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Themes: Rough Sex, Fucked Silly, Anal Sex

After Eneis Lobby, Robin for the first time in her life felt safe and happy. Luffy was the one who convinced her to live in the end. So after a raucous party and eating, Nico Robin found some alone time to thank the Captain properly. She wants to thank him in a special way, but Luffy is never one to take without giving back just as much. Robin quickly discovers that her captain is an unparalleled lover. 


“What’s up, Robin?”

Smiling softly at her Captain’s exuberance, Nico Robin flexes her wrists and grabs Monkey D. Luffy by the shoulders, gently but firmly pushing him down into the nearest chair.

“Please sit, Luffy.”

He doesn’t fight her, thankfully, and soon he’s sitting and looking at her with those big eyes of his, waiting to hear what she has to say and looking like he has every intention of hanging off her every word. But then, that’s just how Luffy is with his Nakama. The Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates has a big heart and an even bigger one when it comes to his crew.

Of which, Robin is now one. Officially. The events at Eneis Lobby had secured her place among the Straw Hats. Her place at Luffy’s side. After everything he’d done to make her choose to live on… how could Nico Robin not want to thank him? But of course, while she’d already thanked Luffy with words and he’d happily accepted her gratitude in that casual way of his… that wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough.

Dropping to her knees in front of Luffy, Robin reaches for his crotch, her fingers deft as they pull open the string holding his shorts up and dip down under.

“Whoa! What’re you doing?!”

“Luffy… you’re a man. Not a boy, but a man. And I’m a woman. Not a girl, but a woman. And when a woman feels a certain way about a man… she does things for him. Things like what I’m about to do for you, alright? Just relax. Let me show you.”

For a moment, Luffy doesn’t look so sure. But then he gives her one of his megawatt smiles and a nice thumbs up.

“Okay Robin! I trust you!”

A few weeks ago she would have scoffed at such sentiment. Trust? How could he ever trust her? Only a fool would trust someone who’d spent their entire life on the run, burning group after group of allies in her flight. And yet… that was before Eneis Lobby. Now? Well, Luffy has backed up his words with actions. It’s time for Robin to do the same.

Pulling out his cock, she lets out a shuddering breath as it twitches in her grasp. Luffy groans when the hot air from her lips cascades down over it, making his member rise and grow in her palms. Licking said lips, Robin slowly begins to stroke her Captain’s dick. But not for long. She wants more. She NEEDS more.

Finally leaning forward, the raven-haired woman places her lips on Luffy’s cockhead, giving it a kiss. In response, Luffy groans out her name, shuddering.


But he doesn’t try to stop her. Nor does he ask her what she’s doing again. Because he trusts her. He trusts her completely and utterly, to the point where he’d let her stab him in the back a hundred times, she suspected. Fortunately for both of them, Robin has no intentions of doing that ever again. This right here… this is her family. This is her crew. And Luffy is her Captain. Till the end of the line.

Opening her mouth, Robin slowly slides her lips down over Luffy’s cock. At the same time, she sprouts a dozen more hands out with the use of her devil fruit and begins to strip both of them down. As her mouth descends down Luffy’s mast and she begins to suck his cock, Robin also pulls their clothing off until they’re both naked.

Her breasts bounce free of their confines, springing forth, and Robin notices how Luffy gasps and stares at them. Seeing his reaction, she quickly moves her hands away from his member entirely and grasps at her tits instead, hefting them up, giving him quite the show as she kneads and molests her own chest for his viewing pleasure.

At the same time, her cheeks suck in as she bobs up and down Luffy’s shaft, swallowing as much of his cock as she possibly can without choking on it. He’s fairly well-endowed however, so it’s not so easy. In the end, she has to lean up, pushing her ass off of her heels and straightening to her full kneeling height as she proceeds to wrap her tits around the lower half of her Captain’s member.

“Ah… Robin… I’m starting to feel strange…”

His cock pulses and throbs, his balls churn under her tits. Robin pulls off of his cockhead with a pop for a moment and gives Luffy a bright smile.

“Don’t fight it. Just let it come, Luffy. I’ll handle everything.”

He nods at her, still trusting her implicitly. Robin doesn’t let him down though, of course. She eagerly sucks his cock back into her mouth and continues to slurp and bob along the top half of his dick. Until finally, Luffy lets out a groan of surprise and proceeds to cum into her mouth. True to her word, Robin immediately begins swallowing. She guzzles his cum like a pro, drinking down every last drop and not spilling any of it in the process.

By the time Luffy is done cumming, Robin’s belly is warm, filled with his seed. Her heart soars as she exults in having pleasured her Captain. But at the same time… this is just the beginning.

Pulling back from his cock, Robin doesn’t let it go soft. She continues to rub her tits up and down Luffy’s length, maintaining his erection as he slowly recovers from the release. Finally, smiling up at him, Robin speaks.

“Did you enjoy that, Luffy?”

Groaning, Luffy nods. Beaming, Robin’s eyes glitter.

“Do you want to do more? Do you want us both to feel that good?”

Immediately, Luffy’s eyes snap to hers and he frowns.

“You’re not already feeling as good as me, Robin?”

His tone was a warning of what was to come, but Robin just waves him off with a giggle, pulling back from him and rising to her feet as she saunters her naked ass over to the nearby bed.

“That was foreplay, Luffy. I felt good, yes… but I’ll feel even better if we go even further.”

Reaching the bed, Robin climbs on and turns over to lay on her back… just in time to go still and wide-eyed as she finds Luffy already on top of her, the Pirate Captain having practically teleported from his chair. Leaning over her, his cock twitching with need and his hands planted on either side of her head, Luffy looks down at her, his eyes also wide.

“What do we need to do to make you feel good as well, Robin?”

Overcoming her surprise with another giggle, Robin reaches down and grasps Luffy’s cock with both hands, spreading her legs apart for him. Guiding him to her entrance, Robin bites her lower lip and looks up into Luffy’s eyes.

“You put your cock in here, Luffy. Slide up into me… thrust in and out. Don’t worry about hurting me. I’m tough enough to take it. I want you to do what feels good for you. What feels right for you. Alright?”

“… Only if it feels good for you too.”

Laughing, Robin winds her arms around Luffy’s neck and her legs around his waist. Having already lined him up, she can slowly pull him into her like this.

“It will. I promise.”

The Straw Hat Captain only hesitates for a moment longer before thrusting forward. Robin cries out as he splits her upon his cock, but she doesn’t let him go even when he freezes out of concern that he hurt her. She just pulls him down into a kiss, and after a moment of realizing that she’s okay, Luffy begins to thrust like she told him to.

She’s not expecting much to be clear. It’s definitely Luffy’s first time. Robin might not have known him for as long as some of the crew, but she would bet a million beli that Monkey D. Luffy had never had sex. Until now, anyways. She was his first. And that made Robin all sorts of fuzzy.

As such, she wasn’t going to worry about how good he was. They would work on it, she’d figured. Just the fact that they were having sex and she was making her Captain happy with her body would have been enough for Robin. Which is why… well, she’s rather caught off guard when he turns out to be a natural.

She’s not dumb. Nico Robin is well aware that Luffy is basically an idiot savant at… well, a lot of things. Sometimes the emphasis is on the ‘idiot’ part and sometimes the emphasis is on the ‘savant’ part. That’s kind of how the identifier works. Still, she wasn’t expecting him to be more savant than idiot when it came to sex. And yet… and yet…

His first thrusts are wild, uncontrolled, and all over the place. Just like Robin is expecting. But before she knows it, before she can even blink, Luffy’s tempo evens out. He’s still going hard, but he quickly finds her groove. Robin moans, her walls tightening and flexing around Luffy’s cock and her juices gushing down his length.

She quickly realizes that Luffy isn’t just a fast learner, he’s studying her every move in a way he’s never done with anything before. He’s watching her closely, observing her every reaction, and modulating his movements on the fly to make sure she experiences the most pleasurable possible. It doesn’t make sense, and yet there’s a lot of things in the world that don’t make sense. Funnily enough, quite a few of them seem to center around the Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Regardless, the truth doesn’t care about her shock or feelings. At the end of the day, the facts are what they are and the facts have deemed Luffy to be an unparalleled lover who just needed a bit of time to learn the basics. Before she knows what’s happening, Robin is crying out and cumming for Luffy. She’s climaxing all over his pistoning prick, which in turn allows him to fuck her even harder with his glorious member.

Her insides clench and squeeze, clinging to every inch of his length, but if her body had hoped to stop or even slow him down, that’s not possible. It never has been with her Captain. Once he gets his heart and mind aligned on the same goal, he becomes all but unstoppable.

Moaning, squealing, and crying out in equal measure, Robin cums again and again for Luffy. Their lips come apart rather early on, allowing her voice to resound through the cabin. Meanwhile, Luffy grunts and groans, clearly enjoying himself just as much. Well, not quite as much… after all, where Robin finds her world rocked and experiences multiple orgasms in what feels like a back-to-back time frame, Luffy has only cum once… and not inside of her yet.

At the tail end of another wanton moan, Robin catches Luffy’s eye and holds it.

“Let go, Luffy. Fill me up. Cum inside of me. I need it. I need you.”

Those prove to be the magic words in the end. With one last grunt, Luffy slams home into her, right up against the entrance to her womb, and proceeds to unload deep inside of her. Robin shudders her way through one last orgasm, her eyes fluttering and threatening to roll back in her head but in the end not quite doing it. She shivers beneath him, even as Luffy drops his face into her breasts for a moment, nuzzling them happily.

“Mm, Robin…”

But she’s not quite done, even now.

“Luffy… you’ve done great. But there’s one last place I want you to fuck me.”

True to his nature, her Captain is alert once more in a second, coming up and looking at her seriously. Robin just smiles as she pulls him off of her with her devil fruit, tugging him back so that his cock comes free of her cunt with a squelching pop. Then, turning over, Robin takes up position on all fours. Resting there on her hands and knees, she again uses her devil fruit to spawn more hands, this time using them to spread her buttocks nice and wide.

“Right here, Luffy. Take that big fat well-lubricated cock of yours and stuff it up my ass. Fill me with your dick. I’ve never… this will be my first time having a man here, Luffy. With this, you’ll be the only one who’s ever claimed all of me. So please, Captain. Please give it to me.”


Luffy breathes out her name again… and then leans forward, fits the tip of his messy dick against her anus, and begins to push forward. It only seems right in the end. She’s taking a lot of Luffy’s firsts tonight. So he should get one of hers as well. The last first that Robin has to give.

Moaning and groaning as he stretches her ass with his dick, Robin’s eyes flutter some more. There’s some pain and discomfort at first of course until the lubrication from their previous activities can be transferred from his dick to her bowels, providing a slicker and more pleasurable experience by the second. All Robin can do is stay on her hands and knees and let Luffy do his thing though.

“Ah… you’re so tight…”

Heh, straight from the mouth of babes. She certainly starts out tight, though with Luffy’s big fat cock, she’s soon only tight for him. Her anus is stretched around his dick in no time and Luffy is soon pistoning in and out of her. She loves it. Well, not at first. At first, the anal sex is something Nico Robin finds she could really take or leave. But she loves Luffy. And she’s glad that she could give her Captain at least this much.

And… as time goes on and Luffy continues to fuck her ass, even though Robin is doing her best to hide any pain or discomfort… he does exactly what he did with her pussy. He learns on the fly just how to fuck her anus, until the pain and discomfort are gone altogether and it’s just pleasure. Pleasure and bliss as he plows her from behind, leaving Robin to moan louder and louder until, much to her surprise, she even cums from being butt fucked.

That wasn’t something she thought would happen, but Luffy is always full of surprises. And she’s full of him. By the time he’s done, by the time he cums again, Robin is done as well. She’s exhausted, but in a good way. She’s tired but also satiated. And more than anything, she feels so very, very full as the two of them wind up cuddling against each other, falling asleep in one another’s arms.


Smile Dip

I was curious where this one was gonna go characterization-wise, because Luffy is pretty different from most of the harem protags that make up the bulk of these stories, but I think you wrote a relatively believable Luffy. Good work!


Well, Luffy awakening his appetite for sex as much as his love for meat could have pretty exhausting consequences for everyone around, lol. Is it time to return to East Blue to pick up some waifus left there? :D