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Themes: Fucked Silly, Ghost Sex, Big Dick

Summary: Based on this image. A young medium has always considered his ability to see and interact ghosts as a curse more than a blessing. Until he meets an unfortunate girl from his University who just recently passed away. Turns out that she has a very different type of unfinished business than he's used to. He'd like to say it's just him doing his duty, but really... he's never had quite so much fun. 


Let it be known that being a Medium, a REAL Medium, isn’t at all worth it. In fact, it’s a real fucking drag most of the time. Simon WISHES he could have been one of those fake hustler Mediums that used crystal balls and smoke machines hidden under tables to fool some poor schmucks into paying for ‘contact with the afterlife’.

Unfortunately, it simply didn’t work like that. Being constantly hounded by the dead was a chore and a half and Simon was constantly surprised at how adjusted he’d turned out to be despite growing up as the latest in a long family line of real, actual Mediums. Of course, he mostly chalked that up to his father, who shared his abilities to see, hear, and interact with dead people.

From a very early age, his father had taught him all the tips and tricks. Most importantly of all, his father had shown him that ignoring the dead was never the solution. It just didn’t work like that, unfortunately. While yes, you could ignore most of the ghosts and specters you saw out and about on a day to day basis, especially when it was obvious they were a dead person and not one of the living… if they figured out you could see them, that went right out the window.

It was simple, really. Keep your head down, be an introvert, don’t interact with anyone unless you see other people interact with them first. Otherwise you just might accidentally let a ghost know you could see them. But if you DID wind up letting a ghost know you could see them, well then you only had one choice at that point… appeasement.

Once a dead person knew you could hear and see them, they would latch onto you as their only possibility of completing their unfinished business in the world. And if ghosts saw one of their own following you around, they would wind up following you too upon realizing how special you were. That was what his father had taught Simon to avoid.

Because once you got overwhelmed, you were probably going straight to the looney bin. It was simply a numbers game. Get too many ghosts following you and you were liable to snap. Their family was littered with such basket cases.

Simon’s dad had raised him well. He’d only allowed half a dozen ghosts in the past decade to catch on that he could see them, and he’d helped them all with their unfinished business as fast as humanly possible before moving the fuck on with his life. As a result, he was the first member of their family to get to go to University, with no one being any the wiser of his very real Medium Abilities.

… Unfortunately, as Simon slips inside of his dorm room and sees the huge person-shaped lump under his covers, he knows that he’s about to deal with his seventh spirit. He doesn’t have a roommate after all, this is a one person room… and he locked the door behind him. Not to mention, no one alive would think to hide under a blanket like that. They’d realize how dumb it looks.

Making sure to close and lock his door behind him, Simon does not immediately go to the slightly shifting lump on the bed. Instead, he goes over and lights a stick of incense, along with saying a short warding prayer. He feels the moment that the minor magic spell takes effect. It’s not… anything too amazing. In fact, none of his family’s magic can do anything to the living and can barely affect the dead.

He wishes he could say that no more ghosts would be able to enter his room right now, but that’s not what the spell does. Instead, it simply… discourages them. If they knew a real life medium was in here, it wouldn’t stop them. But so long as they don’t know, he’s safer.

Once that’s done, Simon moves over to the bed and throws back the covers to confront the ghost, only to freeze in shock at who he sees waiting for him.

Shivering, wearing a white long-sleeve dress with her long black hair draped over her ample bosom in thick strands is the most beautiful, buxom ghost he’s ever seen. She stares up at him with red eyes and a trembling look on her face.

“A-Ah… ah, I know you can’t see me, Simon, but I-!”


Her name cuts the female ghost off. Though perhaps calling her ‘the female ghost’ is a bit dehumanizing. This isn’t just another spirit. This is Kara, one of his classmates. He’d… he’d heard about her death through the grapevine. They’d shared a few classes together, meaning he’d sat through a handful of moments of silence in each one. Apparently she’d overworked herself to death of all things.

It shows in her ghostly appearance to be honest. Her hair is a mess, but the rest of her is just fine. More than fine, even. She doesn’t have any visible wounds or anything grotesque like that. Just… just a heart that gave out on her.

“W-Wait… you can see me?”

Surprised, Simon tilts his head to the side in confusion.

“You didn’t know I’d be able to see you?”

She hastily shakes her own head back and forth, staring at him in wonder.

“N-No… I…”

Huh. But then that would mean… well, in the end it didn’t matter anyways did it? Simon knew his duty.

“Right, I’ll just give it to you straight, Kara. I’m a Medium. Meaning I can see, hear, and interact with the dead.”

He reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder at that, making her go still as she stares at said hand in wonder.

“I’m going to help you move on to the afterlife, Kara. So… why don’t you tell me what you think your unfinished business is.”

He thinks he might already have an idea. If you’d asked him what Kara’s unfinished business was before he’d found her hiding out in his room yet unaware of his status as a Medium, Simon would have assumed it was something to do with academics. But since she was here…

“… You!”

Kara eeps the moment she says that, covering her mouth with her hands in mortified embarrassment. But Simon just gives a soft smile.

“Yeah. Figured as much since you’re here. Well… what about me, exactly? Wha-mmph!”

He’d managed to deduce that she was hiding in his room because he had something to do with her unfinished business. However, let it be said… Simon had spent his whole life as an introvert avoiding making deep connections with other people as a result of his family’s abilities. Meaning he was kind of oblivious in a lot of ways.

However, even someone as dense as Simon couldn’t exactly misinterpret Kara’s signals when the busty young ghost woman proceeds to launch herself off his bed and wrap her arms around his neck, smooshing her tits against his chest while kissing him deeply. As her tongue pushes into his mouth, Simon quickly figures out exactly what Kara’s unfinished business probably is, even as his hands go to the spirit’s hips.

She doesn’t weigh anything, despite being solid to his touch, so he doesn’t stumble back or anything like that. Instead she sort of just dangles off him as they makeout for the next little while, kissing one another as Simon just… kind of goes with the flow.

He has to admit, he’d like to say this is just part of the job… but it’s really not. In fact, none of his father’s teachings had ever prepared him for a sexy ghost girl wanting to makeout with him.

Finally though, they pull apart… mostly because Simon still needs to breath. Blinking rapidly, he recovers swiftly enough and looks Kara in her red ghostly eyes.

“W-Well. That was… nice. Was that… is that what you needed, Kara?”

He’d be lying if he said he hoped that wasn’t all. And indeed, Kara shakes her head, getting shy for a moment before overcoming her own insecurities.

“W-What the hell… I’m already dead, right? So I m-might as well just be honest. Simon… I died a virgin. And you were… you were the only person in this entire University who was ever nice to me for even a moment. It sounds so stupid now that I’m dead… but you lent me a pen one time when mine ran out of ink. And I never forgot that.”

Well shit. Now he felt like a heel for not really considering her more than a passing acquaintance.

“So that’s why… I think my unfinished business might be to have you take me to bed and claim my v-virginity. P-Please.”

Part of him wondered if saying ‘yes’ meant he was taking advantage of Kara. But… shit, the poor girl was already dead! This wasn’t like some party where she’d been tricked into drinking too much and then fallen into his lap for him to do whatever with! This was her unfinished business! Letting out a low sigh, Simon nods.

“I would be… happy to, Kara.”

He doesn’t tell her it’s his first time too. She doesn’t need to know that. Blushing profusely but also lighting up like a fucking Christmas Tree, the suddenly ecstatic ghost girl quickly pulls him down onto the bed with her, lying back and hiking up her white dress. Simon, meanwhile, unbuckles his belt and unbuttons and unzips his pants, pulling his own cock out of his boxers a moment later, much to her gasping shock.

“S-So big!”

Blinking, Simon looks down at his dick. Was it? Huh, he’d never really paid much attention to that, he supposed. Well…

“Are you ready, Kara?”

“Y-Yes! A thousand times yes!”

Smiling slightly, he lines up with her pussy lips and nudges forward… only for Kara to wrap her legs around his waist, lock them behind his back, and yank him forward with every bit of ghostly might. It was very strange, but despite not having any weight to her, Kara could still interact with the world… with him especially since he was her unfinished business. Simon grunts as he’s abruptly pulled halfway into the ghost woman, his hands falling upon her tits as he catches himself.

Kara moans in response, writhing beneath him.

“Yessss~ More, Simon! Fuck me! Play with my b-breasts! Use me to your heart’s content!”

Well, if that was Kara’s wish, how could he say no? Sure, his father might not have taught him how to handle sexy, horny ghost girls… but he definitely taught Simon to always deal with spirits who caught on to his awareness as fast as possible. With a grunt, Simon gives Kara’s tits a squeeze and then really begins going to town on her. He fucks her hard and fast, pounding her down into his bedding as she squeals beneath him.

Her pussy is absurdly wet but also absurdly tight, giving credence to the claim she’d been a virgin before death. As his cock barrels inside of her, she doesn’t stop talking about how big he is.

“H-Huge! Guh! Stretching m-me out! H-Harder! Yes!”

If nothing else, his first time is going spectacularly. Though it probably helps that it’s with a ghost girl who’s unfinished business on this plane of existence is apparently fucking him. Still, it’s definitely a confidence booster. Simon doesn’t know when the next time he’s going to have sex is… or whether it’ll ever happen for that matter. One night stands would probably be fine, but he’s always been on the fence about having children and passing on his abilities to another generation.

Likewise, he has no intentions of fucking any more female ghosts after Kara. She’s… special. A set of very unique, very special circumstances that he definitely doesn’t expect to be repeated any time soon or really ever again. With that in mind, Simon figures he might as well make the most of things…

Going to town on Kara, not letting up for even a second, he brings the ghost girl to orgasm after orgasm, making her HOWL with ecstasy. He’s glad that no one else in his dorm should be spiritually in tune enough to hear her, because she gets loud and she doesn’t stop, cumming over and over again on his dick until he finally lets out a loud groan of his own and proceeds to empty his balls into her ghost body.

Of course, they’re not done there. Not by a long shot. After he’s finished and rolls off of her, Kara climbs on top of him and begins to ride him cowgirl style. Simon is all too happy to let her, his hands on her hips as he thrusts up into her from below. Its fun fucking a weightless but still ‘solid’ girl, especially one with tits as big as Kara’s. Really fun.

They fuck the night away like that, with Simon doing his absolute best to pound the ghost girl over and over again, using his big fat cock to give it to her long and hard until her eyes are rolling back in her head and her tongue is sticking straight out of her mouth from all the pleasure.

He’s not sure how long it goes on before he passes out, but one thing is for sure… he feels accomplished and satisfied by the end. Like he’s really achieved something amazing in helping Kara with her unfinished business.


His eyes fluttering open as the sun shines through his blinds onto his face and bird song fills the morning air, Simon lets out a soft sigh as a slow smile spreads across his lips. Last night had been… unexpected but good. Really good. He was glad he’d been able to help Kara with her unfinished business, and happy to have assisted her in moving on from this plane of existence.

In the end, all was well that ended we-


Going still, Simon slowly turns his head to the side, only to realize that Kara is… still there. Staring back at him with wide red eyes, the ghost girl bites her lower lip and wiggles for a moment.

“I thought your unfinished business was dying a virgin with unrequited feelings for me…”

“Ah… it doesn’t seem like I’ve moved on yet… so maybe my unfinished business is d-deeper than that?”

Deeper?! What did that mean?! Marriage?! Dating?! Simon, bewildered, just stares at the ghostly young woman for a long moment… before letting out a low sigh.

“Well. I suppose we’ll just have to figure it out then. Together.”

Kara’s excited squee as she glomps and hugs him tightly brings a small smile to Simon’s face. He should be irritated. Upset, even. After all, here’s a ghost who will likely follow him around for the foreseeable future, potentially drawing in other spirits. They’re going to have to be very, very careful to avoid him getting overwhelmed.

But… maybe there’s a way they can make this work…


Will Hutchinson

I could honestly see this turning into more with how you've written the ending and I believe I speak for many of your followers in saying that it would be amazing to see more of this story. With how wholesome the story is, along with the as usual amazing sex scenes, it would be a great premise for a larger story.

Osiris Sundavr

This would make a great story! I honestly hope to see more of this.


Honestly would love to see this continued, it really caught my interest

daniel riggle

and this is how erma was conceived

daniel riggle

nope a webcomic about an adorable little ghost girl who lives with her ghost mommy and her living father https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/erma/list?title_no=170650


A very cool story!