiling of the office. His eyes glitter with avarice and desire, his lips pulling back to reveal rows of sharp teeth as he grins wickedly.

“Ah… now this is exciting.”

Naruko can’t help but agree. With a squeal, the naked blonde runs forward and launches herself at Kurama, glomping his furry humanoid body in a hug.

“Master! You’re free!”

One large set of claws comes up and pats Naruko’s back for a moment before encircling her waist to pull her away.

“Mm, not quite, pet. But I’m closer than I’ve been in quite a long time. I like this better anyways… it seems that being trapped inside of humans for so long has given me… human tastes.”

His eyes roam over the beautiful, naked kunoichi in front of him at that. Each is wearing a seal right atop their wombs at this point, one designed to allow them to handle his monstrous member without being hurt by it. All of them pant equally in anticipation… but in the end, Kurama’s eyes settle on one in particular.

“You. You will go first.”

Tsunade’s First Apprentice, Shizune, goes wide-eyed and wordlessly points at herself as if to say ‘me? Really?’. Kurama just laughs and nods his head.

“Yes. You will do nicely. Naruko, pet… enjoy your teammate while you also enjoy the show, alright?”

Naruko pouts a little bit as she’s set back down on her feet. On the one hand, part of her wishes she could be her Master’s first conquest now that he’s finally in the physical world. But on the other hand, Naruko knows that she’s been fucked silly by Kurama dozens if not hundreds of times by this point. And it doesn’t matter that all those times happened in her mind, because they felt real to Naruko and were no less real then if they’d happened here in the real world.

Besides, now that the modifications to her seal and body are complete, the pigtailed kunoichi knows it’s only a matter of time before she’s spitted upon her Master’s big fat inhuman cock. With that in mind, Naruko turns to Sakura and grins wickedly, causing the other girl to blush profusely.

“I told you so, Sakura~”

Scowling a little, the pink-haired kunoichi huffs… but after throwing a longing look at Kurama’s member, she just nods in agreement.

“Yes… you were right, Naruko.”

Naruko basks in hearing those words from her smartest teammate for a moment… before all but lunging at the other girl. In moments, she’s sitting on Sakura’s face, making the pinkette eat her out as she rides her head and clenches her thighs around Sakura’s skull, moaning wildly. Sakura moans too, her hands clutching at Naruko’s buttocks as she easily submits, knowing full well that to submit to Naruko is to submit to the Kyuubi… and wanting nothing more than to get fucked by Kurama’s big fat cock just like Naruko does.

Meanwhile, it’s Shizune who gets to go first. The blushing but horny young woman approaches Kurama hesitantly, as if she can hardly believe her luck. Grabbing her up, the humanoid fox monster spins Shizune around so she’s facing the others, and then impales her upon his member in one smooth motion. The reason why he chose her to go first is made readily apparent a moment later when he makes eye contact with Tsunade, who is standing there with a full body blush and hands twitching to touch herself.

“Well, Princess Senju? This is what your apprentice amounts to. This is all you both are good for. Getting fucked upon your Master’s cock.”

Tsunade Senju trembles… before dropping to her knees with a moan, giving into her baser instincts as she gropes herself, squeezing one of her fat tits and dipping two fingers into her cunt down betwixt her thighs.

“Yessss… take it, Shizune. Take our Master’s big fat dick. F-Fuck, you look so good being fucked by the Kyuubi…”

Shizune can’t form words to respond to her teacher, too busy having her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she ahegaos from the pleasure. Kurama bounces her up and down on his dick rather rapidly, leaving her to squeal and quiver and shudder, orgasming over and over again in the process.

Meanwhile, Tsunade moans some more, continuing to babble endlessly.

“I don’t want to be Hokage anymore… I just want to be Master’s fuck toy. Take the responsibility away from me. I never wanted it to begin with. Please Master, please fuck me and my apprentices. Please breed us. Help me revitalize the Senju Clan with your seed!”

Naruko just beams from where she’s riding Sakura’s face. Was that possible? For Kurama to impregnate them? She wasn’t sure, but she certainly hoped so! As for that other thing…

“Don’t worry, Tsunade! I’ll take over as Hokage for you! That way, you don’t have to stress anymore! Believe it!”

Frankly, part of Naruko even regretted dragging the older blonde back to Konoha in the first place. To be fair, she knew she wasn’t ready back then, so if anyone had to be Hokage while Naruko was still training, she would have liked it to be Tsunade. But she also knew that the big-breasted kunoichi had never actually wanted the role.

Though, Tsunade does freeze up for a moment at Naruko’s declaration of intent… only relaxing when Kurama lets out a dark chuckle and speaks up from where he’s still using Shizune like a sex doll, bouncing her up and down on his cock.

“Not to worry, Senju. Naruko will only be taking over as Hokage once YOU have properly trained her. Consider her your successor and make sure to give her all the tools she needs to succeed.”

Moaning at being told what to do by her new Master, Tsunade nods as she returns to playing with her body.

“Y-Yes… I c-can do that…”

Naruko just beams happily. She was so glad that everything had worked out for the best. She would have hated to have to depose Tsunade in an actual coup… she loved the older woman, just like she loved Shizune and Sakura as well. Speaking of which, Naruko’s eyes flutter as Sakura’s tongue hits a particular deep point inside of her and for a moment the pigtailed blonde whites out as she experiences a truly impressive orgasm at the hands and mouth of her teammate.

When she comes back to herself, riding Sakura’s face all the way down, its to discover that Kurama has finished with Shizune… and moved on to Tsunade. Naruko’s eyes light up in delight as she sees the beautiful, bombshell of a Fifth Hokage currently face down, ass up. The Kyuubi’s clawed hands are pinning Tsunade’s hands to the floor on either side of her as the buxom blonde reverse prostrates herself before him.

His cock pistons in and out of her cunt quite rapidly and their Master fucks his newest… but also oldest toy with a certain gusto that has Naruko’s heart racing in happiness. Thanks to the seals and medical jutsu that Tsunade, Sakura, and Shizune had performed beforehand, Tsunade is more than capable of taking every last inch of Kurama’s cock as well, even if it distends her belly quite visibly just like it did with Shizune.

The sight of the Hokage of Konoha being defiled, debased, and railed should probably have horrified Naruko. But the fact that it’s Naruko’s beloved Master, along with the expression of pure blissed out ecstasy on Tsunade’s face, makes it all too good. It’s lovely to see Tsunade enjoying herself so much, truth be told. It’s positively fantastic the way that she’s clearly having the best time of her life now.

The Fifth Hokage had lost so much. The Slug Princess’ entire life had been marred with tragedy, sacrifice, and responsibilities until the weight of the first two had ultimately led to her abandoning the third. Naruko might have dragged her kicking and screaming back into that life of responsibility, but she was making it up to Tsunade now… by showing her she didn’t have to struggle anymore. Nor run either.

She could just be Master Kurama’s pet like Naruko was… like they all were. She was just so happy that at the end of the day, so far every kunoichi in Konoha had turned out to be unrepentant sluts eager to be plowed silly by big fat monster fox cock. And she could hardly wait to let Ino, Hinata, and Satsuki in on the news that Kurama could now manifest himself in the real world, so that they too could all be fucked upon his true majestic member.

Bucking her hips and moaning some more, Naruko cums on Sakura’s face again, while Kurama fills Tsunade with his seed, leaving her insensate and face down on the floor of her own office. Then, pulling free of her tightly clenching cunt, he moves over to Naruko and her teammate.

For a moment, Naruko thinks that she’s going to have to get off of Sakura’s face finally. But then Kurama surprises her. One set of claws wraps around Sakura’s waist. One set of claws wraps around Naruko’s. Then… the humanoid furred Kyuubi lifts them both up.

The result is that Naruko’s thighs remain clenched around Sakura’s face as she lets out a yelp and reaches down to grab her teammate’s small tits for support. Meanwhile, Sakura’s cunt is impaled upon the Kyuubi’s cock, their Master’s huge monstrous member filling her up down below.

And finally, Naruko herself pitches forward… in such a way that her mouth winds up right against her Master’s muzzle. Kurama chuckles as his lips peel back and his tongue pushes out and then past her own lips. He dominates the following kiss with his tongue, easily pushing into her mouth and forcing her to submit. Not that Naruko minds one bit. She loves submitting to her Master after all.

Judging by the wanton moans reverberating up through her cunt from Sakura’s mouth, so does her teammate. The pink-haired kunoichi is fucked upon Kurama’s dick and used like a sex toy much in the same way as Shizune was, except with the added ‘bonus’ of also getting to continue eating out Naruko the entire time. Together, Naruko and Kurama tag team Sakura between them, and by the time they’re finished with her, she’s just as insensate and delirious as Shizune and Tsunade have become.

After their new Master has finished cumming in the last of them, Kurama pulls Sakura off of his cock and drops her off to the side with Tsunade and Shizune. Then, he leans back and lets Naruko scale him like a mountain face, positioning herself and then slowly sinking down his length as she runs her hands across his furred chest and nuzzles him happily.

“Mm, Master… you’re finally out here, in the real world.

“That I am, pet. That I am.”

It had been a long time coming. Years in fact. Helping Kurama find a way to manifest himself had been one of Naruko’s goals ever since she’d come to call the Kyuubi her Master. And now here they were.

Safe to say, Naruko had never been more content.


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