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Themes: Foursome, Breeding, Master/Slave

Summary: Shirou and Sakura are on a Resort Island enjoying their Honeymoon. But when Sakura tells him she has a surprise for him, Shirou doesn't know what to expect. That is, until they arrive back at their room and find Saber and Rider waiting for them.. Shirou would never force himself on them or cheat on Sakura, but when Sakura tells him to dig in and he sees the desire in their faces, his switch is flipped and all three are happily fucked into oblivion. 


“I love you.”

“And I love you too.”

As they share a tender moment, watching the sun set on the horizon from the couch on the patio, Shirou can’t help but feel… content. Happy, even. But then he damn well should! He’s on his Honeymoon after all! More than that, thanks to Sakura being the last living Matou, she’d inherited a fortune. So their Honeymoon, rather than being on a budget, was in fact on a luxurious Resort Island where they’d been waited on by the resort’s staff since their arrival a day before.

Any normal man would have been over the moon at all of this. And Shirou was happy, truly he was. But… he’d never been normal. His was a twisted, unnatural existence. For the longest time, his dream had been to be a Hero. The sort of Hero who saved people. Not just people, but everyone he could. But in the end… he’d been forced to turn away from that path.

In the end he’d been faced with a choice. Sacrifice one person so he could go on to live out his dream of being a Hero and saving everyone else… or sacrifice his dream so he could save that one person, being a Hero to them and them alone.

… The choice he’d made was obvious, given his circumstances. As Sakura curls into his side, he wraps an arm around his wife’s shoulder. Their marriage was still young, but their relationship was ironclad and built on a deep and unfailing certainty that they loved each other with all their hearts. Besides, Shirou didn’t have to worry about his twistedness driving Sakura away. Because in her own way, she was just as twisted as him.

“Thank you for choosing me in the end, Senpai.”

Case in point, she always seemed to know what he was thinking. Chuckling softly, Shirou reaches over and places his fingers under Sakura’s chin, lifting her head so she’s looking at him.

“Always, Sakura. And really… you don’t have to call me Senpai anymore. School is far behind us both by now.”

Sakura just smiles like she always does, running her hand along his chest.

“I know, Senpai~”

For a moment, the teasing lilt in her voice makes Shirou think he’s about to get outdoors couch sex. But just as it looks like her hand might slide down to his crotch to initiate just such an activity… Sakura abruptly pulls away. Shirou briefly thinks he’s done something wrong, but then she turns back to him after rising to her feet and holds out her hand for him to take.

“I have a surprise for you, husband. Please come with me.”

Sakura could be adorably, cutely serious at times. This was one of those times, though there’s also a broad smile on her face that reminds him somewhat of a maniac. Shirou takes her hand anyways of course. Really, in a way he still was a Hero to many… because by keeping his wife by his side and in check, he was keeping Sakura from doing anything untoward to others.

Just as this thought is passing through Shirou’s mind, Sakura leads him back into their Resort Suite and straight to the Master Bedroom down a long hall. He quickly finds out he spoke too soon. There, in the Master Bedroom kneeling on the floor… are Saber and Rider. Their Servants from the Holy Grail War have stripped completely naked… or perhaps BEEN stripped completely naked. They kneel with their hands clasped behind their backs and their chests thrust outward, almost like they were presenting themselves to him and Sakura. Or maybe just to him.

Shirou flushes as he looks between the two women.


“Senpai, please do not think the worst of me. Do you think I would set up this situation by force? I know how you feel about such things. Look closer… and know that you have my complete permission to indulge to your heart’s content~”

More than a little embarrassed, Shirou nevertheless follows Sakura’s instructions and looks again, this time a bit closer. He focuses on Saber and Rider’s faces… or at least, he tries to. Rather, it’s kind of hard not to look down at their chests again after a moment… or the rest of their bodies… including the small puddles of arousal pooled between their spread knees.

There’s no denying it. He can see the desire in their faces… and not just their faces either, but every fiber of their trembling bodies. They want this. Sakura hasn’t done anything to make them be here. They want to be with him. Shirou’s mouth goes dry as he realizes this fact, his cock twitching in his pants. He was already half hard just from cuddling with Sakura to be honest. That rapidly becomes a full blown problem as he goes from half hard to fully erect in no time at all.

… Well, Sakura had all but told him to dig in, hadn’t she? So with that said… Shirou begins to walk over, leaving his wife behind to watch on with a broad smile on her lips.

As he approaches them, Shirou unbuckles his belt and unbuttons and unzips his pants. He pulls out his cock from its confines- only to jolt in surprise when both Saber and Rider surge forward. Their hands remain clasped behind their backs, not tied there Shirou notes as he gets a full view of their gorgeous bodies. But their mouths… their mouths land upon Shirou’s cock, attacking from different angles as they quickly work over his member with their tongues and lips.

“Hehe~ Such greedy little cows… don’t go easy on them now, Senpai. They need to learn their place~”

Sakura’s words, said in a cutesy tone but filled with an undertone of malice, give Saber and Rider pause for a moment before they slow just a tad, taking more time. But at the same time, her words have a different effect on Shirou. She’s right, he realizes. Something awakens inside of the young man. He knows in that moment that Saber and Rider… they need to be handled properly. They need to always be aware that Sakura is above them… and so is Shirou.

With a lustful growl of his own, Shirou reaches out and grabs them both by their hair, redirecting their efforts as he takes control. Saber winds up sucking his cock, his bond with her undeniably closer than his bond with Rider truth be told. Meanwhile, Rider is relegated down to his ball sack, her face disappearing under his throbbing shaft as she begins to suck and slurp and lap at his nuts.

Indeed, neither Servant truly raises any fuss about him taking over. Their faces are red with lust and desire though. Whatever Sakura had done to them… well, she’d clearly made them confront their feelings. It had been years since the Grail War and in all that time, Saber and Rider had been his and Sakura’s ever-present shadows, having lingered despite the war’s end. Shirou had thought they’d take a break while he and Sakura were on their Honeymoon… but clearly he hadn’t fully understood the situation.

He did now though… and it made feel a strange sort of way. It made him… want to give them all as much pleasure as possible.

With another growl, Shirou decides he’s more than ready. Pulling Saber and Rider off of his cock, he uses a bit of Reinforced Strength to be able to casually toss their naked forms up onto the bed. They don’t manage to keep their hands clasped behind their backs when he throws them, but to be fair, he tosses them one on top of the other.

Rider winds up on bottom while Saber winds up on top, but before the blonde King of Knights can push her flat chest off of Rider’s squished, ample bosom, Shirou grabs her by the back of the neck and forces them both to kiss, pushing them together.

At the same time, he thrusts his cock between their grinding cunts, sliding up along their slits and hot dogging them in a way that has both women moaning up a storm. Fucking them together like this for a moment, Shirou focuses on making sure everyone involved is having a good time. Though, he hasn’t forgotten about Sakura. He just only has so many hands… he only has one dick.

Still, Sakura comes up behind him and presses herself into him from behind. She wraps her arms around him, now naked as well as she rubs her rock hard nipples against his back. Then she leans in close, whispering in his ear.

“I want you to fuck them properly, husband. I want you to cum inside of them both and knock them up… as you already have me.”

Shirou’s eyes widen at that because… well, he hadn’t known. It wasn’t as though he and Sakura hadn’t been intimate before their wedding. Neither of them was that conservative and they’d been dating for years before getting married. But… now is when he’s finding out all the same. Sakura just giggles as he freezes in place.

“Sorry… I guess I had two surprises for you, Senpai~ Ah, but I’ve been naughty for keeping it a secret this long, haven’t I? I suppose you’ll need to punish me later… once you’re done putting them in their place~”

She’s right, of course. Shirou finds himself growling some more, even as he pulls out from between Saber and Rider’s pussies… and thrusts into Rider’s a moment later. He fucks her first, but Saber doesn’t have to wait long for him to pull out and slam home into her as well. Both Servants moan up a storm as Shirou picks up the pace, fucking one of them and then the other, plowing them both.

Sakura was pregnant. He was going to be a father. But more than that, she wanted him to breed these two as well. If she hadn’t been pregnant already, Shirou would likely have been against it. His wife should definitely have first rights to that and even if Sakura had tried to tell him otherwise, Shirou probably wouldn’t have gone for it.

But knowing that Sakura was already pregnant… that lights a fire in Shirou’s belly. With that out of the way, he doesn’t have to hold back or hold off when it comes to Saber and Rider. He can fuck them both, seed them both, breed them both… and be done with it.

Picking up speed even more, Shirou does exactly that. His throbbing mast jackhammers out of one woman and then the other. He grunts as they moan and writhe against one another, still kissing like he’d made them do before. He’s not pushing Saber down anymore, but she’s still locking lips with Rider, the two Servants shuddering and quivering their way through orgasm after orgasm from his rapidly thrusting cock.

Until finally… he can’t hold back any longer. With Sakura continuing to whisper sweet nothings into his ears while rubbing against him from behind and Rider and Saber’s cunts both sinfully delightful as they tighten up around his thrusting prick… Shirou tips over the edge. He starts cumming while buried in Saber’s quim and stops thrusting for a moment to go ahead and fill her up.

Then, halfway through, he pulls out and transitions over to Rider’s twat, leaving a small trail of his seed between their sexes as he creampies her as well. In the end, the two women are filled up and pasted with his white, hot jizz… just as Sakura desired. Whether this will actually result in pregnancies or not, Shirou has no clue… but in the end, it doesn’t really matter, does it? With this new relationship dynamic, they have all the time in the world.

That said, Shirou hasn’t forgotten how naughty Sakura was. As soon as he pulls out of Rider and Saber, the two wind up coming apart, rolling away from one another and collapsing onto their backs as they moan wantonly, fingering their cunts. But most importantly of all, they leave an open spot on the bed where they once were.

Wasting no time, Shirou reaches behind him and drags Sakura around to in front of him. His young wife squeaks as he picks her up and drops her down onto the bed, before finally climbing up onto it as well. Kneeling before her, he folds her legs up along her body and looks Sakura in the eye with a light frown.

“How long, Sakura?”

“A-Ah… only a month, Senpai~”

Not long at all then. And that meant… he didn’t have to hold back. With a growl, he thrusts forward into Sakura’s cunt, making her moan wantonly in response. Truthfully, Shirou had never considered himself a very violent person… outside of battle, that is. But Sakura had specific tastes that he’d learned to indulge. His wife… was something of a masochist.

That’s why he goes at her something like a feral animal. After lodging himself deep inside of her sex, fucking her harder and faster by the moment, Shirou also reaches down and gives her tits a few smacks back and forth. Sakura moans wantonly, clenching up all the tighter around his cock for it. Shirou doesn’t spank her breasts for too long though, not when he can be biting at them instead.

Grasping her chest with both hands as he pushes her legs back against her body in a mating press, Shirou squeezes her soft mammaries while leaning in to begin suckling, slurping… and yes, biting at her tits. Sakura loves it, of course. She cums for him in no time at all, squealing at the top of her lungs for her ‘Senpai’ to not stop, to fuck her harder, to punish her for being a ‘bad girl’.

… Yeah, she had some issues. But then to be fair, they both did didn’t they? They were, the two of them, a pair of twisted existences. They were perfect for each other.

Shirou doesn’t know for how long he fucks and somewhat brutalizes his masochistic wife. He doesn’t keep track of that sort of thing. He doesn’t even keep track of Sakura’s orgasms, though they’re certainly numerous enough for him to feel like he’s done a good job. In the end, he cums inside of her despite her already being pregnant, something that makes her moan as he moves up to her mouth and pulls her into a long, tongue-filled, passionate kiss.

They cuddle together again after that, this time on the bed and this time till they begin to drift off to sleep. Saber and Rider join them, curling into Shirou’s sides as Sakura takes the most coveted spot… atop his chest.

As Shirou drifts off to sleep, it’s with a broad smile on his face. If nothing else, he’s happy. Happy to have a beloved wife… and perhaps a new pair of pets as well. Very happy indeed~


Ashwath Raghuram

Always love a Sakura piece. Glad it won