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Themes: Rough Sex, Breeding, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 2 of Expanding the Family (originally titled A Reincarnator's Pets). A chance encounter sees Rudeus and Sara running into each other. For years, he's wanted to apologize to her. Meanwhile, Eris and Sylphie, having heard what happened between the two of them, decide that they're going to help by making Sara an offer... one that she's happy to accept. Rudeus is surprised, but in the end he can't exactly deny he's on board with it if they are. And so the family expands once more, this time gaining a fourth wife. 


“… Are you all sure about this?”

Rudeus Greyrat had a secret. This wasn’t his first life. He was a Reincarnator. He liked to think he’d made the most of it though. His second life had certainly been a lot better than his first, filled with triumphs and successes along with companionship and family. He had three wives after all, along with three beast-women servants who were now all carrying his children.

And yet… that wasn’t to say he didn’t have regrets. His second life hadn’t been perfect, despite being incomparably better than his first. He’d made his mistakes, had his heartbreaks, and some things had just gone tits up on him.

Today he’d found himself face to face with one of his bigger regrets, running into Sara while he was out and about town. The two had known each other long ago, years in fact, and they had definitely not parted on the best of terms. And yet, when they’d finally run into each other again and he’d tried to apologize to her, Sara had also tried to apologize to him as well. The cute blonde adventurer seemed convinced that it was all her fault, the fact that they’d parted on bad terms. But Rudeus thought it was his fault.

In the end, they’d made peace with one another and then parted ways, which was about the best that Rudeus had expected from the encounter. Only… just a few short hours later, he’d arrived home to find out that Eris and Sylphie had taken it upon themselves to… take matters into their own hands.

His two wives are currently stood in the back of the room, watching him interact with Sara. He and the blonde are currently sat across from each other, with Rudeus’ words hanging in the air. Blushing slightly, Sara slowly nods.

“Yes… I’m sure, Rudy. Your… wives have explained things to me. How I won’t be the first, or the second, or even the third. They were… most gracious in offering to let me be a wife in the first place. I would have been content with a bodyguard position if one was a-available. I would be happy to become your servant if it let me get close t-to you again…”

Rudeus glances at his wives at that. Had they told Sara what he’d done with his other servants when they were in heat? Tch. Probably. Either way… if they were willing to let him take Sara as a fourth wife then Rudeus supposed he wasn’t opposed to the idea. That said…

“What about Roxy? Is she on board with this?”

Eris and Sylphie exchange a glance at that before both smile.

“We haven’t had the time to contact her about Sara specifically… but we’ve all discussed this matter before. If two of us find a woman we think worthy of being another wife for you, then we have the third’s permission to present them for your approval.”

Well. That was… efficient, he supposed. Rudeus slowly nods before turning his gaze back to Sara, his mouth open as he intends to speak again. However, the words catch in his throat because Sara, in his moment of distraction, has not been idle.

The blonde blushes as she frames her suddenly naked tits for him, wrapping her arms under her bust. Having removed her top, the adventurer is doing her best to push her tits high up, trying to make them appear bigger. Each one is capped with a cute pink nipple as she licks her lips and shows off her chest to him.

“… I-I know I’m not the biggest, but I thought you might like to see them, maybe… to see how I’ve grown since… since we last saw each other.”

And indeed she has. Rudeus’ cock begins to grow hard in his pants as he enjoys the sight of Sara all matured. She’s not THAT much more developed, but it has been a few years and she’s truly blossomed into a beautiful young woman.

“Do… do you like what you see? You can… sample the goods first, if you like. I wouldn’t ask you to commit to being my husband without letting you try out my body f-first and-mmph!”

Suddenly rising, Rudeus steps forward and tucks two fingers under Sara’s chin, cutting her off with a kiss on her lips. The blonde’s eyes widen in surprise. Frankly, Rudeus is just as surprised. Their parting must have had a bigger impact on Sara than he’d thought. Back when they’d first met, she’d had quite a fiery personality. The best way to describe her was headstrong, reckless, and impulsive. She also had a tendency to jump the gun a lot.

… In a way, that hasn’t changed. She’s letting her mouth write checks she doesn’t need to and once again acting impulsive as she gets ahead of herself. Once he’s done kissing her for a few short moments, Rudeus pulls back and sighs as he looks down at Sara with a fond smile.

“You don’t have to prove yourself to me, Sara. I’ll be glad to take you as my fourth wife. We don’t have to do anything until our wedding night either if you’d prefer to wait. I don’t care about-!”

Before he could finish his statement, Sara has already slipped out of her seat and down onto her knees before him. Hastily, she begins pulling open his pants.

“T-Thank you… but I’d rather not wait if it’s all the same.”

Rudeus grunts, not really about to disagree with her. Indeed, it would be rather hard for him to try to say he himself wanted to wait when she’s pulling out his rock hard cock a moment later, gasping as it springs forth from its confines and nearly smacks her in the face.

“S-So big…”

Chuckling, Rudeus reaches out and slides a hand through Sara’s hair, running his fingers along her scalp.

“You’re not the only one who’s grown, Sara.”

Either too eager to stop herself or taking his head pat as a form of guidance, Sara doesn’t answer him with words. Instead, she opens wide and dives right down his cock, moaning as she takes him into her mouth right there on the spot and begins to bob up and down his dick.

Rudeus groans, his head going back in pure enjoyment of her efforts. As a result, he gets an eyeful of his other two wives already stripped naked and playing with each other. Both Eris and Sylphiette are moaning softly into each other’s mouths, their clothes discarded and their hands all over one another. Rudeus watches this for a moment, watches as his beautiful wives play with each other.

Then, he feels Sara getting insistent down below and realizes she’s sucking his cock more desperately, having clearly realized that he’s not paying her any mind. Smiling back down at her, Rudeus returns his focus where it belongs… on his new wife kneeling at his feet as she gurgles and swallows as much of his cock as she possibly can.

She doesn’t go all the way, either out of fear or inability, but Rudeus doesn’t mind that one bit. It’s not like he expects all of his women to deep throat his cock. Rather, there’s something almost adorable about how Sara swirls her tongue around the bulbous tip of his throbbing member, her lips never going past a couple of inches.

Instead her hands are what do the lion’s share of the work, sliding up and down his shaft, using her spit and saliva as lubricant as she does so. In fact, she’s very insistent on getting him all lubed up in her drool. Until finally, she’s coated every last inch of his cock with the stuff. Only then does Sara pull back off of his cock with a pop, gasping and beautiful bared chest heaving as she gazes up at him.

“Please… please do me the honor of taking me, Rudeus. Of making me your woman… and breeding me as your fourth wife.”

Well, what else was Rudeus to do but give her what she asked for? Grinning, he reaches down under her armpits and lifts her up off the ground. Setting her on her back on the couch, Rudeus climbs aboard… only to hear scurrying as both Eris and Sylphie rush forward from the back of the room, wanting to be able to see what he’s doing to their new sister-wife.

The two wind up taking up position on the opposite couch where Rudeus had been sat and after giving them a slightly bemused glance, he focuses back on the woman of the hour. Sara wriggles under him, even as he finishes divesting her of her pants and panties, with her help of course. His hands go to her bared hips and her legs spread wide for him as his throbbing, spit-polished cock presses against her slit.

Finding her to be quite wet and ready already, Rudeus grins as he nudges against Sara’s entrance.

“You absolutely sure about this, Sara?”

Blushing but also pouting at him, Sara nods her head rapidly.

“Y-Yes! I’m sure! Please… please don’t tease me…”

Heh, fair enough. In the end, Rudeus is just glad that this isn’t going to end like their last time. He hasn’t had that sort of problem in a long, long while. With a grunt, he thrusts forward into her. In response, Sara lets out a yelp followed by a wanton moan as he stretches her out around his cock.

“Ooooh~ S-So b-big!”

Smirking, feeling a surge of pride at her compliment, Rudeus moves one hand from her hips to her chest, fondling one of her breasts. As he pinches and tugs on her nipple, Sara gasps and arches her back for him, pushing her chest up into the air. From that moment on, Rudeus begins to fuck her. He doesn’t hold back either, starting to plow Sara hard and fast.

The blonde adventurer is well-built and more than capable of taking it too. She moans beneath him, quivering and shuddering as he fucks her. Her pussy walls flex around his cock and Rudeus tosses his head back with a groan. Then, just as swiftly, he throws his head forward, wrapping his lips around the nipple he doesn’t currently have pinched between two fingers.

Sara’s response to this is intensely gratifying as his all out attack on her breasts leaves her squealing beneath him. It’s one thing for him to be fucking her, after all. It’s another entirely for him to be overwhelming her from every angle. Her soft breasts, while not the biggest in Rudeus’ ‘stable’, are definitely an ample amount, each one an easy handful for him to grope and squeeze… and suckle and nibble at to his heart’s content.

All the while, his other two wives are still going to town on one another over on the opposite couch. Indeed, despite clearly wanting to watch as their husband takes his newest wife, both Eris and Sylphiette have begun engaging one another in oral sex. Sylphie is on the bottom while Eris, his red head wife, is currently on top of the white-haired elf. The pair are in a sixty-nine, going to town on each other’s cunts while keeping on eye on him and Sara the entire time.

Having them close by… it only spurs Rudeus on to go even harder. His cock throbs inside of Sara while her pussy walls clench and squeeze around his shaft. She moans beneath him and he can see her eyes rolling back in her head from the pleasure. They’ve both grown up a lot since they last saw each other, but Rudeus feels like he’s grown up the most. He’s become the sort of man who can handle not just three women, not just six women… but seven.

That’s a pretty damn good number if he does say so himself. Grinning wickedly, Rudeus slams home into Sara for the umpteenth time and watches as she orgasms for him yet again. He’s lost track of just how many climaxes she’s had by this point. Meanwhile, his cock is being milked for all the blonde adventurer is worth, and her pussy walls are growing quite insistent.

In the end… Rudeus sees no point in holding back much longer. With a hoarse groan, he leans up to capture Sara’s lips with his own one last time. The way her tongue wildly wrestles with his is a testament to how out of it she already is, even as he finally unloads inside of her. Beneath him, Sara shakes, spasms, and seizes up before finally falling still with a shuddering gasp against his lips.

Pulling away from her, Rudeus isn’t surprised to see that she’s passed out on him. He’s kind of a lot for any one woman to handle these days. But then, his other wives and servants knew all about that, didn’t they? And now Sara had learned as much as well.

Smirking, Rudeus pulls out of the freshly creampied blonde, pleased with having her join their family. He then turns to climb off the couch, fully intending to join Eris and Sylphie on their couch and engage in their sixty-nine in some fun way.

However, just as he’s turning in that direction… well, he finds himself stopping, surprised yet again by his wives’ stealth and speed. Somehow, while he was focused on Sara, his other two wives had realized he was getting close to the end of his rope and proceeded to… prepare. Meaning that they’d climbed off their couch, got on their hands and knees, and sneakily crawled across the floor.

This meant that as Rudeus was standing up and turning, his messy cock slapped right across Sylphie and Eris’ waiting faces, his wives moaning happily as they get a mixture of his seed and Sara’s pussy juices across their cheeks. Before Rudeus can do much more than stop and consider the both of them, they lunge forward, opening their mouths wide and attacking his cock with their lips and tongues.

No hands though. Sylphiette clasps her hands behind her, while Eris has both of her hands down between her legs, fingering her cunt in anticipation of the threesome that is to come.

As they swirl their tongues along his still-hard shaft, throbbing and engorged as it is, Rudeus just chuckles and places his hands atop their heads, his fingers gliding through their white and red locks respectively.

Its funny… there’s no denying that Eris, Roxy, Sylphie, and now Sara are his wives while Ghislaine, Linia, and Pursena are his servants. But sometimes he really does have to wonder, because his wives don’t seem to mind debasing and degrading themselves in the pursuit of pleasure and happiness, both their own and his.

In the end though, it’s not too big of a deal. Smiling down at Eris and Sylphie, Rudeus reflects and comes to a simple conclusion. No matter what… they’re all one big happy family.



I can definitely see this happening in canon. By this point in the story Eris runs off a "if it makes Rudy happy, I'm happy" mindset and Sylphie is basically a cuckquean who fantasies and braces herself constantly for Nanahoshi to become the next wife. Great stuff!


Kinda miffed that Linia and Pursena got stuck being maids while some girl I can't even remember gets to be an official wife...