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Themes: Threesome, Maid Play, Dom/Sub

Summary: Part 6 of A Quiver, An Arrow. Life at the estate was getting progressively kinkier. The Nymphs were partially to blame, but the real culprit was Artemis herself. Not that Percy was complaining. Her most recent stunt? Dressing up in a skimpy maid costume alongside a semi-submissive Thalia and not-so-subtly urging him to 'abuse his power'.  What's a guy to do when faced with such an enticing idea? Give in, of course. In his own way.


“G-Goddess, are you s-sure this is-?”

“Quiet. Do I look like a Goddess to you at the moment? I am the Head Maid and you are my subordinate. You will address me properly, or you will not speak at all.”

Grimacing, Thalia Grace, Daughter of Zeus, fidgets and squirms for a moment, trying in vain to pull down the too-short skirt of her skimpy, sexy maid uniform so that its not revealing quite so much of her thighs and hips. Unfortunately, the dark-haired tomboy isn’t having much luck with it. Meanwhile, standing beside her managing to appear imperious in her own incredibly skimpy rendition of a maid uniform is Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, glaring at Thalia and sniffing haughtily as she taps a foot.

“… Y-Yes ma’am. Of course… ma’am.”

Artemis just smirks at that and nods her head sharply.

“Good. Now get to dusting. This place isn’t going to clean itself after all, and the Master will return home any moment. When he does, you shouldn’t expect to have much time to take care of the house since he’ll probably wish to slake his unquenchable lusts upon both of our bodies. In fact, you can expect to spend most of the rest of the day on your back, moaning in reluctant pleasure as he rails you or me.”

Flicking her hair back over her shoulder, the ‘Head Maid’ lets out a huff.

“After all, it’s not like we have a choice in the matter, do we? The Master is the Master and without him we would both be out on our asses without a roof over our heads. That’s why we have to submit to whatever he desires of us, because to do otherwise means we risk being fired. Do you understand, Thalia?”

“… yes ma’am.”

From the look of things, Thalia understood quite well what Artemis was getting at, given the bright red blush on the tomboy-turned-maid’s face. She’d gotten progressively redder the more Artemis spoke, and now she was trying to be subtle about rubbing her thighs together… and failing miserably.

From his hiding place just out of sight around the corner, Percy kind of just stares at the two of them, wondering what the fuck it was he just walked in on. But no… he knew what he’d just walked in on, didn’t he? Because this… this was his life now.

Indeed, life at the estate that he shared with his literally divine wife had only gotten progressively kinkier as time went on. The nymphs that Percy and Artemis had recruited to look after their demesne were one thing and admittedly at least partially to blame. However, the real culprit was Artemis herself. Every time Percy turned around it felt like he was coming face to face with yet another way in which the Goddess of the Hunt had decided she wanted him to use and abuse her.

Her most recent stunt was apparently dressing her and Thalia in maid uniforms, forcing the huntress to clean up the place while they waited for Percy to get back from his errands. Artemis’ words about how the estate wouldn’t clean itself rang false… mostly because the estate WAS in fact perfectly capable of keeping itself clean. That was magic for you, and divine magic at that. There actually wasn’t any dust for either Thalia or Artemis to use their cute little dusters on… but Percy had to admit, as the two women get to work, they’re downright sexy doing it.

Thalia with her discomfort and Artemis with her full blown embracing of her role. The ‘Head Maid’ constantly berates her huntress, telling Thalia she’s doing things ‘wrong’ even as she shimmies her hips and dusts the perfectly spotless surfaces on one side of the room. In turn, Thalia just does her best to help her Goddess out while being hugely embarrassed by the entire experience.

Frankly, Percy is just glad that Artemis hasn’t called in the rest of her huntresses and stuffed THEM into the incredibly skimpy maid uniforms she and Thalia are wearing. After all, if the Goddess wanted to be accurate, there really should be at least a dozen sexy maids moving around the estate. The place was far too big for just two women, and really… what sort of Head Maid had only one subordinate, right?

… No, bad Percy. You should NOT be convincing yourself to suggest such a thing to your way too kinky and way too shameless wife. Even if Artemis constantly acted like she didn’t want it, she also constantly arranged these scenarios that made it obvious how much she did. Honestly… best that he not give her too long to think about the idea more. If he left her to her own devices for much longer, Percy was afraid of how Artemis might decide to refine this whole scenario further.

Clearing his throat, he steps into the room, drawing the attention of his divine wife and her eternally young subordinate. Both Artemis and Thalia spin to face him, with Thalia blushing like mad as Artemis schools her face into one of respectful disinterest.

“Ah, Master Jackson. You have returned.”

Humming, Percy bobs his head as he plays along, much to Thalia’s embarrassed dismay.

“That I have. You two have been hard at work, I see. The estate looks spotless.”

Artemis blushes and ducks her head at the compliment.

“Ah… Master is too kind. Of course, this one you assigned to me has proven to be almost entirely useless. In fact, I think she’s due some punishment and discipline, Master. If you’d like I can go get the whips and-!”

“Excuse me? Assigned to you?”

Percy grins internally as he flips the script on its head, leaving Artemis to freeze up in actual confusion as she furrows her brow.

“I… yes, Master? This other maid. She-!”

“Come here.”

Injecting a note of authority into his voice as he cuts her off again, Percy watches as Artemis truly hesitates for a moment. He’s not playing along. He’s not playing by her rules. He watches briefly as she comes to terms with this… and sees the moment that her eyes light up as she decides she likes that. Slowly, wordlessly, the Goddess of the Hunt approaches him in her skimpy maid outfit.

Percy proceeds to grab the front of her top and yank it down roughly, releasing her tits from their confines. Then, he smacks them, causing Artemis to gasp at the abuse.

“I see there’s been a misunderstanding here, maid. Kneel.”

The Goddess doesn’t hesitate to crash to her knees before him, though when she reaches for his crotch, he stops her and shakes his head.

“Not yet, though I’m not surprised by how eager you are. Honestly though… I made you my head maid, did I not?”

“… Y-Yes, Master?”

“And what did you think that meant?”

Artemis isn’t stupid. Understanding dawns in her eyes, though she plays dumb for the sake of the bit.

“… I thought I was to be in charge, Master. Of your other servants, I mean.”

Cruelty doesn’t come naturally to Percy, but he’s married an utterly shameless Goddess who is into this sort of thing, so he screws his face up into a sneering smile and laughs at her.

“You? In charge? Don’t be ridiculous. Head Maid is your title because you give the best head, you silly bitch. Now you may take out my cock.”

Blushing profusely at the humiliation he’s putting her through… but also immensely turned on by it, Artemis does as she’s told. As soon as his cock is out in the open, Percy barks out another order.

“Hands behind your head, laced together. Only mouth and tongue. Suck me off, my… Head Maid. And be grateful I’m not demoting you to Head Bitch.”

“Yes Master…”

Artemis leans in and takes him in her mouth, no hands allowed as she bobs up and down on his dick. Percy enjoys her enthusiasm as she takes her duties as ‘head maid’ quite seriously even now. Then, he looks over to see Thalia watching the whole display with wide eyes, her duster clutched in her hands and the short length of her skirt all but forgotten as she gawks at the both of them in shock.

Of course, when she realizes he’s looking her way, she blushes as hard as Artemis and quickly averts her gaze. Until Percy snaps his fingers at her, of course.

“You… come here.”

He’s completely playing this off the cuff, of course. No plans except for what he’s coming up with on the spot. But he’s enjoying himself all the same and down below so is Artemis as she begins to face fuck herself on his member.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Thalia approaches, the gorgeous tomboy maid squirming under his gaze. She freezes when he reaches for her and caresses her cheeks, sliding his thumb across her lips before moving his hand down to her chest. He’s gentler than he was with Artemis when he pulls Thalia’s top down, making the dark-haired demigod whimper as he gently flicks his thumb across one of her rock hard nipples.

“My apologies if my head maid gave you the wrong impression. The two of you are the same rank in this household, so you don’t have to listen to a single word she says.”

Thalia gives him an incredulous look at that. As if she would not obey the Goddess she swore her oaths to. Sure, she might be a Daughter of Zeus, but she was also a Hunter of Artemis. With that came certain obligations. And Thalia was more loyal and bound by her oaths than her father had ever been.

Percy continues on as if he didn’t notice Thalia’s look, however, playing the part of Master of the House to the hilt as he gives her a grin.

“You’re new, aren’t you?”

Shivering at the direct question, Thalia hesitantly nods.

“Y-Yes sir… brand new…”

As if he hadn’t already fucked her at Artemis’ urging. As if they hadn’t already had carnal knowledge of one another. Percy chuckles.

“Well then, I suppose I’ll have to break you in. Unless… you’d rather watch for today.”

He coaches it in the terms of the roleplay, but it’s also an escape hatch for Thalia. If being turned into a slutty maid is a step too far for the young woman, he won’t force her to go any further than watching as he rails Artemis silly right in front of her. He doesn’t want to hurt Thalia. And he doesn’t want her to feel trapped here with them either, even if her loyalty to Artemis does bind her to their sides.

But… no. In the end, Thalia surprises him with an atomic blush and a clutching of her uniform’s skirt.

“… If using me is the Master’s wish, who am I to say no? After all, I’m just a l-lowly maid who belongs to the Master. So please… break me in if that’s your d-desire.”

Percy can tell that Artemis approves greatly. But Thalia is clearly speaking for herself here. She might be incredibly embarrassed to be stuffed into a slutty little maid uniform that leaves nothing to the imagination… but she’s also incredibly turned on. Smiling, Percy nods his head… and reaches up to grab Thalia by her short black hair.

She gasps as he suddenly pulls her along, tugging Artemis off of his cock and then dragging her on her hands and knees along with them as well. Taking them over to the room’s biggest piece of furniture, a long table, Percy proceeds to bend Thalia over it, planting her face down on the varnished wood as she pants noisily.

Moving into position behind her, he flips up the back of her skirt to reveal why she was trying so hard to pull it down as far as it would go… namely, Artemis’ idea of a sexy maid uniform doesn’t actually come with panties, only stockings and a garter belt. Chuckling softly, Percy slides two fingers along Thalia’s exposed, drooling pussy lips, making her moan as she shudders under him.

Then, he takes his spit-polished cock and slides it right up inside of her without warning or any further fanfare. As far as Percy is concerned, there’s been enough foreplay by this point. And as far as everyone else is concerned, as Master of the House, only HIS concerns matter.

Thalia arches her back and tosses her head backwards, letting out a truly wanton moan as he penetrates deep inside of her. Reaching around to her front, Percy grabs hold of her naked breasts again with one hand, groping first one and then the other. His other hand remains fisted in his divine wife’s hair, holding his ‘head maid’ on her knees next to him as he fucks and ‘breaks in’ the newest servant on his staff.

But he doesn’t leave Artemis idle for long. Doesn’t want her to feel left out or start getting ideas. Instead, he shoves her head under him and Thalia, putting her in a somewhat degrading position that leaves her able to alternate between sucking at his swinging ball sack, licking at his pistoning cock shaft, or nibbling at Thalia’s pulsing clit to her heart’s content.

Without any further prodding then that, Artemis settles in to do all three. Eventually, Percy lets go of Artemis’ head altogether and puts both of his hands on Thalia’s body, fucking the tomboy maid good and hard from behind as the Goddess of the Hunt amplifies their sexual experience with her mouth and tongue.

It’s obvious from the disbelief laden in Thalia’s tone that she can hardly grasp what’s happening. It’s one thing for Artemis to tie her up and sacrifice her on the altar to Percy’s cock. After all, he and Artemis were husband and wife now, and what was hers was his… including her Huntresses.

But this is another thing entirely. This is Artemis being relegated to the position of fluffer while Percy fucks Thalia and Thalia alone. It’s clearly a bit too much for the short-haired young woman. She squeals as she cums upon his cock more times than Percy can count. Until finally, with a low groan and helped along greatly by Artemis’ tongue swiping up the sweat on his ball sack, Percy tips over the edge.

He cums and cums, exploding out into Thalia’s cunt and womb but also overflowing them in record time. Plenty of his seed flows down onto Artemis’ face, giving his ‘head maid’ a nice creamy facial that leaves her moaning as she continues to lick up the mess between their two joined bodies. Thalia, meanwhile, collapses forward onto the table, already emotionally exhausted and thus physically exhausted as well.

Percy would feel bad… but he gave Thalia an out. And while their estate might be getting progressively kinkier and kinkier… he felt like he needed to show Artemis that he wasn’t going to play along ALL the time. Sometimes, he’d flip the script and it would be HER who would have to play along with him.

To her credit, she’d done amazing with that today. Heh, he’d have to be sure to reward her all night long…



Amazing chapter once more!

JT Graham

This is honestly one of the best stories you've made

Eric Rudolph

Is percyin this story a god or is he simply cursed with immortality? Nice story.


More maids!


Go ahead and add the rest of the hunt, maybe you can find a reason for Artemis to reclaim her fallen huntresses ( including the ones mentioned in mythology like Atlanta) for example Zoe and Bianca so as to offer all of them to Percy for her kink.

Eric Rudolph (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-11 21:00:25 She should make the offer for the fallen huntresses but please a don´t add to many maybe one or two ( my vote is on Zoe and Atlanta ).
2023-11-01 19:00:09 She should make the offer for the fallen huntresses but please a don´t add to many maybe one or two ( my vote is on Zoe and Atlanta ).

She should make the offer for the fallen huntresses but please a don´t add to many maybe one or two ( my vote is on Zoe and Atlanta ).