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Chef's Kiss Ch. 30 (Fate/Grand Order)

  • Fuck Mash while Ritsuka has her pinned down 191
  • Fuck Ritsuka and leave Mash wanting more 46
  • 2024-02-22
  • —2024-03-06
  • 237 votes
{'title': "Chef's Kiss Ch. 30 (Fate/Grand Order)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Fuck Mash while Ritsuka has her pinned down', 'votes': 191}, {'text': 'Fuck Ritsuka and leave Mash wanting more', 'votes': 46}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 6, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 22, 16, 33, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 237}


A/N: Shirou takes charge, Ritsuka is relieved.


Ritsuka Fujimaru had never been so thoroughly overwhelmed. Pinned down under her darling kouhai, her eyes are wide as Mash kisses her messily and insistently, moaning into her mouth. The demiservant is definitely stronger than her, but also it doesn’t necessarily feel too bad either.

Besides, this was what she wanted… wasn’t it? Sure, she hadn’t told Mash or Boudica exactly what she intended for them all to do tonight. But she wouldn’t have brought Mash along if she didn’t want to include her. It was just… she’d thought that the Shielder already KNEW!

That was obviously not the case. It felt sort of like Mash was having a mental breakdown at the moment, the way she was acting. And all Ritsuka could do was moan and squirm underneath her kouhai. Some Master of Chaldea she was. Maybe if she could get her mouth free, she could use a Command Seal on Mash… but the other girl is insistent on kissing the ever living daylights out of her… and Ritsuka has to admit, she kind of likes it.

B-But this wasn’t really what she had in m-mind! She wanted Shirou to be involved! She wanted Mash and Boudica to learn what a great guy he was… at the end of his big fat cock! At least Boudica was probably getting that experience right now… at least she’d managed that much, right?

“Mash. You need to stop.”

Ritsuka blinks as Shirou’s voice suddenly rings out in the tent. His tone is one of no-nonsense and it even brings Mash up short. The demiservant pulls away from Ritsuka to look back over her shoulder at Shirou, scowling angrily even as she keeps Ritsuka pinned down.

“S-Stay out of this! This is between me and my Senpai!”

With Mash pulled away, Ritsuka is able to crane her neck a bit to see what’s happening past her. Shirou no longer has Boudica on the bed of furs like Ritsuka last noted. Instead, both of them are standing just a couple feet away at this point, with Boudica looking amused more than put-out and Shirou looking stern with Mash.

Though at hearing Mash’s words, his face softens and turns a little contemplative.

“You know… I have a somewhat unruly kouhai myself, Mash. She’s a bit of a handful and can get out of control sometimes. But she’s never once disobeyed her Senpai outright. Because a kouhai doesn’t do that sort of thing, now do they?”

Ritsuka watches as Mash’s face goes through a number of conflicting expressions before settling right back to mulish anger. She scowls at Shirou, clearly unamused by his efforts to manipulate her.

“I’m not disobeying my Senpai! She hasn’t told me to stop! This is what she wanted, isn’t it?! So really… you’re the one getting in the way!”

It becomes apparent that Shirou alone isn’t going to get through to her. Ritsuka will have to step in. She could use a Command Seal now that her lips are free, but in the end the red head balks at the idea. Instead…

“Mash. Listen to Shirou.”

She doesn’t use a Command Seal, but you wouldn’t know it from the way her kouhai goes through a full body shudder as she slowly turns her head back to Ritsuka with an audible creaking noise. The one visible eye from beneath her bangs is wide as she stares down at Ritsuka in horror. But Ritsuka doesn’t let up. In fact, she thinks she’s found a solution!

“Please Mash… in a way, Shirou is MY Senpai. And that makes him your grand-senpai. So please, listen to him for me?”

Mash’s horror only grows at that idea.

“N-No… Senpai, don’t say things like that. T-That man… he’s not worthy of b-being your anything. He’s c-corrupted y-eep!”

Reaching up, Ritsuka suddenly gives Mash’s tits a squeeze. Even though the demiservant is straddling her and they were just making out, Mash still squeaks and jumps in place, whimpering as Ritsuka goes to town on her chest.

“I’ve always wanted to do this, you know? Ever since we first met, I’ve wanted to play with your tits, Mash. Really… I’ve always been a pervert. Shirou didn’t do anything but let me be myself.”

Mash glances between Ritsuka’s hands and Ritsuka’s face, quivering but not trying to pull away from her touch.

“I… I…”

Ritsuka just smiles up at her.

“I want us all to be happy, my darling kouhai. And I’m happiest when I’m with Shirou. So please… give it a try for me? Just this once?”

Mash whimpers… but also arches her back instinctively, pushing her chest into Ritsuka’s hands. And so Ritsuka knows she has her kouhai right where she wants her.


Shirou finds himself in a position that would make any man green with envy. Sitting in the lap of a beautiful, big-breasted woman with his back against her massive chest while two young cuties kneel before him between his legs. Ritsuka beams up at him while Mash’s eyes dart between his cock and Ritsuka’s face, uncertainty still writ-large across her features.

And yet, the demiservant capitulates when Ritsuka clasps her hands behind her back and then leans in to begin worshipping one side of his cock with her mouth and tongue. Mash does the exact same thing with some hesitance, her own hands clasped behind her back to match Ritsuka and her tongue slipping out just barely to press against his cock.

However, at seeing Ritsuka’s enthusiastic gusto, it’s not long before the demiservant is trying to match her Senpai’s pace, not wanting to disappoint Ritsuka any further.

Speaking of disappointment, Shirou is glad that Boudica is so chill about all of this. He was literally about to fuck her when he’d decided to change course. But he’s pretty sure that if he’d let Mash have her way with Ritsuka, it might not have gone well in the long term. This was better, especially with how happy Ritsuka seemed to be, being on her knees before him again.

He reaches out to place his hands atop both girls’ heads, only for Mash to jerk her head away at first. He doesn’t force it though, instead he runs his fingers through Ritsuka’s hair, massaging her scalp and making the young Master of Chaldea moan as she continues to slurp and suck at the side of his cock. At seeing this happening, Mash flushes and pointedly puts herself back in range of his other hand, not actually asking for it, but definitely wanting it. Or at least wanting to appear like she wants it.

Shirou just smiles, running his hands through both their hair and massaging Mash’s scalp just as much as he massages Ritsuka’s. Despite herself, the demiservant is soon letting out cute noises as well. Not quite moans, but sort of aborted mewls in the back of her throat as she tries to contain her reaction and not let on that she’s enjoying his touch one bit.

At the same time, he has a certain Stray Servant behind him. Seated upon Boudica’s pillowy thighs, feeling her equally pillowy tits against his back, Shirou also has the beautiful motherly woman leaning in to whisper in his ear, her hot breath ghosting across his earlobe as she does so.

“The one on the right certainly seems to have a high opinion of you.”

Technically she speaks quietly enough that the words are meant only for him… but while Ritsuka can’t hear with her normal human hearing, Mash’s demiservant ears definitely pick up on it. Shirou just grunts in response though, and even graces Mash with as kind a smile as possible. He’s not the bad guy here… or at least, he’s not trying to be.

At the same time though, he’s not going to let Mash have her way with Ritsuka just like that. No, only he’s allowed to push the young woman down and have his way with her! Hm, that didn’t sound quite right…

Either way, between the three women that he’s currently being pleasured by, Shirou isn’t going to last forever. He simply can’t last forever. Instead, with Mash and Ritsuka’s tongues on his cock and Boudica’s breasts against his back and hands roaming over his chest… Shirou finds himself reaching his limit quite swiftly. He warns them all, of course.

“I’m getting close, ladies…”

Boudica’s hands still and her chin comes down to rest on his shoulder in anticipation of the explosive finish she’s about to witness. Mash freezes up, looking like she’s caught between fleeing and not knowing what to do. But Ritsuka… Ritsuka doesn’t hesitate. She leans around the side of his cock to the front and takes his dick tip in between her lips, moaning as she eagerly and enthusiastically begins to suck on him with all her might.

Seeing this, Mash hesitates for a moment too long… and clearly doesn’t realize that them clasping their hands behind their backs is purely on an honor system. At least, she doesn’t realize that until Ritsuka abruptly unclasps hers, reaches out, and grabs Mash in a one-arm hug. Pulling the surprised demiservant in close, Ritsuka pops off of Shirou’s cock just in time to press her cheek into Mash’s cheek and open her mouth wide to loll out her tongue. Ritsuka’s other hand comes up and gives Shirou’s already engorged, ready to blow shaft a quick, rough tug.

A moment later and Shirou grunts as he proceeds to pop. His seed, churning in his balls, explodes out down the length of his cock and spurts all over both Ritsuka and Mash’s faces and chests. Ritsuka moans while Mash whimpers, each of them getting positively covered in his jizz as a result. Boudica hums in amusement from her place resting on his shoulder, her arms still wrapped around him and her tits still pressed against his back.

Of course, Shirou is just getting started. He wouldn’t be much of a harem protagonist if he was a one and done kind of guy. He even sees the exact moment that Mash Kyrielight notices this. Ritsuka’s darling kouhai is wiping his cum off of her face and then finally notices his cock still rock hard and twitching right before her and her Senpai, leaving her gaping in response.

This… this is the time to strike, Shirou realizes. That’s why when Ritsuka looks at him expectantly, he doesn’t even hesitate.

“Ritsuka. Prepare her for me.”

Eyes brightening, the red head immediately pulls her kouhai up onto her feet and into a kiss. With their fronts covered in cum, this only serves to make them messier but Mash doesn’t seem to care. She just melts into Ritsuka’s kissing… allowing for the physically weaker girl to suddenly turn them both and tackle Mash onto the bed of furs right next to Shirou and Boudica. As Ritsuka fully turns the tables on Mash from their earlier position, Shirou slowly extracts himself from Boudica’s grasp, looking back at the woman.

She has a smile of understanding on her face… only for it to morph into an expression of surprise when Shirou tackles her back onto the furs again right alongside the others. He gives her a grin, even as his spit-polished cock nudges against her entrance once more. Then, without another word, he’s inside of her. Boudica moans, making both Ritsuka and Mash glance over for a moment before the former returns to messing up the latter.

As he begins to drive in and out of Boudica, Shirou looks down at her surprised expression with an amused one of his own.

“What? Did you think I was just going to forget about you? Sorry that I had to make you wait… but let’s get back to it, shall we?”

Punctuating his statement with a grunt and a thrust, he makes Boudica squeak under him as he drives deep inside of her. The Stray Servant had been getting a kick out of playing the motherly figure, but now he finally has her on the backfoot. And with Ritsuka putting Mash in her place at the same time, everything looked like it was working out as intended. Though on that note…

“Don’t stop now, Ritsuka.”

Glancing over at the two girls next to him as he fucks Boudica into the furs, Shirou gives Ritsuka a grin. The other red head has stopped for a moment to watch him plow the Britannian Queen, but Shirou can’t have her doing that, especially seeing how Mash is starting to squirm under her in the process. Thankfully, his domineering tone has exactly the effect he’s hoping it will. Ritsuka blushes and nods rapidly before returning to the task at hand, following his orders quite… enthusiastically.

Mash doesn’t even get a word out before she’s muffled again by Ritsuka’s lips, forced to moan as Ritsuka prepares the other girl for him with an eagerness that can’t be matched. Shirou, meanwhile, slams his cock into Boudica time and time again, even as he contemplates next steps. Does he fuck Mash tonight? Or does he finish with Boudica, fuck Ritsuka on top of Mash, and then leave the demiservant wanting more?

He thinks she enjoyed the head pats and scalp massage earlier even if she would never admit it out loud. More than that, he’s pretty sure she’s coming around to Ritsuka’s silly comparison of him as her ‘grand-senpai’. But it might be better to continue easing her into things. Make her want it by not giving it to her, perhaps?

Certainly, if he fucked Ritsuka on top of her and left the red head a mewling mess staring Mash right in the eye then she might come away with that jonesing for her own turn. Or… she might not.

Perhaps it was better to just go straight to fucking Mash. She was likely primed for it and if Shirou did it right, she’d enjoy it more than enough to want another round right?

First and foremost though, Boudica comes first. She also cums first, with Shirou using his hands and cock to bring the Stray Servant to orgasm after orgasm. She talked a big game and put on a good show, but now that she was under him impaled upon his cock, she was cumming her brains out for him. And she’d continue cumming her brains out, proving to be an excellent lesson for what would eventually happen to Mash no matter what he chose to do after this.



I just read the synopsis of this story idea how did you get 30 chapters out of something so ass?

Luilli Alvarez

Bete a la mierda ADNjester, solo eres un jester que le gusta criticar las historias