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Themes: Threesome, Master/Slave, Tentacle Sex

Summary: Part 3 of Tentacles & Subs. Mary-Jane invites two beautiful super-models she met on work over for dinner after a shoot. She just knows that both Storm and Jean will be unable to resist her beloved Master's charms once they meet him. Between the African Goddess aesthetic Storm has going on and the freckled green-eyed red head that Jean Grey is, MJ is confident Peter won't be able to resist THEM either. Of course, what she doesn't know is that they all already know each other from 'work'. But it's fine. The chemistry is still present. 


“Honey, I’m home!”

“Peter! In here!”

Mary Jane is a little bit nervous, even as she hears Peter approaching the sitting room. She knows she shouldn’t be. Her Master is home and that’s never a bad thing. However… she really wants tonight to go well.

Lots had changed for them in recent times. For instance, they no longer lived in a small apartment. Instead they had a home… more of a mansion, as it so happened. Mary Jane’s modeling career had really taken off, but even with her making rather good money, she wasn’t their primary breadwinner. No, that was Peter. He’d quit working for the Daily Bugle and started Parker Industries and the company was doing exceptionally well even though it had only existed for a short time.

Put simply, they were a power couple the two of them. But that didn’t change the fact that MJ was still Peter’s willing little pet. His fuck doll. His sex toy. She belonged to her Master and that was that. Of course, they were also husband and wife now. Oh, and father and mother to a beautiful baby boy. Yeah. Life had certainly changed for the both of them.

Gwen on the other hand, was a little bit flighty. Flightier than MJ had expected. She had also given birth to a child of Peter’s. Both of their children were… well, a little inhuman. Gwen hadn’t been sure how to feel about that. Ultimately, she visited every so often but she didn’t stay. Peter likened her to a stray cat of sorts.

All of this was to say, they were doing very well for themselves, her and her Master. But that didn’t mean Mary Jane wasn’t still on the lookout for fresh meat. At the end of the day, as much as she loved being Peter’s pet, she knew she alone couldn’t satisfy him or take care of his needs. And with Gwen being in the wind more often than not…

Peter finally steps into the sitting room, a smile on his face as MJ rises to meet him. They clasp hands, share a kiss, and then pull apart so she can introduce him to the other two women in the room with her.

“Peter, this is Ororo Munroe and Jean Grey. Ororo, Jean, this is my husband Peter that I was telling you about.”

Ororo and Jean were two supermodels that MJ had happened to meet while on a shoot and she’d… she’d fallen in love with them both instantly. Rather, she’d fallen in love with the idea of feeding them both to her husband’s insatiable sexual appetite immediately. Between Ororo Munroe’s stark white hair contrasting with her beautiful black skin and Jean Grey as a different variation of the freckled red haired look that MJ pulled off so well… she figured they were perfect.

Of course, what she’s not expecting is Peter’s reaction to meeting her new friends. She’d expected him to like what he sees and immediately begin making moves to entice them into bed with him. Instead, her husband and Master freezes in place for a moment, his arm around her waist tightening before he lets out a low chuckle.

“… Well now. Fancy seeing the two of you here. I thought you were introducing me to your new modeling friends today, MJ?”

Blinking in confusion, Mary Jane slowly nods.

“I was… Ororo and Jean were on the most recent shoot with me. We killed it, I swear to you. Our photos will be the talk of the summer!”

Meanwhile, over in their chairs, Ororo Munroe and Jean Grey are having very different reactions to this conversation. Ororo looks politely confused, even as her eyes slide up and down Peter’s form. It’s clear the African Goddess of a woman likes what she’s seeing but isn’t too sure what to make of Peter’s words. However, while Jean is also staring at Peter, she’s doing so with a bright red blush on her face, her green eyes fixed on him like he might disappear the moment she looked away.

“Oh MJ… I love you more than life itself, but you really can get a little caught up in your own little bubble sometimes, can’t you? These aren’t just supermodels… these are two of the X-Men. Storm and Phoenix respectively. They don’t even wear masks, sweetie.”

Huh? MJ looks back at the other two women. Wait, X-Men? As in mutants? Mutant superheroines at that? Well that’s surprising. Now Ororo is looking at Mary Jane with an expression of incredulity.

“… You truly didn’t know who we were, Mary Jane?”

Blushing, MJ shakes her head.

“Well… no. Like Peter said, I don’t really bother keeping up with the news. Or the heroics stuff. I usually leave that to-eep!”

Clapping a hand over her mouth to shut herself up, MJ goes wide-eyed… but Peter just laughs at her side.

“Its okay Mary Jane. After all, Jean already knows. Not exactly fair for poor Storm to be kept in the dark though, is it?”

With that, his business attire ripples and transforms. He goes from being dressed in a suit that would make most other CEOs green with envy, to being dressed in a familiar super-suit. Finally, Ororo… or rather Storm’s eyes widen in recognition.


Standing beside MJ in what by now is his signature black spider suit, Peter chuckles and gives a quick salute.

“That’s me. Sorry for the confusion Storm. I truly didn’t know that MJ had run into the two of you through her work or that you were her two ‘absolutely gorgeous model friends’ that she kept gushing on and on about. And MJ, of course, didn’t know that you both were actually superheroines, or that we’d teamed up a couple times on some world-saving adventures.”

Slowly, the big white eyes of Peter’s mask slide across the room from Storm to her fellow mutant.

“However, there is someone who knew everything that was going on from the very beginning, isn’t there? A certain telepath who would have known exactly who everyone was from the moment she read MJ’s mind and peeled away all my secrets from her thoughts. Isn’t that right, Jean?”

Wait! Jean Grey was a telepath?! MJ’s eyes bulge as she looks over at the other red head, who suddenly looks ashamed of herself. Storm also looks over at Jean, eyeing her fellow heroine speculatively.

“Jean? Was there a plan here, exactly?”


Jean starts and then stops before ducking her head in clear embarrassment. It would seem that while Mary Jane had thought SHE was the one serving Ororo and Jean up to her Master on a silver platter… it was Jean who was the real mastermind all along! Wait, if Jean could read minds then she not only knew Peter’s secret identity as Spider-Man, but she also knew about the true nature of his and MJ’s relationship! And yet…





“Hush Jean. You brought this on yourself. And besides, nnngh, you agreed to this… punishment~”

All was well that ended well. Watching from a chair off to the side, Mary Jane Watson beams as she leans back and touches herself. One hand on a tit, the other fingering her cunt, she takes in the debauchery happening on her and Peter’s marital bed… and knows for a fact that she did good.

Turns on, Storm wasn’t actually as upset as she’d feared she might be! And Jean… well, Jean was a needy little freak who had known from the start what she was getting into, the naughty perverted minx!

In the end, they’d had dinner as MJ originally planned and it had been delicious. But then, her and Peter’s personal chef was to die for, so she wasn’t surprised by that. Then, the four of them had retired to the bedroom… where Jean had been put to work apologizing for her transgressions.

Currently laid out on her bed, naked as the day she was born, the red headed telepath can only let out a muffled moan from her position with Storm sitting on her face. The African Goddess, equally naked and seriously sporting one of the most rockin’ bods that MJ had ever seen, moans as she gyrates her hips and undulates her body, riding Jean’s face and forcing her fellow superheroine to eat her out.

And finally there’s Peter, Mary Jane’s husband and beloved Master, fucking Jean hard and fast with his ‘normal human’ cock. Technically the alien symbiote isn’t gone or anything. It’s still there. But right now Peter looks relatively normal. That’s part of Jean’s punishment. She has to EARN the tentacles first.

Suddenly, Storm lets out a heartfelt groan, tossing her head back and crying out as she visibly orgasms all over Jean’s face. Her hands, one of which was on her own breast and the other grabbing one of Jean’s tits, grope and squeeze involuntarily as she shudders and spasms in pleasure. Finally though, Ororo recovers… and when she does, her eyes lidded with lust, she licks her lips and gives Peter a grin.

“Alright. I’m ready to see what had Jean in such a tizzy, Spider-Man. You know, you’re lucky that she and I are both between relationships right now.”

Peter chuckles and shakes his head, even as his skin seemingly begins to bubble.

“I doubt luck had anything to do with it, Storm. I suspect that Jean was just… waiting for the right moment. Who knows how long she’s really been planning this.”

Storm hums at that. But before she can answer, Peter’s thick, pitch-black, glossy tentacles have erupted from his body, or so it would seem. They reach out for the gorgeous African Goddess of a woman and Storm lets them grab at her, licking her lips as she looks down at them all.

“… Fascinating.”

Slowly, the tentacles lift her up into the air off of Jean’s face. Though the telepath doesn’t really get a chance to complain, as Peter stuffs one of the symbiote’s appendages into Jean’s mouth and down her throat right off the bat.


“Don’t, mm, be too mean to her now, ah, Spider-Man~”

Grinning, MJ’s Master shakes his head.

“Please Storm, call me Peter. Or sir, if you prefer.”

Storm’s eyes flash at that for a second.

“Peter then. Jean might be turned on by the thought of submitting to a big strong man like you, Mr. Parker… but I am a Queen. I expect to be treated as such.”

That gets a raised brow from MJ’s Master, who looks pointedly at all the tentacles holding Storm aloft and getting ready to go about ravaging and ravishing her beautiful dark-skinned body. Storm flushes just a tad at the reminder, but keeps her head held high all the same.

“Queens can be captured. And sometimes taken advantage of by their captors. As I said… I expect to be treated like a Queen.”

Huh, weird kink but it wasn’t like Mary Jane had absolutely ANY room to complain. Besides, Ororo was so fucking hot and sexy… she practically was MJ’s Queen! Regardless, Peter just chuckles at Storm’s somewhat heavy-handed instructions and gives her a nod. Then, he begins.

The tentacles holding Storm aloft suddenly snap taut, pulling her limbs in every direction and forcing a gasp from her lips. However, that was precisely what Peter was waiting for. A thick cock-like appendage thrusts itself into Storm’s open mouth the moment she gasps, cutting her ability to speak off and forcing its way down her throat just like with Jean.

While Storm is contending with that, several other tentacles move over her body. Two circle around her tits, groping and squeezing and kneading them around the base while mouth-like suctioning appendages grasp at her nipples and begin to suck and slurp. Meanwhile, two more tentacles penetrate up into Storm’s cunt and ass, fucking her right over Jean’s head, causing all sorts of bodily fluids and sexual juices to splatter down onto her freckled features.

“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”

MJ bites her lower lip and touches herself harder to the sight of Storm being tentacle gangbanged. It’s so, so fucking hot watching her Master ravish another woman if she’s being honest. Even better that he’s doing two at the same time. And indeed Peter is, because the symbiote is completely out at this point. Peter has transformed into a more bestial, monstrous version of his black and white Spider-Man costume.

He’s not Spider-Man right now though. He’s her Master. In his truest, purest form. MJ loves it. She loves every bit of her. Heart racing in her chest, she watches as Peter fucks Storm like the ‘Queen’ she is, dominating and ravaging her body as though she truly is a ‘captured’ monarch completely at his barbaric mercies.

Meanwhile, Jean fulfills the role that MJ herself usually fulfills. Namely, she’s the basic submissive bitch on her back getting fucked hard and fast by Peter. Harder and faster by the second, really. His cock has likely doubled in size inside of her, with the symbiote providing the necessary fluids to make it so Jean’s body can take his immense, massive member… just as he’s done with Storm so she can take his equally massive appendages.

Both mutant women gurgle and let out muffled cries around the appendages in their throats. Their eyes roll back and despite claiming to be a Queen and not a natural submissive, MJ notices that Storm is making the same facial expressions of ecstasy and bliss that Jean is. The two are squealing like crazy and going insane with pleasure, squirting all over Peter’s cock and tentacles alike, cumming their brains out for him… for their Master.

Well, MJ hopes anyways. She can’t say for sure what will happen. Maybe it’ll be a mixed bag? Jean had known what she was getting into when she’d agreed to come to dinner so maybe she would agree to stay as MJ’s fellow sister pet. They could be twinsies, given their similar looks! And maybe Storm, having more of an independent streak, would be like Gwen had turned out to be. Stopping by every once in a while when she suffered from tentacle withdrawals, but acting, as Peter had described it, like a stray cat of sorts.

Either way, Mary Jane doesn’t have a single regret. Sure, she might have mistaken a pair of literal superheroines for supermodels… but hey, she really had met them on a shoot! And in the end, they’d still wound up right where they belonged… being tentacle gangbanged and fucked silly by MJ’s beloved Master.

Watching Peter fuck other women never gets old. And it’s just as Mary Jane thought earlier. All’s well that ends well.


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