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Weekly Prompt Poll #264b

  • 1. Marvel 118
  • 2. Dungeons & Dragons 377
  • 3. Greek Mythology 179
  • 4. Steven Universe 70
  • 5. Warcraft 85
  • 2024-01-08
  • —2024-01-11
  • 829 votes
{'title': 'Weekly Prompt Poll #264b', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Marvel', 'votes': 118}, {'text': '2. Dungeons & Dragons', 'votes': 377}, {'text': '3. Greek Mythology', 'votes': 179}, {'text': '4. Steven Universe', 'votes': 70}, {'text': '5. Warcraft', 'votes': 85}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 11, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 8, 2, 49, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 829}


Here we go again!

Don't forget, this is one of TWO Weekly Prompt Polls now! Be sure to vote on both!

REMINDER: You can now spread your votes around if you have more than one to your name! So for Tier 2 Patrons and up, if you want to spread your 5 or 10 votes among the different options, vote for your favorite option and then leave a comment telling me where you want the exact numbers of your votes to go!

If you don't leave a comment, I will assume you want all of your votes to go for the option you voted for using the polling system!

CLARIFICATION: You DO NOT need to tell me what you're voting for if you want all your votes to go to the same prompt! You should ONLY be leaving a message on the Prompt Poll if you want to split up your votes between two or more prompts! Thank you!

Let's get started!

1. Marvel - Natasha Romanoff/Tony Stark - Based on this gif. Natasha and Tony have had an... interesting relationship since the events of Iron Man 2. Put simply, she stops by every so often to get a good dose of that Iron D. It was just some casual fun... until she comes around after the events of Iron Man 3 when Tony has dosed himself on Extremis. Then, Natasha is in for the ride of her life as the Genius Playboy takes out his frustration over being left out to dry by SHIELD upon her sexy body. Themes: Dom/Sub, Big Dick, Rough Sex

2. Dungeons & Dragons - Male OC/Female OCs - Part 3 of The Sorcerer's Pet. Based on this image. Every good adventuring party needs a healer. Acquiring said healer by rescuing a nubile Aasimar from nefarious forces only for her to pledge her life to her saviour is optional. Naturally, Nethie jumped at the chance to show her the ropes. This wasn't how Alfred had envisioned himself forming a party, but he was hardly complaining. Themes: Master/Slave, Threesome, Virgin Sex

3. Greek Mythology - Paris/Demeter/Persephone - Part 2 of Worth It. As expected, Zeus didn’t react well to Paris's actions, who found himself lying in a smoking crater at the bottom of Tartarus. Fortunately for him, Persephone has other uses for him, namely giving her mother another child to take Demeter's mind off her. The one thing she didn't take into account was what would happen when the Goddess of Fertility blessed Paris the same way the last three goddesses did. Themes: Breeding, Mind Break, Marathon Sex

4. Steven Universe - Male OC/Amethyst - Based on this image. The Onyx was always a dark rumor, said to be the one that could turn even the most loyal gem against their own diamond... But here he was, a rather normal dude, one Steven got along with that never showed aggression outside of battle, kind to everyone and while Pearl and Garnet were on edge, he gave them no reason to see him as a threat. So when Amethyst chooses to try and get closer, she finds out what makes Onyx feared as the "Gembreaker". Themes: Big Dick, Mind Break, Dom/Sub

5. Warcraft - Thrall/Jaine/Tyrande - Based on this image. In an AU of Warcraft III where Thrall is a stronger Warchief and has a better grasp on Grommash Hellscream and the Warsong Clan, the Horde are in a much better position for bargaining. Both Jaina Proudmoore and Tyrande Whisperwind know that they need the Horde on their side against the Legion Invasion. And so they offer themselves to Thrall in order to seal a pact. Not a pact of blood, but a pact of something else entirely. Themes: Big Dick, Dom/Sub, Threesome