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Themes: Threesome, Virgin Sex, Tsundere

Summary: Track the dragon to its lair? Check. Sneak in using a cloak of invisibility? Check. Move in for the kill only to find that the "wicked wyrm" has assumed the form of an attractive woman to pleasure the allegedly kidnapped Princess? Check?! On the one hand, the King wanted his daughter back so that she could be traded for an alliance. On the other hand... yeah, who was he kidding?  


“Oh yes, that’s it. Work that tongue, sweetie. Nnngh, don’t you dare stop~”

Vincent had been around the block a few times. He was still relatively young, barely into his thirties, but in his ten plus years as an adventurer, he’d gained more experience in his line of work than most could say to have gained in a lifetime. More than that, most adventurers didn’t even make it past a decade, let alone into their thirties, without either retiring much younger… or dying altogether.

That was why, these days, he worked alone. He simply didn’t have the patience or the desire to try and wrangle a bunch of snot-nosed brats who all thought they were each the Chosen One of their own particular stories. The world simply didn’t work like that.

Then again, Vincent had thought he knew how the world worked before going on this job. Now… now he was beginning to seriously question what he thought he knew about… well, everything. Especially everything concerning princesses and dragons.

He’d been given this latest job by the King himself. Well, a King anyways, but it was the King of these lands so ‘the King’ was also appropriate. Regardless, a dragon had apparently kidnapped a princess and the King wanted his daughter back and was willing to pay good money for it. Tale as old as time, right?

Nope. Vincent had gone ahead and tracked the dragon to its lair. Then, he’d snuck in using a Cloak of Invisibility, allowing him to circumvent the dragon’s early warning systems. Namely, the kobold clan living close to the surface and the giant arachnid colony living a little further in. Moving past all of those enemies, he’d been planning on catching the dragon unawares to end it in its sleep.

Well, he’d caught the thing unawares alright… but not sleeping. After finding the dragon’s main lair empty of any living creatures, Vincent had journeyed further in until he’d come to a small, cozy bedroom… only to find that the great big scaly beast had transformed down into that of a very attractive woman. And said woman was currently pleasuring the very same princess that Vincent was supposed to be rescuing.

How did he know that the one between the princess’ thighs was the transformed dragon and not just another prisoner? Well, the long draconic horns that the princess was holding onto, and the thick swaying draconic tail dancing in the air were both pretty dead giveaways. As were the smattering of scales all across the beautiful dragon woman’s body.

… His plan was still technically actionable. He could have easily slain the dragon in her moment of weakness right then and there. But for all his experience as an adventurer and for all his mercenary nature, Vincent still had lines he would not cross. Murdering a woman, even a dragon woman, while she was mid-coitus… yeah, that was definitely one of them.

But more than that… he was curious. And he couldn’t help himself. So…

“Can someone please explain to me what exactly is going on here?”

Throwing his Cloak of Invisibility off, brandishing his enchanted sword as protection more than a threat, Vincent is treated to the wide-eyed surprise of the princess and the angry shock of the dragon as the first squeaks and lets go of the latter’s horns, allowing the latter to whip around off the bed and stare at him with wide, golden, serpentine eyes.

“What?! Who are you?! How did you get in here?! How did you get past my guards?!”

Standing tall but also loosely enough to be able to dodge if she decided to breath fire on him even in her humanoid form, Vincent raises a single brow.

“Vincent. And I got in here the same way I got past your guards… I snuck by them.”

The dragon hisses at that, but to both her and Vincent’s surprise, the princess lays a calming hand on her arm.

“Hold, Annie.”

The dragon suddenly goes crimson.

“Stella! Don’t call me that in front of intruders!”

Rolling her eyes good-naturedly, Princess Stella giggles.

“Sorry… of course, Annaryxsis the Fearsome.”

The dragon woman preens a bit more at that, clearly not able to detect the fact that the Princess is humoring her. Either way, Stella looks at him closely.

“You, good sir. Let me guess. You’re here because my father, the King, sent you to retrieve me, didn’t he?”

Seeing no point in denying it, Vincent just nods. Annie the Dragon hisses again at the reveal, looking one moment away from leaping at him and trying to tear out his throat. Her tails swishes back and forth through the air behind her in agitation, but Stella still has a hand on her arm.

“Calm, Annaryxsis. Calm. This man… you are no Prince, are you? Nor nobility of any fashion, no?”

The dragon doesn’t look like she knows where her lover is going with this anymore than Vincent does.

“No? No I am not.”

Looking almost relieved, Stella beams.

“Well then, what exactly is my father offering you? Because it can’t be my hand in marriage, he still wants to sell me off to the highest noble bidder who will pay a fortune to have me be their broodmare. Since you aren’t a Prince, he offered you something monetary in value, didn’t he?”

Once again, he sees no point in lying.

“Yes. Your weight in gold.”

The Princess scoffs at that.

“I’m worth much more than that to him. Still… this situation is easily resolved then. Annie here will give you twice my weight in gold for you to abandon your quest, leave this Kingdom, and never return.”

… Not a bad offer. Of course, the dragon is less than pleased with the princess speaking on her behalf. In fact, she immediately begins sputtering.

“I-I certainly will not! Stella, he’s an intruder! You don’t just give intruders parts of your hoard to fuck off or every fucking adventurer in the world will be at my doorstep demanding a piece of the action! I’m a dragon! I’m the one who demands tribute, not the one who gives it!”

The dragon Annie is right, of course. While Vincent would never actually tell anyone else where he got the money, she couldn’t know that for sure. Stella hums at this for a moment before shrugging.

“Then we’ll make it a transaction. Weren’t you just bemoaning the lack of good mates, Annie?”

“S-Stella, don’t say that sort of thing in front of the intruders!”

But the Princess just continues on unabashedly revealing her lover’s dirty laundry.

“And didn’t you just tell me that you could actually breed with humans, if a man with good enough pedigree came along?”

“I-I might have said something like that but-!”

Except Stella just cuts Annie off mid-word.

“Well… this one is clearly quite competent. Very skilled too. Perhaps you could pay him to fertilize your eggs.”

… Seriously? Vincent raises an eyebrow as a very red-faced dragon woman looks from her princess lover to him and then back again. Annie the Dragon’s face only gets redder and redder too as she growls in the back of her throat. Except, if Vincent didn’t know any better, he’d say that growl was more of a pitiful whine than anything.

“F-Fine! But don’t think this means a-anything, intruder! I’m only doing this b-because my princess thinks it’s a good idea! Now put that s-sword away and strip naked!”

Vincent’s other eyebrow raises to join the first at that, even as the dragon scowls furiously, crosses her arms over her chest, and looks to the side. He hesitates just long enough that she swivels her eyes back around to him though, glaring at him angrily.

“W-Well?! I’ll pay you twice Stella’s weight in gold, l-like she said! So you really have no reason to refuse!”

He had plenty of reasons to refuse. It’s just that none of them outweighed his reasons for agreeing. Sure, going along with this would piss off the King, but if he left this Kingdom afterwards, Vincent would probably be fine. It wasn’t like HE stole the Princess after all. He would have just been the mercenary who failed to retrieve her.

And no, that wasn’t that big of a deal either. Reputation was everything for adventurers, but it wasn’t like he had a completely perfect track record. Failing to rescue a princess from a dragon wasn’t the end of the world. Not his world, anyways.

In the end… in the end, Vincent shrugs and sheathes his sword before beginning to strip right then and there. The only thing he leaves on is his necklace… which neither the princess nor the dragon seem to realize is an emergency teleport keyed directly to his vitality. Basically, if Annaryxsis tries to kill him, he’ll be teleported away from here. Naked and without his gear… but hey, what’s life without some risks, right?

Once she sees he’s actually stripping, Annie goes back to eating out Stella anyways. The princess squeaks at her draconic lover’s actions but also doesn’t seem to mind him watching too much as Annie’s tongue dives back into Stella’s quim, licking and slurping at the princess’ pussy. Meanwhile, Annie’s tail is high in the air now, higher than it was when he first came in. Now visible, framed between her thighs, is a perfectly wet pair of pussy lips, dripping with arousal.

Finally naked, his cock rock hard and ready for action, Vincent walks over to the bed and climbs up behind the dragon. Annie freezes as he grabs her by the base of her tail but doesn’t do anything to stop him from lining up with her. It’s not until the last second that she pulls back from Stella’s cunt and looks back over her shoulder at him.

“Go slowly… it’s my first time, a-alright?”

Well shit. Now he’s going around accepting deals from princesses and deflowering dragons. Vincent thought he’d really seen it all in the past ten plus years of adventuring, but he’s starting to realize he’s barely cracked the surface of the insane shit that one can run into in this world. Regardless, he nods and takes the dragon’s request into consideration, being cautious and slow as he pushes his cock inside of her.

He quickly runs into her virginity, blinking in surprise that she’d even have one like a normal human woman. But it is what it is. With a short, sharp thrust, he tears through it, making Annie squeal into Stella’s slit, the dragon woman quivering as the princess holds her by the horns again and keeps her head in place.

“That’s it Annie. That’s my good dragon. Nnngh, keep going. Don’t let the big mean adventurer stop you from worshipping your princess~”

Meanwhile, a groan leaves Vincent’s lips as he delves deeper and deeper into her depths. He honestly barely pays any mind to the true nature of Stella and Annie’s relationship. Though in the back of his head, he thinks to himself that the story he’d been told might not be the entire truth. To be fair to the King, it’s entirely possible he has no clue his daughter went ahead and secretly eloped with a female dragon.

No, as far as that man knows, this is a textbook princess kidnapping. They happen all the time, after all. A dragon’s hoard is said to not be complete without a properly kidnapped princess to act as the hoard’s crown jewel. Some of the older dragons keep entire stables of princesses, or so he’s heard. But this dragon isn’t like her kin. That much is obvious from the way she’s squeezing the shit out of his dick as he fucks her from behind.

Starting off slow and gentle is easy. Maintaining that pace when her entirely too hot cunt is wrapped so snugly around his cock… it’s impossible. Eventually, Vincent finds himself fucking Annie the Dragon harder. He just can’t help himself. Fortunately, she doesn’t seem to hate it now that she’s had time to adjust to losing her virginity. Indeed, the harder he goes, the tighter she gets and the more Stella moans from him thrusting her dragon lover forward into her cunt.


Before Vincent knows it, he’s burying himself so deep in Annie’s molten pussy that his balls are slapping up against her mound with every thrust he makes. Swinging up into her clit, they drive the dragon woman wilder than she was already being driven, her muffled squeals filling the air even despite being stifled by the princess’ pussy lips.

Until finally, she cums for him. Of course, Vincent is under no misconceptions. It’s a group effort, in the end. Stella is busy climaxing all over Annie’s face, and in turn ‘Annaryxsis the Fearsome’ can’t help herself. She orgasms as well, her already snug velvety insides growing even snugger as they proceed to wring the absolute hell out of Vincent’s cock.

With a loud groan, the adventurer tips over the edge as well, his seed exploding from his member as his churning balls finally spit out the load they’ve been cooking up. He cums and cums what feels like buckets and he almost can’t seem to stop. It has to be the best orgasm he’s ever had; Vincent finds himself thinking, even as Annie’s quim overflows with his jizz.

Finally though, it’s over. They’ve all reached sexual release and when he feels Annie’s hips pushing back against his own, Vincent doesn’t try to fight it. He pulls back, his cock leaving her cunt as he rises off the bed. Still naked save for his necklace, Vincent watches for a moment as Annie pulls back from Stella, staring down at her princess for a brief second.

Stella, in turn, is looking up at Annie with a panting, wanton expression of pure adoration on her face. He can’t even see the dragon’s expression and just from looking at Stella in that split second, Vincent can tell that what the princess and her dragon have… it’s true love. Not something he’s ever put much stock in himself, but he considers himself an open-minded individual. Why shouldn’t others be able to find true love just because it wasn’t something that had ever worked out for him?

After another moment passes, Stella lets out a happy little sigh and drops back onto the bed, passing out from the exertion. It seems the princess’ delicate constitution had been taxed to her limits. Annie, meanwhile, wordlessly rises from the bed and gestures for him to follow her. Vincent gathers his things and does so.

When they return to her main lair, he half-expects to be betrayed and attacked once they’re in a big enough room for Annaryxsis to bring out her full form. But instead the dragon gestures around them at all of the gold.

“Twice Stella’s weight in gold. I do hope you have some way of transporting it.”

He does. Never go anywhere without two bags of holding. One for your gear, one for the loot. Once he’s done carefully taking his prize, Vincent gives Annie a nod, ready to move off. But the dragon stops him with a hand on his arm.

“My beloved told you never to return to this Kingdom again.”

Tilting his head to the side, Vincent nods once more.

“Yes. I will uphold my end of the bargain.”

“Hm. W-Well… eventually, Stella might want a child as well. S-So you could come back… in secret… so long as y-you’ve told no one where we are.”

Of course he hasn’t, why would he tell anyone where his quarry was? Still… Vincent smirks and shrugs.

“I won’t tell a soul. As for coming back… well, we’ll see.”

That gets a rather cute scowl from Annie, who quickly crosses her arms over her chest again.

“What does that mean, ‘we’ll see’?! Don’t be so mysterious! No, you’re definitely coming back now! One year from now, you will present yourself to me, human! Or I will h-hunt you down myself!”

Amused now, Vincent gives the dragon woman a low bow at the waist, even providing a flourish.

“Then, my lady… your wish is my command.”

As before, Annie doesn’t know when she’s being made fun of. And so he’s not surprised when she nods sharply with a pleased sniff.


Departing the dragon’s lair and slipping his cloak back on so he can get past the arachnid colony and the kobolds, Vincent has a lot of time to contemplate what just happened as he makes it back to the surface and then departs from the Kingdom at his own pace.

In the end, he just chalks it up to being one of those things that comes with the life of an adventurer. Sometimes the world threw you for a loop and that was just how it was.



Half dragon hybrid, Stella has baby fever, shenanigans ensue!


Kinda want that One Year Later sequel, only Vincent forgot and Annie didn't, so he's on some adventure only to be suddenly snatched up and taken back by some big fuck off dragon that doesn't say a word until they get back lol


This is even better than that pic of the Knight f**king off with the dragon babe over his shoulder while the "damsel" is left chained up.

Smile Dip

I like how Stella clearly is the one who wears the pants in this relationship, so to speak


I think there are many people here who would like to see the second part in the next survey.