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Themes: Willing Bimbofication, Threesome, Dom/Sub

Summary: Part 6 of Bodacious Bombshells. Daphne offers herself to Harry and Hermione if they'll help her sister. But she wants to test what they'll do on herself first. She ends up liking the results and when all is said and done, she begs to stay as part of the growing harem. 


“I want in.”

Harry and Hermione exchange glances at those being the first words out of Daphne Greengrass’ mouth when they meet in the Room of Requirement that evening. There’s some definite shared confusion between the two Gryffindors, mostly because…

“Erm… Daphne, you’re pretty much already in.”

Because of that. Hermione points out the obvious, namely the fact that this is the second time they’ve met in the past two days. Yesterday during their first meeting, the three of them had hammered out a magical contract that would be signed tonight after Daphne test-drived Hermione’s spell. The deal was simple, really. Daphne didn’t necessarily want to be prettier. She didn’t need the beautiful body that Hermione’s magic would provide because she was already plenty sexy by herself.

However, her sister Astoria was suffering from a rare blood disease and as Daphne had stated, between Hermione’s clear genius and Harry’s incredible funds, they should be able to find a cure for her little sister in no time. Until they did, Daphne was willing to whore herself out to Harry, doing whatever he wished of her as payment for their efforts.

The only caveat that the Slytherin Witch had was that before she signed the contract and made the deal, she wanted to use Hermione’s spell on herself for a day and see what it felt like. In the end, after some debate, Harry and Hermione had decided to give her what she wanted. This wasn’t quite the reaction they were expecting, however. Shaking her head, Daphne smiles faintly.

“No. I want to amend the deal. I want to become a permanent member of Potter’s harem. And… I want you to agree to eventually bring Astoria in on this in a couple years as well when she’s older.”

This gets Harry and Hermione to exchange another look. What was even happening here? Brow furrowed; Harry finally speaks up.

“I don’t have any problems with that. But why the sudden change of heart? What exactly is happening here? And why do you want Astoria involved with me and Mione all the sudden? You were adamant that we do not go near her just last night.”

Daphne nods, acknowledging that fact for a moment before glancing at Hermione.

“You really don’t understand what you’ve done, do you? You’re likely the smartest muggleborn of the century and you haven’t a clue that you’ve literally flipped wizarding society on its head with this magic.”

Hermione frowns at that, clearly not sure whether to take Daphne’s comment as a compliment or an insult. It seems like a mixture of both, like a backhanded compliment perhaps.

“… I’m not giving this spell out to just anyone, Daphne. I have no desire to beautify every witch in the Wizarding World just so wizards can get their rocks off easier. This magic is going to be restricted. I’ll make sure of it.”

Daphne just laughs and shakes her head.

“That’s not it, Granger. That’s not it at all. You haven’t just made the beauty charm to end all beauty charms. You’ve made a magical cure-all for any physical ailments that a witch is suffering from, even ones that have been previously stated to be beyond the means of magic to fix.”

Wait, what? Hermione’s eyes widen at that and Harry is pretty sure his do the same. Smiling wryly now, Daphne suddenly strides forward and drops to her knees in front of him, moving to pull open his robes and unbutton and unzip his pants. When Harry makes no move to stop her, she proceeds to pull his cock out of its confines and begin stroking it up and down. At the same time, she looks between the two of them.

“My sister isn’t the only member of my family to have suffered from an illness since childhood. My own illness wasn’t nearly as bad as Astoria’s thankfully… it passed while I was still young and I’ve been fortunate enough to have my health rebound almost entirely. Almost entirely. The illness I suffered from still managed to ruin me in one singular way.”

Looking at Daphne, Harry had a hard time believing it. Though to be fair, she was currently sporting Hermione’s magic, meaning that her breasts were bigger, her lips fuller, her hips wider, her ass larger, and her body was all around the glowing picture of health. Huh, he’d never considered it before, but Hermione’s magic, which was pretty much permanent in nature, DID make any witch it was cast upon really healthy, didn’t it?

That wasn’t the goal so it’d completely slid under the radar, but now that Daphne was pointing it out…

“What? What did the illness do that ‘ruined’ you?”

Hermione steps up beside him, looking down at the kneeling Slytherin Witch with a frown on her lips. Daphne returns that frown with a smile.

“It made me sexually frigid.”

That sends a jolt through Hermione. Harry doesn’t fully understand right away, but thankfully Daphne explains it to him.

“I felt no arousal, I had no desire to have sex, and I could not fathom why boys found me sexy or why I was meant to find them handsome in turn. My reputation as the ‘Ice Queen of Slytherin’ was not unearned, but nobody ever knew the truth.”

Daphne sighs at that.

“My body simply didn’t experience the same signals that other people of our age do. I had no libido. I had no sex drive to speak of whatsoever. And my complete lack of interest in sex left the boys who sought me out because of my looks angry and humiliated when I turned them down one after the other.”

That… did explain a lot. But Daphne…

“You keep saying had. You don’t mean to say…”

Hermione asks the obvious, to which Daphne nods, still smiling in a way neither of them had seen on the characteristically emotionless witch before.

“Yes. Your magic cured me, Granger. Your spell made me a whole new woman, literally. That’s why I’m confident it will do the same for Astoria too once she’s a little older. I hate to leave her to suffer any longer than necessary, but I understand and accept the cost for such magic is being one of Harry Potter’s women.”

Here, Daphne looks at him, still stroking his cock with both hands. After a moment, she smirks and reaches down, doing something so quick with her top that he doesn’t fully register what it is. One moment she’s just giving him a handjob and the next she’s freed her newly enhanced chest and is wrapping it around his cock, giving him a full blown titjob… and moaning up a storm once she’s doing so.

The so-called Slytherin Ice Queen gets hot and eager really fast, moaning up a storm as she shudders and quivers while fondling his phallus with her mammaries.

“W-When I went back to my dorm last night and used the s-spell on myself, I immediately knew w-what happened. I spent all n-night masturbating to the thought of this m-moment. I don’t mind being your woman, Harry Potter. I know y-you’ll, nnngh, t-treat me right…”

Harry stares at the increasingly flustered Slytherin Witch. This wasn’t the Daphne Greengrass he knew at all. And yet…

“That’s right he will. You silly little slut.”

Hermione growls lustfully as she suddenly surges forward, grabbing Daphne by her hair and forcing her to finally take Harry into her mouth.

“No more words now. Just suck his big fat cock and we’ll give you all the pleasure you could possibly want~”

Daphne doesn’t hesitate to obey either. Moaning up a storm, very clearly getting off on having her mouth and tits used like she’s some sort of sex doll, the Slytherin’s eyes threaten to roll back in her head as she swirls her tongue around his cock. Harry groans in response, before reaching out and grabbing a fistful of Hermione’s brunette locks, pulling her in close for a kiss as they pin Daphne’s kneeling form between them.

This wasn’t really how Harry was expecting tonight to go. Oh sure, he and Hermione both thought that chances were high Daphne would go for their deal. So yeah, he kind of knew he’d be fucking the Ice Queen of Slytherin tonight. He just hadn’t expected her to be all that into it. He’d expected her to be reluctantly willing to do what she needed to do for her sister’s sake and nothing else.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

As it turned out though, Daphne was more in this for herself than her sister anymore. Oh sure, she still wanted them to cure Astoria… but now it sounded like they wouldn’t even have to work for it. All they would need to do was wait a year or two and Astoria would be old enough to join the harem and be cured by Hermione’s magic, just like that.

“Hulghk! Hulghk! Hulghk!”

In the meantime, Daphne sounded like she might become one of his most ardent supporters… after Hermione of course. One of his most eager sluts and fuck toys. That… that turned Harry on more than he cared to admit. So much so that he couldn’t really hold back any longer. With a lustful growl into Hermione’s lips, he blows his load right into Daphne’s throat.

Of course, the formerly frigid young woman isn’t ready for it. She’s never done anything like this before and she’s clearly flying by the seat of her pants, that much is obvious. She gurgles and chokes on his seed just like she’s been gagging on his prick and more than half of his load winds up exploding out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, painting her newly bimbofied pale breasts even whiter than they already were.

Her plush lips suction down as best they can, but it’s a lost cause and Daphne winds up looking positively facialized as Harry finally pulls out of her accommodating throat. Her eyes are glazed over as she blows an involuntary cum bubble from her pillowy lips.

Hermione then proceeds to grab the Slytherin Witch by her hair and yank her back and up, spinning her around before Daphne can even get her bearings and forcing her into a standing, bent over position. With her back arched and her fat ass raised up in his direction, Harry knows what to do next, even as Hermione gropes and squeezes Daphne’s tits while licking her face clean of his cum.

Stepping forward, he grabs the bimbofied Slytherin Ice Queen by her newly enhanced hips and yanks her backwards… right onto his waiting cock. He impales the beautiful young woman on his massive, meaty spear right there on the spot, and is quite pleased when she lets out a squeal of delight and experiences a gushing, explosive orgasm right there upon penetration.

Should have expected that really. Given what she’d told them so far, Daphne wasn’t just experiencing the pleasure of being with a man for the first time, she was experiencing pleasure as a whole for the first time. Harry’s cock tears right through her virginity, but it doesn’t even matter because she’s already sopping wet for him from how aroused she got from the earlier titjob.

As Hermione continues to maul Daphne’s new tits and kiss the Slytherin Witch, Harry fucks her from behind, the two of them easily tag-teaming her between them without any resistance whatsoever. Obviously, Daphne wasn’t even remotely complaining. Her newly bimbofied body was like putty in their hands, completely and totally slack and eager to please and be used however they desired. And oh did they desire a lot.


Fucking Daphne hard and fast, pounding into her plush backside while squeezing her full hips all the while, Harry growls as he gives it to the gorgeous Slytherin Witch. He’d expected one thing from her and got another entirely… so he would make sure to enjoy that for as long as possible.

Hermione was clearly of a similar mind, because once the brunette is done licking Daphne’s face clean and massaging his seed into the other witch’s big fat tits, the Room of Requirement suddenly shifts around them, a large bed forming on one side of the room at Hermione’s whim. Then, dragging Daphne over by her nipples, Hermione forces them both to move with her lest Harry’s cock slip out of Daphne’s clenching but also slick cunt.

Dragging them all up onto the bed, Hermione lays back and pulls Daphne’s head down between her thighs, forcing the Slytherin Witch to return the favor. This is something that the former Ice Queen has no problem with doing however, judging by the licking and slurping noises and Hermione’s resulting wanton moans.

Grinning, Harry just kneels behind Daphne’s form and continues to fuck her from behind now that she’s on all fours before him. Heh, if anyone in Hogwarts found out that THE Daphne Greengrass, Ice Queen of Slytherin, was willingly getting fucked doggystyle by the Boy-Who-Lived while eating out the smartest muggleborn the Wizarding World had ever seen, they’d almost certainly lose their minds.

And yet that’s exactly what happens. Harry drives into Daphne’s depths so hard and so fast that he winds up ramming up against the ex-virgin’s womb at a certain point. Rather than cause her pain, this only seems to cause the bimbofied Slytherin even more pleasure, until she’s cumming so often upon his cock that there’s a puddy of juices forming between her knees.

Meanwhile, Hermione is definitely putting Daphne’s mouth and tongue to good use, moaning up a storm and rolling her eyes around in her skull as she humps the other girl’s face. If you asked the average Hogwarts Student, they would tell you that Daphne and Hermione had an Academic Rivalry going on. But this was only because Daphne was the closest to Hermione’s grades… and even then, it still wasn’t very close.

Certainly, the two witches had never acted like rivals, not in the same way Draco kept trying to make a rivalry happen with Harry only to wind up actually in a rivalry with Ron over the years. No, Daphne and Hermione weren’t truly rivals at all… but there’s no denying that Hermione is taking a certain amount of pleasure from using Daphne’s mouth beyond just the Slytherin Witch’s enthusiastic technique.

All good things come to an end though. With a groan, Harry finishes off a second time in Daphne Greengrass, this time creampieing her and leaving her to conk out as she completely and utterly passes out from the pleasure. As her body shakes and spasms in its unconscious state, Harry and Hermione carefully set her to the side and Harry moves up between Hermione’s legs, sliding right into her.

As they make tender love to one another, Hermione looks up into Harry’s eyes and bites her lower lip.

“Harry… Daphne was right. I had no clue what my magic was truly capable of. This… this changes everything.”

Harry tilts his head to the side for a moment before nodding and smiling down at her.

“Whatever happens next, we’ll face it together Mione.”

Her worry washes away at that and they kiss a second later, locking lips as they enjoy each other’s bodies for some time after that.


Colin Peden

Definitely not where I thought this was going to go. I can't wait to see what Hermoine's spell will do to the wizard world. I wonder if there is a way to separate the Bimbofication from the health improvement? If not, Harry is going to have one huge harem.


Keeping it in the family even if it cures anyone would be best. Can get every family that would be worthwhile to them to be related in a generation or two. Then just use the political capital they gain to destroy the rot and build something better.


I wonder if the spell could be further improved to heal the non-physical as well? If so I think Alice Longbottom might potentially have a cure on the way~