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Themes: Cuckquean, Threesome, Dom/Sub

Summary: Part 2 of Space Monkey Cock. It’s been a week since Eighteen was accepted into the Son household and Chi-Chi regrets every second of it. Eighteen was supposed to help around the house; not herself to Goku’s fat cock while Chi-Chi did all of the work. In the end, they decide to settle things by seeing who can satisfy Goku more. Eighteen wins by a landslide and Chi-Chi learns to accept being woman number two in her husband's life. 


“Yes! Harder! You don’t have to hold back with me! I can fucking take it!”

Chi-Chi was beginning to have regrets. As she spies on her husband and that blonde hussy of an android going at it while the house shakes from the passion of their lovemaking, she can’t help but have regrets. Letting Eighteen stay had been a mistake. That much was obvious.

When she’d told the bitch that she’d have to earn her place if she wanted to stick around, Chi-Chi had MEANT helping around the fucking house! She’d meant that Eighteen would be taking on part of the chores that Chi-Chi did every day. She’d MEANT that Eighteen would accept her place under Chi-Chi as the Matriarch of this fucking Household!

There was just one problem with all of that… the power discrepancy. The blonde android was so much stronger than Chi-Chi it wasn’t even funny. And that wasn’t to say Eighteen had threatened her or tried to use that strength to browbeat her into submission either. No, it turned out that the android was a little subtler than all of that.

Eighteen had done as she was told every time Chi-Chi had given her chores. The only problem was, she’d done them in about five minutes. Everything Chi-Chi told the android to do, the android then completed in a fraction of the time it would have taken Chi-Chi. Clean the house? Chi-Chi couldn’t even kick her feet up with a nice cool glass of iced tea before Eighteen was finished. Do the laundry? It’d be hanging out on the clothesline faster than Chi-Chi could blink.

And it wasn’t like the Android was sacrificing quality for speed either. Chi-Chi had thought she was at first. She’d been all too ready to pin Eighteen to the wall for doing a shitty job, to make her go back and do it all over again but this time do it right.

Instead, whenever she’d inspected the blonde hussy’s work… it was perfectly done. Better than any human, Chi-Chi included, could ever hope to do in fact. Eighteen finished her chores with a speed and precision that Chi-Chi couldn’t match… and then used the extra free time this game her to proposition Chi-Chi’s husband for copious amounts of sex at a level that Chi-Chi also couldn’t match!

And worst of all? The absolute worst of it? Biting her lower lip, Chi-Chi slides three fingers in and out of her cunt, trying desperately to match the speed at which Goku is currently fucking Eighteen. She can’t, but that’s not even the real problem. No, the real problem is that as much as Chi-Chi hates and regrets letting Eighteen stay… she hates how much she enjoys watching Goku go all out with another woman even more.

Seeing him fuck Eighteen into a stupor night after night, seeing how he doesn’t have to hold back with the android… it’s so fucking hot that Chi-Chi can hardly believe it. She shouldn’t be so turned on watching Goku go at it with another woman, especially one stronger and more durable than her in every way, and yet here they are.

… She has to put an end to this. She has to stop this right here and right now.

Yanking her fingers out of her sex and fixing her dress up, Chi-Chi barges into the room just as Eighteen is squealing her way through another orgasm and Goku is filling the blonde with another thick, hot load of his baby batter.

“T-That is enough! Both of you, stop right now!”

To his credit, Goku doesn’t hesitate to stop. He immediately pulls out of Eighteen while the android shakes and shudders and spasms for several moments, clearly still in the throes of climax. Goku looks at Chi-Chi with a confused expression on his face, taking in her countenance and clearly not quite sure whether she’s horny or angry. Probably because Chi-Chi herself isn’t quite sure either.

“Err… Chi-Chi? Something the matter?”

Gritting her teeth, Chi-Chi crosses her arms over her chest.

“Yes! This hussy has been monopolizing you all week long, Goku! Aren’t I supposed to be your wife?!”

Goku immediately looks ashamed and sheepish, even rubbing a hand through his hair as he lets out a half-hearted laugh.

“Ahaha… sorry Chi-Chi, I didn’t know it bothered you that much. I figured since she was getting all those chores done it was fine…”

Technically it was fine. But at the same time, it obviously wasn’t fine. Chi-Chi huffs and Goku, seeing his wife’s displeasure, just shrugs.

“We can kick her out if you want?”

And there it was. Her husband was still loyal to her. He always would be. All Chi-Chi had to do was say the word and he would happily get rid of Eighteen for her. It would have been so easy. It would have been the smart thing to do. But instead…

“No! No, she stays… but it’s high time she understands there’s a pecking order! So we’ll have a competition, the three of us… and we’ll see just who can satisfy you the most, Goku! Me, your wife… or this pathetic blonde sexbot!”

With that, Chi-Chi has thrown down the gauntlet. And from where Eighteen has finally recovered from her last orgasm and latest creampie comes a quiet little chuckle. Slowly, the blonde hussy raises her head, her blue eyes fixing on Chi-Chi’s red face.

“Yeah? Sounds like a plan.”

Even as the android is rising to the occasion, Goku is frowning.

“… Chi-Chi, I’m not so sure about this. You-!”

But Chi-Chi cuts off what is likely to be one of her husband’s more reasonable moments by shutting him down with a hand gesture.

“No! I don’t want to hear another word out of you, Goku! This is between me and her! And don’t you dare hold back either, alright? I want you to come at me with everything you’ve got, just like you have been with her, Goku! I want you to treat us exactly the same for the purpose of this competition, alright?”

“But Chi-Chi…”

“No buts! How can I stand here with my head held high as your wife and help you run this household if I can’t even win a simple competition like this?!”

Eighteen snickers at this, rising fully to her feet and planting her hands on her naked hips.

“Yeah Goku. Listen to your wife. How can she possibly prove she’s better than me in any other way? After all… she’s not.”

Chi-Chi hisses at that, bristling. Goku, meanwhile, looks between the two of them clearly conflicted for a moment. Finally, scratching his cheek, the Saiyan Man shrugs his shoulders.

“Alright. I guess…”

Good. That was… good. Chi-Chi would win this one. She would prove herself superior to Eighteen in every way. She just needed the chance to show both them and herself that she wasn’t some weakling cuck who got off on watching her man fuck stronger women…


“Oh yes! Give me that cock, Son Goku! Fuck! Nnngh! Time for Round Four, I think!”

Chi-Chi whimpers as she sits there on the opposite side of the bed, unable to do anything but watch while stirring up the seed from the solitary creampie she’d managed to take inside of herself. She couldn’t even say she’d been able to take her husband’s load before passing out… no, rather, Goku had done exactly as Chi-Chi asked. He’d fucked her as powerfully as he’d been fucking Eighteen.

And Chi-Chi… Chi-Chi hadn’t been able to handle it. She’d cum more times than she could count in a very short amount of time and the overwhelming pleasure combined with the shock of being pounded upon his cock so fast and so hard had… had caused her to pass out before she could even extract one release from her husband.

Instead, Chi-Chi had woken up a little while later to Goku fucking Eighteen in the exact same way, having already cum deep inside of his wife’s pussy. Unlike Chi-Chi however, Eighteen had hidden reserves. She was lasting far longer than the human woman ever could.

She’d lost. There was simply no other way to describe it. She’d lost and Eighteen had won. First the blonde had taken one of Goku’s loads without breaking upon his cock. Clearly she’d adapted massively in the past week compared to how she’d been that first night she’d snuck into their bed. The android had then proceeded to egg Goku on into continuing to fuck her through position after position.

To his credit, Goku had spared Chi-Chi a glance to check on her here and there. To make sure his wife was alright. But Chi-Chi had been insistent before this began. She had made it clear that this competition was to decide the pecking order in the household. And she’d lost. Not to mention, every time he looked over at her, Chi-Chi didn’t take the opportunity to tell him to stop, or to take him up on his original offer to kick Eighteen out.

Instead, she just touched herself some more. Like the filthy little cuckquean she truly was deep down inside.

“Fuck yeah. Can’t do this with wifey, can you? You’re too much man for her. But not for me. I can handle you in ways that bitch over there can’t. All she can do is watch and-grk!”

Chi-Chi blinks as Goku suddenly grabs Eighteen by the throat, cutting her off mid-sentence. His hand closes around Eighteen’s neck while his other hand remains on her hips. He continues to fuck up into her from below in the cowgirl position that Eighteen had chosen for their latest round of fucking.

“Don’t talk about Chi-Chi that way.”

Goku’s no-nonsense voice rings out through the bedroom, even as Eighteen gurgles in response. She’s a robot right? Does she even need to breathe? Chi-Chi doesn’t know, but what she does know is that Eighteen does need the use of her throat to talk.

When Goku lets go of her throat, the blonde android huffs for a moment before shooting Chi-Chi a knowing look. Those icy blue eyes… Chi-Chi shudders, almost orgasming on the spot as the other woman looks down on her like the insect she is. She can’t believe how much it turns her on, being treated like this.

“And why not? Look at her, Son Goku. Really look at her. She likes this. She likes being degraded. She likes having her man taken from her by a superior woman. She-!”

Goku doesn’t grab Eighteen by the throat again. But the blonde cuts her off all the same. Why? Because the very air itself has suddenly begun to shake. Chi-Chi’s eyes widen along with Eighteen’s as Goku’s hair starts to flicker for a moment… before suddenly, he turns blonde and blue-eyed just like Eighteen. Fortunately, Goku had explained this to Chi-Chi before, or she would have been beyond confused.

Super Saiyan. This was the form Goku had taken on the Planet Namek in order to kill an alien warlord named Frieza. This was his most powerful form, making him even stronger than he already was.

Grabbing Eighteen by the hips, Goku SLAMS her down onto his cock so hard that the android chokes. His massive dick, which looks like it’s gotten even bigger after the transformation, bulges out of Eighteen’s abdomen, threatening to tear right through her body. It doesn’t, of course. Despite the increase in power on Goku’s part, Eighteen is still durable enough to handle his cock. But that’s about all that can be said.


Goku begins to use Eighteen like a sex doll. Bouncing her on his dick, impaling her again and again at even greater strengths and speeds then before. The android doesn’t get another word out edgewise, even as Chi-Chi watches all of this, frozen in disbelief.

Finally, after a few moments, Goku reaches up and grabs a fistful of Eighteen’s blonde locks, forcing the android’s head to stop lolling about as he holds her in place and looks her in her equally blue eyes.

“You don’t talk about my wife like that. Alright?”

“Y-Yesh… yesh shir…”

The slurring from the android is certainly new. Has he broken her? Not in like, the sexual way, but in the robotic way? Before she can get the chance to ask, Chi-Chi blinks as Goku proceeds to flip him and Eighteen both over and off the bed entirely. Scrambling over to the edge, she blushes at what she sees down on the floor. There, Goku has Eighteen’s weight mostly on her neck and shoulders. Her body is folded up and he’s pounding into her pussy in a powerful mating press… one more powerful than any he could ever put Chi-Chi through.

To be fair, Eighteen isn’t faring very well either. She might have adapted to a normal Saiyan’s big fat space monkey cock, but a Super Saiyan is something else entirely from the look of things. And the android is wholly unprepared for handling what Goku is now throwing at her.

Biting her lower lip as she leans over the side of the bed to watch them both go at it; Chi-Chi returns to masturbating to the sight. Three of her fingers delve right back into her cunt to stir up the creampie her husband left inside of her. She doesn’t bother trying to match Goku’s speeds now though, the man is fucking Eighteen so hard and so fast that Chi-Chi’s eyes can barely keep up with the barrage.

Meanwhile, her other hand goes to her chest, molesting her breasts one after the other and pinching and pulling at her own nipples.

She comes to a decision, right then and there. She’s a cuckquean, there’s no doubt about that. And Eighteen had won their competition, there’s no doubt about that as well. From this moment on, Chi-Chi would just have to accept being the second woman in her husband’s sex life. More than accept it though, she would probably enjoy it greatly… because it was hot watching a strong woman take her husband from her.

But you know what was even hotter? Watching Goku take a strong woman like Eighteen and break her on his dick. Seeing her husband defend her like this, going all out just to teach Eighteen a lesson… it was the hottest thing that Chi-Chi had ever witnessed.

Yeah, she might be a cuckquean. Yeah, Eighteen might be a better lover than her in every possible way. But Chi-Chi was still Goku’s wife and he was still her husband. So it was fine if Eighteen might be able to satisfy that big fat space monkey dick better than Chi-Chi ever could. Because that just meant Chi-Chi got to watch. And as she’d discovered… she loved watching.



I hope this continues. And that it doesn't take three years for the next chapter. Lol


Love that you handled it this way!

Colin Peden

I hope estly did not think we would fet a chapter 2 for this story, and I was disappointed for that. Now that we have it, I can't wait for a chapter 3. I agree with IEU097, I really hope we don't have to wait 3 years for a chapter 3. Love your stories as usual Cambrian, thanks for the amazing works.