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Chef's Kiss Ch. 25 (Fate/Grand Order)

  • Mating Press 255
  • Doggystyle 68
  • Cowgirl 19
  • 2023-12-14
  • —2023-12-27
  • 342 votes
{'title': "Chef's Kiss Ch. 25 (Fate/Grand Order)", 'choices': [{'text': 'Mating Press', 'votes': 255}, {'text': 'Doggystyle', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Cowgirl', 'votes': 19}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 27, 8, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 14, 16, 10, 37, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 342}


A/N: Shirou has everyone back off and things proceed as expected.


Shirou wasn’t an idiot. Obviously he quite quickly understood Nero’s intentions. He was just a little taken aback by her actions because… well, he hadn’t even gotten the chance to cook for her yet! Shirou was used to evoking certain reactions in powerful women at this point. He’d accepted his role as a comedy harem protagonist and even abused it to his advantage a couple times. But usually, he did so via his cooking, the skill in his repertoire that he was most proud of.

This time, however, he hadn’t made a single dish for Nero Claudius. The feast that the Emperor had just treated them all to was pretty good, good enough that Shirou hadn’t felt the need to go straight to the kitchens in order to show them how it was done. But he was confident he could have still improved upon it. Only, he hadn’t even gotten the chance to do so! Somehow, he’d wound up in the Emperor’s good graces without a single bite of his cooking touching her tongue!

That said, if Shirou isn’t oblivious to Nero’s intentions, none of the others are either. At realizing that the Roman Emperor is dragging their man right out of the room after all but dismissing them for the evening, several of the women rise from their seats, expressions of consternation or outrage beginning to spread across their faces.

Shirou immediately raises a hand to call them off, throwing them all a broad smile as he waves for them to stand down.

“I’ll see you all in the morning.”

Needless to say, this doesn’t go over well with… any of them really. But at the same time, it works. His gesture and his words cause them all to stand down. Which is good, because Nero hadn’t been stopping. She hadn’t even slowed down. No more than a second after he’s said his goodbyes, she’s already yanked him out of the room and down the hallway towards her quarters, or so he imagines.

Shirou allows himself to be dragged along, still surprised by the Roman Emperor’s interest in him… but not all that put off by it. Nero is a lot like many of the women he’s already been with. Confident. Strong. Beautiful. He’s certainly not opposed to bedding her… especially since it’s probably only going to be a temporary thing anyways.

Because Nero Claudius, for as amazing a swordswoman as she is, is not a Servant. She’s a normal human being… well, she’s an abnormal human being but still. She’s meant to be in this time period. Meaning once they get everything fixed and back on track, she’ll be right back in her place in human history where she belongs. So why not have a quick fling with her, right? Why not enjoy his time with the Roman Emperor for as long as this singularity lasts…

“Hm. Well done with your women. I see you have them firmly in hand.”

Shirou pauses in surprise at that, even as they finally arrive at a large pair of doors, which Nero is quick to push through with both hands. Standing there watching her, Shirou realizes that the Roman Emperor was quicker on the uptake then he initially thought as well, turning to regard him with a smirk as she plants her hands on her hips.

“You knew?”

“Umu! Of course I did!”

There’s that smug, perverted look again. It seemed so out of place on someone wearing Saber’s face. But at the same time, it was beginning to feel very in character for a woman like Nero to have such an expression. She steps backward and Shirou follows her into the room beyond… only to suddenly experience an ambush and betrayal most foul.

… Alright so maybe that’s an over-exaggeration of what happens.

Still, the double doors are slammed shut behind him and quite suddenly a gaggle of Roman Women, all dressed in matching white clothes, comes up to him and Nero. In Nero’s case, she just spreads her arms apart and lets it happen as they quickly disrobe her and strip her naked in a few moments. Shirou, meanwhile, is a little slower to adjust… but that doesn’t stop the handmaidens from doing their work efficiently and honestly rather ruthlessly.

Before he knows it, he’s naked before a Roman Emperor… but to be fair, Nero is just as naked as he is, her voluptuous body so very different from Artoria’s as she stands there proudly, showing it all off with a wide and wicked grin. Shirou narrows his eyes at that.

“You knew… but decided to make a move anyways?”

Nero scoffs and waves a dismissive hand at the accusation baked into his words.

“Was I supposed to look at a man who has so many women vying for his affections and NOT throw my own hat into the ring, hm? Besides, do I not have the right to reward the man who saved my life on the battlefield in any way I see fit? Now, come.”

Shirou hesitates as she turns and walks into an adjacent room… but in the end, his choices are to follow a naked Nero deeper into her quarters or stay here in this atrium of a room surrounded by her handmaidens as they block the exit and ogle him shamelessly. With a sigh, he follows after Nero.

Only to pause in surprise again when he finds her already slipping into a large bath in the very next room. Sliding down, she beckons for him to join her, that perverse smirk of hers still present on her face. Taking the opportunity for modesty, Shirou does as he’s bid and slips into the bath as well, staring at Nero carefully.

He had to admit… she had a good point about him already having so many women vying for his affections. It wouldn’t have been fair to reject Nero when he hadn’t rejected practically anyone else who’d propositioned himself since this whole mess began. Still, that other justification…

“I thought we already agreed back on that very battlefield that I didn’t actually save your life. You would have blocked or dodged if I hadn’t stepped in to stop your uncle. You weren’t really in any danger of dying there, so to say you owe me anything would be an exaggeration, don’t you think?”

Nero huffs… and then surges forward. Shirou freezes up, only realizing just how he’s trapped himself by getting into the bathtub with her when she’s already on top of him. The swordswoman plants one hand on the bath tub’s edge next to him, and grabs hold of his cock under the water with her other. Leaning forward, her lips are mere centimeters from his own as she licks them enticingly.

“I am the Emperor of Rome. I decide what I do and do not owe.”

Before Shirou can offer a rebuttal to that, Nero kisses him deeply. Her tongue wastes no time in pushing its way into his mouth as well, while down below her hand wastes no time in sliding up and down his cock, using the bathwater as lubrication. Shirou groans into the Roman Emperor’s mouth for a moment… before finally gathering himself and responding. His hands come up to grab Nero by the hips and he finds himself kissing her in return. Finally, his tongue reacts to her tongue, his lips reacting to her lips.

No longer a mere bystander in his own seduction, he returns the favor to Nero in kind until their tongues are wrestling as they swap spit. But if the beautiful blonde swordswoman dislikes his sudden forcefulness, she doesn’t show it. If anything, she gets more aggressive, growling into his mouth and jacking him off even faster. Until finally, they have to break for air, their lip lock coming to a close as they’re both left gasping.

Nero might be an impossible woman, but she’s still just human. Just like him. As they both breathe in deeply, she looks at him and smiles a wicked, perverse smile.

“You are perfect.”

Shirou lets out a startled laugh at that. On the one hand, trust a copy of Saber to so quickly zero in on him. The same thing had happened with Saber Alter after all, but then… that was different. Saber Alter was a Servant he’d summoned. More than that, she was an actual version of Artoria Pendragon and Nero wasn’t. As evidenced by her much larger bust currently partially submerged in the water of the bath.


“I haven’t even fed you yet.”

The words slip out unbidden, but Nero’s eyes light up all the same at hearing them.

“Oh? You can cook too?”

He hears it in her voice immediately… the hunger. She really is a copy of Saber. Still, Nero is definitely keeping her eye on the prize right now.

“Hmph. You can show me your talents in the kitchen tomorrow morning, for breakfast. For now…”

Without further ado or so much as a ‘by your leave’, Nero Claudius, Emperor of Rome, lifts herself up and shifts forward into his lap. Her stroking of his cock suddenly becomes a grip at the base of his member and before Shirou even knows what’s happening, she’s impaled herself upon his shaft and is moaning in enjoyment. Shirou, meanwhile, groans in turn, her velvety insides quite the upgrade from just her hand and the warm bathwater.

In fact, Nero clearly has full control over her own body, because almost immediately her inner walls begin to grind and squeeze down on his dick. She rhythmically and purposefully grips and clenches up and down his shaft, all while beginning to ride him with a vigor that takes Shirou a little bit by surprise. It really shouldn’t though… he should have known that Nero would be just as much of a hellion in the bedroom as she was on the battlefield.

Not that they’re in a bedroom right now. As evidenced by the bathwater splashing everywhere as Nero starts to ride him faster and harder by the moment. Moaning and groaning, the Roman Emperor bounces up and down on his cock like a woman possessed. Or maybe just like a woman who knows exactly what the fuck she wants.

“P-Partake of me, Shirou! Worship my Imperial Body with thy mouth and hands!”

It takes him a second to realize what Nero is suggesting, shamefully enough. Especially since… well, her tits are literally right in front of his face, bouncing up and down along with the rest of her… more so, even. Her body shakes and jiggles and her sizable bust, easily twice and maybe even thrice the size of Saber’s, shakes and jiggles too.

To be fair, it’s not like he’s used to someone wearing Saber’s face being so well-endowed. Still, she’s given him an order… and it’s one Shirou is more than happy to follow. Leaning forward, he catches one of Nero’s nipples in his mouth, biting down on it and catching it between his teeth. The swordswoman gasps in response, arching her back so her chest is pushed further into his face and wrapping her arms around his neck for support.

At the same time, his hands remain on her hips for only a second longer before beginning to roam. They eventually find their home on Nero’s beautifully toned ass. Firm but also soft in a paradoxical manner, her derriere is perfectly shaped and so very fun to squeeze and grope beneath the ever-depleting bathwater.

As far as washing up goes, they don’t manage any of that, truth be told. Instead, they spend the whole time fucking, with Nero riding Shirou’s cock as hard and as fast as she pleases and Shirou motorboating the Roman Emperor, slurping and suckling and biting at her teats and tits as much as possible. Until finally, he feels something building within him. At the same time however, Nero’s movements are also becoming more and more frantic and undisciplined.

Neither of them says a word in the end. They just keep going at it… until they both hit climax at the exact same time. The mutual orgasm they share is an earth-shattering one, with Nero tossing her head back with a lewd cry and Shirou grunting into her breast at the exact same time. Their bodies both seize up together and Nero’s inner walls proceed to milk Shirou of his seed as he cums and cums.

It feels like he ejaculates buckets into the Roman Emperor, pumping her to the brim with his seed. But even as he’s finishing emptying his balls inside of her, Nero is still grinding her pussy lips onto the base of his cock, still holding him inside of her and rhythmically squeezing every last inch of his dick with her inner walls.

Leaning back away from him, she grins in that same wickedly perverse manner from before.

“Ah, that was a good opening round, Shirou. But I hope you don’t think we’re done just like that. We’re just getting started! Umu~”

Shirou scoffs. Of course he didn’t think they were done! Still, if there was one thing he’d learned from bedding so many powerful women, it’s that actions tend to always speak louder than words. That’s why, rather than answer her verbally, he responds by reinforcing himself and then suddenly rising up to a standing position in the tub.

Nero’s eyes widen as she sinks down his cock a little more, having to abruptly wrap her powerful legs around his waist in a mirror of her arms around his neck to keep from falling off his cock. Shirou, meanwhile, is holding her by the buttocks as he carefully climbs out of the tub with her still impaled upon his member.

Unfortunately, the only way to the bedroom is apparently through the same room they entered in the first place. Meaning that all of those Roman Handmaidens are there again, with towels. Though Shirou at least gets the minor pleasure of seeing them all go still and red-faced when they see their Emperor impaled upon his cock.


To their credit, they recover swiftly enough when Nero snaps at them, coming forward and using the fluffy towels they’re holding to dry both him and the swordswoman down. Never once does Shirou pull Nero off of his dick, nor does she make any attempt to climb down herself. From there, once dry, Shirou carries Nero to the bedroom, leaving the handmaidens behind. Laying her out on the large bed there, his member finally leaving her pussy for a moment, he grins down at the Roman Emperor as she smirks up at him.

“Round Two then, hm?”

Her enthusiastic nod prompts a chuckle as Shirou climbs onto the bed, intent on making Round Two… and any other rounds that come after it, something to really remember.



I hope this won't have any... historical consequences...


Gonna be awkward when they get back and the history books have passages about Emperors Nero's red headed master chef children.


Shirou will be REALLY surprised when he meets Goddess Rhongomyniad. Artoria really matures later in life. Then again Saber is physically stuck at 15 years of age IIRC. So, it makes sense for her to still have a lot of "growing" to do.