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Themes: Defeated, Humiliation, Anal Sex

Summary: The novice superheroine insists upon waxing on poetic about righteousness and paying for one's misdeeds even after her costume is in tatters, diminishing her gravitas. There's just one problem... why did she fly right past the supervillain's secret ILLEGAL lab and choose to smash up his government-sponsored, completely legal lab instead? The veteran villain has a pretty good idea of what she was really after... and greatly enjoys coaxing the truth out of her~ 


“This is the end for you, Dr. Evil! This is where Truth and Justice prevail! Where you pay for your misdeeds once and for all!”

Doctor Michael O’Malley rolls his eyes at the young blonde’s grandstanding… and at that insipid moniker that she insisted on saddling him with. ‘Dr. Evil’. How… utterly uninspired. To be fair, it wasn’t entirely Disastra’s fault. She was only parroting what the heroes who had come before her told her to say. He’d been Dr. Evil for twenty long years now, ever since his debut right after awakening his super genius at the tender age of eighteen.

Back then, he hadn’t thought much about what the newspapers and law enforcement decided to call him. He’d been too busy surviving by the skin of his teeth in a world where young supervillains were hunted ruthlessly and viciously. Not by heroes mind you. Superheroes were and always had been a purely reactive force. No, those like him in desperate situations with powers as versatile and useful to the general public as super intelligence were very often hunted by all manner of clandestine spy agencies.

Basically, he’d been too busy dodging the Alphabet Agencies to bother trying to come up with his own nomenclature all the way back then. Only now, as he neared forty years of age and looked back at his long and storied past as a supervillain did he regret letting the name ‘Dr. Evil’ stick.

Ah, but enough about him. Focusing on the girl in front of him who was trying to pretend like she had him on the ropes, Michael shakes his head.

“You do realize, Disastra, that you’re losing… right?”

The blonde flushes at that, her blush going all the way down to her chest. Michael should know, because he can quite literally see part of one of her breasts as well as a nipple, all exposed to open air. Not that Disastra seems to care one bit. Normally these novice superheroines were a lot more careful about their modesty. One wardrobe malfunction and you could expect them to go into full retreat to avoid an embarrassing video showing up on the internet.

But not Disastra. The young blonde’s costume was in tatters, proving to not be nearly as tough as the heroine herself. He’d expected her to have better material at this point, but it seemed she was still relying on cutting up bargain bin clothes in order to cobble together her costume, because it had NOT held up to this battle at all.

And yet, rather than cover herself with her arms or flee the battle entirely, she just stood there with her tit out and more of her skin exposed then he’d seen on even some of the more X-Rated Villainesses. It was a little distracting, but not so much that he was letting it keep him from trouncing her entirely. Where Disastra had brute strength, speed, stamina, and durability… Michael had technology. And even in this lab, his super-tech easily trumped Disastra’s powers.

“T-That’s not… no way, Dr. Evil! I’m going to win! I’ll take you down any second now! I won’t lose to you! I know what wicked evil scientists like you do to young, nubile girls like me when we lose! I won’t let you take my chastity after defeating me! I won’t let you slake your perverse desires on me!”

… And then there was that. Look, Michael was a super genius. Which meant he wasn’t completely ignorant to the fact that Disastra seemed to think the absolute worst of him. Sure, he might be a supervillain, but he’d never so much as touched a heroine inappropriately. That sort of conduct was how you got yourself killed by ‘accident’ by vengeful heroines or their hero friends.

He always kept everything above board when it came to how he handled those he defeated in battle. Probably why… well, probably why he was able to get this government contract in his civilian identity in the first place. Back when he was eighteen he might have ran from the Alphabet Agencies with all his heart, but twenty years later and Michael was actually working hand in hand with the US government on developing new weapons and new medicines right alongside one another.

They turned a blind eye to a lot of his darker, more villainous deeds, but if he crossed THAT line, he couldn’t imagine they would be quite so forgiving if they thought he was going around taking liberties with superheroines. And yet during this entire fight, Disastra had been making comments like she thought he was going to do exactly that once she lost.

… Wait…

Michael’s eyes narrow as Disastra once again tries to bum rush him, only to be thrown back by his personal force field and then set upon by his defenses once more in a way that destroys even more of her costume and sends the young blonde to the ground yet again.

There was no way, right? And yet…

“This has gone on long enough.”

With a snap of his fingers, two appendages reach out and apprehend Disastra. She struggles of course, but not as hard as she could have. The appendages are rated for a brute of her strength, but they should still have a lot more trouble than they actually have with her. Was she… was she sandbagging?

“N-No… guh… h-have to… keep fighting… can’t lose… here… not… not to s-someone like you, Dr. Evil…”

“And what, my dear, does that mean?”

Disastra freezes up at his dark, disapproving tone. She trembles as she looks at him with wide, watery eyes.

“I… I’ve lost, haven’t I? And now… now I’m going to face the consequences of m-my actions.”

He can’t believe it took him this long to figure out what was going on. He’d been convinced that he was going to have to find out who was spreading spurious rumors about him and his conduct after this. But instead… it had nothing to do with him, did it? And everything to do with Disastra herself. This foolish girl…

“Yes. You are.”

Disastra shivers and now that he’s looking for it, he sees through the cracks in her façade. The fool girl is actually looking forward to this! Licking her lips to wet them, she pretends to struggle some more.

“W-What are you going to do t-to me, exactly? What… what are you going to make me do FOR you?”

Michael just scoffs.

“Turn you over to the authorities of course. This is a government sanctioned lab, Disastra. I imagine you’re going to prison, though someone will likely bust you out. If not an ally of yours, then someone who will make you some sort of corporate offer so they can sponsor your heroic deeds.”

“Wait… what?”

The look of shock on the blonde superheroine’s face is delicious. Yes, he knows what’s going on here now. And knowledge, as Michael has known all his life, is true power.

“Oh yes. Look around. Do you think this is my REAL secret base? Let me guess, you uncovered my secret identity and looked me up online and thought you had me dead to rights. No, my dear. Now then, let me call the proper authorities and…”

“W-Wait! D-Don’t do that! I’m… I’m sure we can work something out! Please!”

She struggles for real now, but his tech is top notch and as previously mentioned, rated for her superstrength. She can’t escape, even as Michael rolls his eyes at the change in tack. Couldn’t get him to do what she wanted the hard way, so now she’s trying another route.

“Enough. You want to ‘work something out’ my dear? How about this… the truth. Now.”

Disastra blinks in confusion, the half-naked blonde biting her lower lip.

“I… I don’t know what you m-mean.”

Michael scoffs.

“Oh, I’m sure you do. I’m through playing games, girl. Let me tell you how this is going to go. Either you admit right here and right now that you wanted me to defeat and have my dastardly way with you… or I call the authorities.”

The blonde just stares at him gobsmacked. But that’s all the proof he needs that he’s completely right. She can’t even bother to deny it, the little slut. Michael rolls his eyes as the silence stretches on and after a moment, he pulls out a phone and dials 911.

“Nine-One-One, what’s your emergency?”

“W-Wait! Okay! Okay!”

Michael immediately hangs up. He’s not too worried about them hunting him down for ‘prank calling 911’. There’s absolutely no way to trace his number back to him.

Looking truly defeated now, Disastra lowers her head.

“… okay. You’re right… I wanted… I h-hoped… I’m sorry… I-I know I’m a freak…”

Michael just shakes his head and walks over to the downtrodden looking girl. Technically, this is dangerous. She’s now within his personal Force Field and could break him like a twig. But she’s still restrained. More than that, she’s lost completely now and she knows it.

“A freak? More like a slut. But that’s alright. Now that you’ve admitted it… I’m not entirely unwilling to give you what you want.”

The blonde’s head snaps up, her eyes wide.


With a scoff, he clarifies.

“On MY terms, of course.”

“O-Oh! O-Of course! That was the only w-way I ever wanted it, D-Dr. Evil, s-sir…”

Rolling his eyes some more, Michael moves around Disastra. He slides his hands across the tattered remains of her costume. With how torn to shreds it gotten, even his normal human strength is enough to rip the tatters from her ass and crotch, exposing both to his eyes.

“You may come to regret that.”

To his credit, he does make sure to lube up first. He doesn’t want to truly harm her; he just wants to… teach her a lesson. Fortunately, he has some things on hand that will help out in that regard. Disastra whimpers as her ass is manhandled, and squeaks when the lubricant is applied to her backdoor as well.

“T-There, sir? But that’s… that’s the wrong hole.”

No longer fooled in the slightest by her acting, Michael just laughs.

“How long have you been waiting to say that line, girl? Be honest now.”

“… A long time, sir…”

Smirking and shaking his head, Michael finally brings his cock to bear on her asshole. It wasn’t hard to get hard, all things considered. He’d been staring at her ‘nubile’ body as she’d labeled it for a while now, all while it got more and more exposed by their battle. As such, his cock is already nearly at full mast when he finally pushes into her ass from behind.

Disastra squeals as he stretches her wide open upon his cock. She shudders in her bondage, making involuntary jerking motions with her body that cause the appendages holding her in place to creak ominously. Still, after a quick glance Michael ascertains that they’re in no danger of breaking. She’s still held in place and will remain so for the foreseeable future.

That’s good, because while he HAS enhanced himself in several ways over the decades, making him far from just a baseline human in physicality, he’s still not as strong or tough as a true brute. Disastra could tear him limb from limb if she had the mind to do it. Fortunately for him, she does not.

“A-Ah… ooh… I’m such… s-such a bad girl. S-so… n-naught. Guh… g-getting anally fucked b-before even losing my p-proper virginity…”

Seriously? She was still a virgin as well? Well… a virgin she would remain, Michael decides on impulse. Settling in, grasping and squeezing her bountiful buttocks with both hands, he begins to properly fuck her insanely tight ass. If it wasn’t for the lube, he’s not sure he could have even penetrated her in the first place, let alone move around inside of her.

But that’s what super genius lets you do. Invent anything. Innovate everything. With a grunt, Michael thrusts in and out of Disastra, fucking the blonde superheroine with powerful, deep motions up inside of her bowels. In response, the young woman moans all too wantonly, crying out as her ass clenches around his cock and her empty pussy clenches around nothing at all.

A splatter of fluids hits the floor between her legs and is soon added to until a puddle of pussy juices has formed between her legs. With him fucking her ass and leaving her cunt alone, she’s free to squirt her arousal all over the place, making quite the mess of herself. For a moment, Michael considers forcing her to get down and lick it up. The floor of his lab IS fairly sterile after all…

… And why not? She’d probably get off on it, quite frankly.

“Look at the mess you’re making, you little heroine slut.”

“S-Sorry! A-Ah, it’s just… t-too good!”

Michael grins.

“If you’re really sorry, you’ll clean up after yourself.”

Two more appendages join the first two and Disastra squawks as she finds herself forced to the floor and into a face down, ass up position. Confronted with the puddle of her own juices, she doesn’t even have to be told anything more… she immediately leans forward and begins licking them with her tongue. Michael, meanwhile, repositions himself so he’s on top of her and jackhammering into her ass from above, grunting all the while.

He's no stranger to sex between supers. He’s even had a couple of risqué flings with heroines who wanted to live on the wild side a little bit. But he’s never had a heroine who attacked him for the sole purpose of losing and being humiliated like this. It’s certainly a novel experience though and one that Michael decides to enjoy to its fullest extent.

Still, if she thinks she’s getting too much of his time, Disastra has another thing coming. He fucks her good and hard and takes his time with it too… but eventually, all things have to come to an end.

At the last second, he pulls out of the nubile blonde’s ass and grabs hold of her hair, swinging her around and cumming all over her pretty little face. She’s not one of those heroes who wears a mask, so she gets every bit of the ensuing facial on her skin. By the time he’s done with her, she’s coated in his jizz, both on her face and on her tits.

Releasing her hair, Michael steps away from her. He leaves her in a daze, making sure that she’s outside of his personal Force Field again before finally releasing her from the appendages. As they retract, Disastra moans, rubbing her face into the floor like a cat in heat… or maybe like a cat who’s found their forever home. Nope. Not happening.

“Time for you to leave, Disastra.”

“W-What? But…”

“Unless you want to become my personal assistant and a villainess right here and right now, I suggest you go. Though don’t try to spread rumors about me… this entire encounter has been recorded for both our sakes.”

“… Y-Yes sir…”

As she slowly picks herself up and makes her way out of his lab, Michael sighs. Somehow he suspects that isn’t the last he’s seen of the young heroine. But they’ll cross that bridge when they get to it.



Was I the only one who was disappointed she didn't accept the sexy lab assistant position?


Hope this is merely the first of many chapters.