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The XXX-Gene Ch. 22 (Marvel)

  • Proposition Emma for sex anyways 128
  • See if she offers so that its her idea instead 510
  • Don't give her the chance, end the meeting there 16
  • 2023-10-22
  • —2023-11-04
  • 654 votes
{'title': 'The XXX-Gene Ch. 22 (Marvel)', 'choices': [{'text': 'Proposition Emma for sex anyways', 'votes': 128}, {'text': 'See if she offers so that its her idea instead', 'votes': 510}, {'text': "Don't give her the chance, end the meeting there", 'votes': 16}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 4, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 22, 14, 35, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 654}


A/N: The hardest choices require the strongest of wills...


A threesome with Gwen and Kitty versus taking a phone call from Emma Frost. Truly, Thaddeus was living the hardest of lives. For a long moment, he considers just blowing Emma off and putting his phone on silent. He could probably even get away with it too if he explained it to her in the right terms after the fact.

He just had to couch it properly. After all, his powers were the reason that the Hellfire Club had decided to recruit him in the first place, right? So it was perfectly reasonable for him to use strengthening those powers as an excuse, he felt. Probably. But… no. As tempting as Kitty and Gwen both are in this moment, it doesn’t matter. He has to be… responsible.

“I’m sorry girls, but I really have to take this.”

Before Kitty can do much beyond squawk indignantly, Thaddeus has already grabbed her by her hips and pulled her off of his cock. She doesn’t even get the chance to use her powers before he’s depositing her between him and Gwen and then sitting up. Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, he grabs the phone off of the side table and presses the Answer Button as he brings it to his ear.

“There’s a car outside for you. Get in it.”


Thaddeus blinks at the short call, even as Emma ends it without giving him a chance to respond. On the one hand… wow, rude much? On the other hand, he supposed it made sense. This room wasn’t exactly secure after all. Thaddeus winces as he recalls the conversation he’d had with Laura a week ago. Tch, he hadn’t said anything TOO bad he supposed. Except for that part about not wanting Hellfire to let him go and intending to ride the gravy train all the way to the station if possible.

But… that shouldn’t be anything too groundbreaking to Natalie and whatever government organization she represented. No, rather, it was more likely that the information about Laura and Kitty had been of more relevancy to the red head. He feels bad for exposing the two of them, though he’s pretty sure Natalie and her superiors already knew about the X-Men as a whole.

Regardless, fantasies of engaging in a threesome with Kitty and Gwen WHILE taking the phone call with Emma die the quickest death imaginable as he pulls the phone away from his ear and gives the two women he’s left behind on the bed his most apologetic smile.

“My sincerest apologies, ladies… but it looks like I’m needed elsewhere.”

He expects incredulity and indignation from the two young women. After all, he’s a healthy, red-blooded American Man passing up a chance at a threesome with a gorgeous and athletic blonde and a cute, mousy brunette. A cute, mousy brunette he hadn’t even gotten to finish fucking. More than that, he’s got literal super powers that encourage him to have as much sex as he can get his hands on.

It is not lost on Thaddeus how crazy this must look from the outside in. But… to his surprise, any incredulity and indignation is muted. Gwen looks more confused and concerned than anything, while Kitty has an expression of realization on her face. Both respond at the same time, partially talking over each other.

“Who even was that on the phone just now, Thaddeus?”

“You know you don’t have to jump to her beck and call, right Thaddeus?”

Right. Gwen’s enhanced hearing meant she’d heard every word Emma said and thus knew he was being summoned by another woman. And Kitty could put two and two together and get four easily enough. Wincing, Thaddeus throws Kitty a warning look, not really wanting the other mutant to spill the beans about the Hellfire Club.

It wouldn’t be safe for Gwen to know that much this fast. To her credit, Kitty only hesitates for a second before nodding… but that nod isn’t lost on Gwen, meaning he has to come up with some sort of answer for the blonde. In the end, a partial truth was probably best.

“That… was my benefactor. The one who got me into ESU… and the one who set me up in this dorm.”

Gwen’s eyes widen at that, and then she lets out a small laugh as she shakes her head with a grin.

“So… not an accident then?”

“No… more of a surprise gift.”

She snorts derisively at that… and then gets serious again, leaning forward as she peers at Thaddeus carefully.

“Is she dangerous? Thaddeus, if you-!”

Raising a hand to forestall any more talk of that kind, Thaddeus shakes his head.

“She’s not dangerous to me and that’s all I can really say. But… I do owe her a lot. So I’m going to go see her and find out what she needs.”

More than likely, this was actually about what HE needed, not what Emma needed. It had only been a week since they’d agreed she would go about finding him a way to resist psychic probes going forward. That said, given how he’d spoken to her last, Emma might have felt… compelled to go hunting for an answer faster than normal. Certainly, Thaddeus didn’t think she would call him to her side without some sort of answer. That would only serve to further damage the trust between them.

Neither Gwen nor Kitty look happy about it now. Gwen because she didn’t like what little she’d heard of how his ‘mysterious benefactor’ talked to him and Kitty because she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that that was his handler from the Hellfire Club. And seeing how Kitty’s whole purpose for being here in the first place was to try and keep the Hellfire Club from sinking their claws further into Thaddeus, she probably took this as a personal failing.

Meanwhile, Thaddeus was more annoyed that he and Kitty hadn’t got to finish than anything else. Yes, it sucked to lose out on a threesome with the two beautiful girls, but it sucked even more to lose out on the power gain that would have come from him and Kitty getting to completion. Needless to say, even as Thaddeus begins getting dressed and Gwen and Kitty do the same before saying their goodbyes and leaving his dorm room, he’s feeling a serious case of blue balls.

Well, at least that won’t last for long, right? Whoever Emma has gotten for him… the only way for Thaddeus to gain a resistance to psychics is to fuck someone already resistant to psychics. With that lifeline in mind, he heads out to the nondescript black car that Emma has sent to pick him up.

Unfortunately, there’s no one, not even Emma herself, waiting for him in the back seat. That’s disappointing, but as soon as he’s in the car, Emma sends him a text that just says ‘See you soon’ so he puts on his seatbelt and settles in to wait.

The following twenty minute drive starts out being quite the boring pain in his backed up balls, but then it gets more interesting when the driver suddenly takes a sharp turn, causing Thaddeus to have to brace himself on the inside of the plush backseat. Wide-eyed, he finds himself being driven in a rather… unorthodox fashion from that point on.

At some point, he’s pretty sure he figures out what’s going on… they’d had a tail, and the driver had been trying to lose it. Succeeded too from the look of things, because the car ride terminates in an underground parking garage and Thaddeus finds himself stepping out and right up to an elevator just two steps away that dings open for him. Another text from Emma tells him to get in, so he does… and with that, he finds himself on an ascent. Climbing and climbing, the elevator passes through a couple of basement levels before making its way into normal floor numbers. And then it keeps going and going.

There’s no control panel. No rows of buttons to let Thaddeus know how many floors this building has. But he finds out in the end all the same, because the elevator doesn’t stop until it opens up on the hundredth floor… and Thaddeus finds himself stepping out into a penthouse suite with quite the view of New York City’s skyline.

It’s honestly enough to take his breath away for a second. They must be in some sort of hotel, he figures. In the best room in the entire hotel, at that. Emma certainly doesn’t skimp or cut corners, that’s for sure. Of course, whoever she’d got for him is almost certainly somewhere around here. God, that might be awkward depending on what they’ve been told.

With only Emma’s last text of ‘head for the bedroom’ to go off of, Thaddeus makes his way down the hall to where he imagines the bedrooms of this suite are located. He heads straight for the door at the end of the hall, imagining that would be the master bedroom. Then… gathering himself, he grabs the door knob, turns it, and steps inside.

Only to immediately freeze up at who he sees waiting for him there. It’s Emma Frost herself… but not as he’d ever previously seen her. Instead, while the beautiful blonde bombshell is still clad in her signature snow-white, it’s all lingerie. A corset that pushes up her breasts, a garter belt connected to a pair of thigh high stockings, white panties hidden behind crossed legs… the whole nine yards.

She sits there on the edge of the bed with one leg over the other and her hands out on either side of her. For a moment, Thaddeus drinks in her appearance. Then… he gets annoyed. This wasn’t their deal. Where was his psychic resistance? For all he knew, she could be reading his mind right now. Sliding his gaze up off of her admittedly fantastic body, Thaddeus is prepared to be angry. He’s prepared to be filled with righteous fury.

… He’s not prepared to see a look of consternation and anger on Emma’s beautiful face though. That’s startling.

“What exactly have you done to yourself?”

Blinking, Thaddeus tilts his head to the side… and decides it’s probably some ploy to get him off-balance. He’s not going to let that work.

“Why are you here, exactly? I thought we agreed we were going to get me some resistance to telepathy before we continued working together. I only came here because I trusted you to play by the one single rule we agreed on, Ms. Frost.”

Stiffening at that, Emma uncrosses her legs and rises from the bed, her nostrils flaring as she glares him down.

“Don’t give me that. I know what we agreed to, Mr. Cummings. In the end, I had very little in the way of viable options… so I decided I would handle this myself. After all, the best defense is a good offense.”

Thaddeus’ eyes widen as he picks up on her meaning. She was planning on having him fuck her, wasn’t she? That would give him telepathy and the more they fucked, the more powerful a psychic he would become. Her too though, to be fair. Still, she wasn’t wrong. Psychic resistance had to come with BEING a psychic, didn’t it?

“But that’s a moot point now, isn’t it? Because you went and fucked your way to a protected mind at some point in the last week and didn’t bother to tell me. Trust is a two way street, Thaddeus. And you’ve just broken mine.”

Wait, what? He… had? As Emma glares at him furiously, Thaddeus finds himself completely baffled by her accusation. How had he gained psychic resistance by accident?! The only person he’d fucked with any sort of frequency over the last week was… Laura.

“The calcification…”

A flicker of curiosity penetrates through Emma’s angry scowl, even as Thaddeus winces and rubs a hand through the back of his head. He’d felt something weird happening while he and Laura had fucked all throughout the week. More than just the ever-increasing stamina and regeneration powers. He’d likened it to a calcification of his mind, for lack of a better word. But he hadn’t really understood what was happening… until now.

“Look, I didn’t do it on purpose. Or rather, I had sex on purpose… a lot of it too. But I had no idea that resistance to telepathy came with it.”

Emma’s eyes narrow at that and her frown becomes considering. After a moment, the scantily clad blonde crosses her arms over her ample bosom and sighs.

“Who exactly did you fuck to give you this… unique ability to resist my probing?”

Then, she lifts her hand.

“And before you get angry, know that I was fully prepared to restrain myself until such time as you gained psychic abilities of your own from our… copulation. I had every intention of holding my telepathy back until such a time as I could begin training you to actively resist mental probing.”

Emma sighs and shakes her head before continuing her explanation.

“However, on your way up the building, you came into my awareness as this… well, for lack of a better word, you’re like a porcupine. You’ve got all of these spines sticking out of your mind in every direction, ready to stab and flay anyone who’s stupid enough to get too close.”

She narrows her eyes again, suddenly sounding almost defensive.

“I COULD probably slip through, given enough time and motivation. But obviously I’m not going to try because of our arrangement. Consider yourself protected, Thaddeus. Still… who exactly caused this?”

He considers lying to her for a moment. Trying to keep it a secret. But what would be the point? Emma was the one who had arranged for him to be in an all-female dorm to begin with. She had to have access to exactly who was staying at the dorm, so trying to protect any of their identities was kind of an exercise in futility. Especially someone like Laura who had signed up for college under her actual name, apparently.

Besides… Emma was his ally. Even with this slight misunderstanding, they were still in this together.

“Laura Kinney.”

Emma’s eyes widen slightly, and it’s clear she immediately knows who that is.

“The X-23 Experiment? I see… yes, that would actually make some sense. Much like her progenitor, her healing factor would create mental scar tissue, blocking easy access by your average telepath. And then your mutation took that resistance and ran with it, turning it into a full-blown bristling defense.”

Thaddeus blinks and then slowly nods.

“I’ve fucked Laura dozens and dozens of times by this point. I don’t really need that much sleep anymore. And I have yet to truly test my healing factor to its fullest, but my stamina doesn’t seem to run out so I guess that my body is constantly rejuvenating itself. Mind included.”

He’d basically fucked Laura so much and so hard that his mind had to adapt or heal or something, it sounded like. That was… kind of wild.

Though, as much as this solved Thaddeus’ concern about psychics probing his mind, it did present a new problem. Much smaller in scope, sure… but a problem, nonetheless. He was still blue balled. And Emma Frost in her incredibly sexy, incredibly skimpy get up wasn’t helping matters one bit. Could he maybe still get back to the dorm and set that threesome with Kitty and Gwen back up?

Probably not, but he could at least find a woman willing to fuck him. He wasn’t sure Emma would be willing anymore. Would she really want to make him a psychic on top of him having what sounded like an incredibly powerful passive defense against other psychics?

… Then again, the power boost DID go both ways.


A/N: So yeah, turns out Laura has Psychic Resistance and I didn't even realize that when she initially went after Thaddeus and they had raw monkey sex all night long. But then I was looking for sources of psychic resistance and there she was, pfft.

Poor Emma, she got all dolled up in order to offer herself up to Thaddeus on a silver platter too...



Honestly if we have sex with her there is the chance the we would get as close as possible to an absolute defence from any type of mind reading and possible some mind reading of our own, but honestly don't know if making the proposal ourselves is a good idea emma is a very proud woman she is either going to love us taking control or she is going to hate


I would think its out of character for him NOT to shoot his shot here. I would prefer she turn him down tho (maybe after getting him more riled up). Don't want the Mc to have TOO much if a winning streak. That could either lead to him doubling down on his "want to nail The Ice Queen" or put him off from her. I think there is more story to be had if they don't bang here.


i think emma would still would like to try having sex anyway to test how her power reacts and get power up as well.


maybe let her offerhim her ability to turn into a diamant , or as a twist caused by an overlap with the gains from laury a body made out of an adamantium-vibranium alloy , in the hopes to ride herself of her problem that her crystal forrm can shatter?


I hope she offers anyway cause it is hard to see Emma turn down more power at this stage in her life with the Hellfire Club. Also may be interesting if her getting boosted would activate her secondary mutation of diamond then with a boost can use both at the same time instead of one or the other.


Honestly, it's 100% in character for him to make the offer here. Just don't know personally whether Emma would accept for the power boost or hold off at the moment as she doesn't have a clear reason to anymore now that he has some mind reading protection

Josh Snider

Yeah, the Chad in my head would definitely go for it, so that's what I voted for.


Emma has already put her money on thaddeus and he has no absolute power cap. He's her ticket to an edge and the ace in her sleeve. Would it depend on if she's aware that her boost is larger than his on the first sexual exchange? It would take repetition to get him truly effective with her powers, but she benefits more earlier


Making the offer isn't just trying to get more sex, it's mutually beneficial. Emma doesn't know about the power boost yet, so this shows trust in her while offering her a bonus. It also lets her use Thaddeus in the future as a reward for any female proteges she might have. Possibly the old-school Hellions -- like Roulette, Catseye, or Tarot -- or the Cuckoos.


If Emma fucks him, have her turn diamond for the creampie so that she doesn’t get pregnant, he gets to look inside her at his dick touching her cold and hard cervix and he learns that there’s more to Ms. Frost than meets the eye. Or just have her pull off him and have him finish on her face and hair. Though it would be funny seeing Emma play with his blue balls and reject sex for the night just to see what(or who) he’ll do when he’s alone again.


I mean there's no way Emma passes on this chance to get a boost for herself. I can't see an actual reason she passes on this chance.


Probably because she doesn't know the power boost goes both ways just yet :x


I forgot she wasn't in the know about that though I am quite surprised considering her nature of digging into stuff.

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

See... Normally I'd be all for getting Emma's powers. But this would reveal his hand far too soon, and while she could still overcome his defenses, by her own admission. This seems extremely risky. And ppl seem to be thinking with monkey-brain. Doing this would mean LEGIT trusting Emma. And that seems like a hilariously bad idea, that would almost certainly backfire hard. No I'd advocate for making a bad teenage-looking attempt to bed her, and then drop it. Making it seem like you tried, while just putting her off to the idea. And then go back to doing the wall-phaser. Fuck this ended up being a huge waste tho... Passed on a useful ability, while instead getting into dangerous territory. He should just have finnished quick with Kitty. Not that he could know that would be the better choice...


Wait, she doesn't? Feels like the kind of thing she would have figured out. Great chapter btw.


The issue here is that unless Jean Grey is in the dorm, this is the only chance for Thaddeus to get Telepathy in the near future (and we can see how it synergises with his Horny sense - Maybe he will be able to sense women's emotions towards him?)


All the more reason for them to have sex. Finding out that he boosts his partners abilities is all the reason she needs to try to tie him more deeply to herself and the hell away from Selene.


So how close is he to Deadpool’s level of healing?


So im not caught up.but since when does Laura have psychic resistance wasnt one of her greatest fears and weaknesses mind control just a few years ago


I honestly haven't read any marvel comics but her wikia page describes her having Psychic Resistance as one of her powers and even cites Emma Frost herself having difficulty getting into Laura's head. Also apparently she's able to fight off bodypossession thanks to it as well. That wikia is what this is based off of heh


With all the different writers and reboots its hard to keep track of peoples abilities. All i can say is that at one point she was weak to psychic abilities


Normally Thad would be 1st to make a move, but this woman holds his (metaphorical, for now) leash, in their current dynamic she calls the shots. Up to and including being on top. Question, does Emma have diamond skin yet, or will that be what her sex boost is? Would Thad get a basic sensing emotions (add to sex-th sense) and read active thoughts? Maybe that clues him into whatever is happening with Felicia. Build a little trust with the incredibly powerful/dangerous woman, tell about sex boost, she was literally ready to fuck him so he could get psychic resistance even without knowing it would boost her powers. Also curious who was following the car? Another round with RA Natalie? Hotel gym or pool after Emma is done with him.


Ask her if she has any other powers. She did interupt him afterall.


More a personal gripe than anything, but can we get more characters "pausing" or "freezing" or "considering" when something catches them off guard? Everyone "blinking" or in whatever other tense it's written in is a little repetitive.


Honestly a fair critique lol, I'll do my best to be mindful of it when I'm writing going forward. Like your ideas for alternatives too xD


Laura has learned to cover her weaknesses over the years. Like the trigger scent she was implanted with at birth that makes her go into a murder rage when she smells it. She has taught her body to recognize the smell and then right away cut off her own head or impale her brain to make her unable to go on a rampage until the scent is gone.

Osiris Sundavr

With her not currently knowing about the boost being both ways, with her experience in telepathy she would have noticed it immediately after screwing him. Might as well show her a bit of trust. This could pay off with actual genuine trust (and affection) towards Thad in the long run. Eventually becoming the one person who she could wholeheartedly confide in and trust. It would go a long way in his inevitable future meetings with the rest of the Hellfire Club. Especially against anything Selene would try.

Josh Snider

We'll find out if we bet correctly later today.


'Damaging the truth between them' truth should be trust, I imagine?


Also, there's an 'on' that should be 'in'

Ahtu Nyarlathotep

Ooor, he could just accept an invitation to visit Charles institute. Where he could meet Jean and get it. Or he could find the cuckoo's, etc. But Jean is easier to access(he knows where she is, he could probably get the excuse to visit and scout them for good powers to copy).