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Chef's Kiss Ch. 21 (Fate/Grand Order)

  • Shirou steps in on Rider's behalf and speaks up in her defense 204
  • Shirou leaves the disciplining of her Servant to Sakura and enjoys the ride 79
  • 2023-10-19
  • —2023-11-01
  • 283 votes
{'title': "Chef's Kiss Ch. 21 (Fate/Grand Order)", 'choices': [{'text': "Shirou steps in on Rider's behalf and speaks up in her defense", 'votes': 204}, {'text': 'Shirou leaves the disciplining of her Servant to Sakura and enjoys the ride', 'votes': 79}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 1, 7, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 19, 14, 44, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 283}


A/N: Sakura summons a Servant at long last~


Before Shirou can actually come to a decision… before anyone else can say a thing in fact, the silence is suddenly split by a quiet yet confident tone.

“Ah. This is where I step in, I suppose.”

Blinking, Shirou looks over to see Sakura stepping forward, a soft smile on her face.

“I apologize Senpai, but after hearing of the events in the First Singularity from Rin… I can no longer stand idly by. It is time that I join you. And that means I need to summon a Servant of my own.”

Shirou opens his mouth… and then clicks it shut and shoots Rin an accusatory glare. In response, the tsundere meets his eyes, glaring right back with her cheeks puffed out indignantly. What exactly had Tohsaka said to Sakura, huh?! Shirou had spent most of yesterday getting his kitchen in order after his short two day absence. And when he’d gotten back to their apartments, he hadn’t even had a chance to talk with any of them before his three lovers had set out to ride him ragged.

Now, Shirou hadn’t minded that one bit of course. But he should have realized they would have talked beforehand, especially when they’d proven so unwilling to talk with him and instead jumped straight into sex. He should have asked himself… what sort of things would they have talked about? What would Rin have told Sakura and Saber about his conduct in the First Singularity?


But Sakura shakes her head sharply, stepping up to him and taking his hands in hers as she gives him a most earnest expression.

“… If Senpai tells me to stay here and out of things, then I will of course. Which is why I ask Senpai not to say anything. Please… allow your kouhai to come with you on your journey. It would mean… a lot to me.”

Shirou hesitates for only a moment longer before letting out a shuddering breath and nodding.

“Alright, Sakura.”

Then, he looks to those watching them, specifically Chaldea’s Acting Director.

“Sakura is also capable of serving as a provisional master. I think having her summon a Servant and help out would be… a very good idea.”

Roman tilts his head to the side before glancing over at Ritsuka, as if asking her input. The only real remaining Master of Chaldea freezes in place for a moment before blushing furiously and hastily nodding.

“O-Of course! Sakura is really scary, so it’d be great to have her on our side out there!”

A moment later, Ritsuka realizes what she just said and claps her hands over her mouth, blushing even harder. But Sakura just hums and gives the red head a simple smile and a nod.

“Scary? Only when slutty little brats think they can lead my Senpai astray. But… thank you for the vote of confidence.”

And with that little exchange, it’s settled. Shirou isn’t entirely happy about it, even as they move to the Summoning Chamber. Sakura is… well, Ritsuka says she’s scary. Shirou doesn’t want to disparage one of his lovers, but he definitely worries about Sakura sometimes. Not more than he worries about Saber or Rin to be fair, but those are different kind of worries.

Like with Saber, it’s worrying about how much he needs to make for a given meal in order to fill her bottomless stomach. With Rin, it’s worrying about what she’s doing in order to secure her funding. Seriously, sometimes he’s afraid that Rin will find herself in some sort of NTR situation simply because she needs more money. Not willingly of course, but then that’s NTR for you. Rin Tohsaka is like NTR bait with how tsundere she is and how desperate for cash she always is.

… At least with all of humanity blown the fuck up, Rin wasn’t likely to get into any situations Shirou had to get her out of. That was good, right? Though perhaps he shouldn’t be looking for silver linings when the entirety of human history was on the line.

Regardless, Sakura was… well, she was his darling kouhai. And his lover. And he wouldn’t try to stand in her way too much. That was why, when she made heartfelt requests like this one, he couldn’t bring himself to say no to her. As such, Shirou stands aside and watches as Sakura summons a Servant of her own. He watches the chamber glow with the bright light of the Summoning Ritual… and he watches as the light fades away, revealing the Servant that Sakura has brought forth to Chaldea.

For a moment, there’s a spike of fear when he sees who Sakura has summoned. After all, his interactions with the Rider Medusa hadn’t been very friendly back in the Holy Grail War. And yet there she is all the same. Of course Sakura would summon Rider. They’d had a bond after all, up until Rider sacrificed herself for Sakura’s sake.

… Still, Shirou calms his racing heart with the knowledge that this Medusa and that Medusa weren’t the same person. They were both pulled from the Throne of Heroes, but there was no way that the Medusa of the Fifth Grail War could possibly have been summoned to Chaldea all these years later. It simply didn’t work like that, after all! Yes, this was an entirely-


Blindfolded but still seemingly capable of sensing her surroundings, Medusa looks at Sakura with an open mouth that translates fully into shock. Sakura, meanwhile, has as smug a smile on her lips as Shirou has ever seen.

“Rider. Welcome back. Your absence has been noted. Your tardiness is unforgiveable.”

Immediately, Medusa drops to her knees and bows her head.

“… My sincerest apologies, Master.”

“Hmph. I forgive you.”

The blindfolded Servant’s head snaps up at that, her surprise once more evident despite the covering of her eyes.


“Do not make me repeat myself. I forgive you. Anyways… call me Mistress from now on. After all, it would be confusing if you called both me and my Senpai ‘Master’.”

Shifting from side to side, Medusa takes in the rest of the room… and frowns as she notes all of their presence.

“… As you say, Mistress. But I don’t fully understand…”

Shirou didn’t either, and he had the advantage of knowing who Sakura wanted her freshly summoned Servant to call ‘Master’. Still, this didn’t seem right! Surely this couldn’t be the same Rider from their Grail War! That wasn’t how it was supposed to work!

So caught up in his shock, Shirou barely realizes that Sakura is on the move until she’s suddenly grabbing him by the hand and dragging him towards the door.

“Senpai and I need to acquaint our Servant with her new role in private. Rider! Come!”

Shirou makes eye contact with Rin and Saber as he’s dragged from the room. Saber wears a frown, clearly recognizing that this is the same Rider as the one they’d fought against all those years ago. Rin, meanwhile, looks worried, like maybe she’s made a mistake. Well, no helping it now Shirou supposes. She’d made her bed. She’d just have to lie in it!


“Rider, this is your Master. And this is your Master’s cock.”


Funny that he was just thinking about beds. Technically, they weren’t lying in one, but Shirou did find himself sitting on the edge of one, staring at Sakura kneels before him having pulled his cock out. Next to her, Medusa rests on her knees as well, blushing despite her blindfold, her hands folded in her lap. She looks… uncertain of how to proceed. Sakura, on the other hand, is very certain of herself.

“It’s okay, Rider. I know you’ve always had bad luck with men.”

Well, that was an understatement wasn’t it? First that one guy who cut Medusa’s head off in her Legend, and then being stuck with a Master like Shinji. Even if he was a false Master, Rider had still had it rough. Indeed, Medusa flinches at Sakura’s blunt appraisal of her history, clearly looking put out by the way her Mistress was describing her life.

“Rejoice! I’ve made sure this time around that you’ll have a Master who treats you with love and respect. Shirou isn’t Shinji. You don’t have to worry about him giving you detestable commands. That said… I still want you to act as though he has just as much authority over you as I do.”

Shirou can see that this doesn’t sit well with Rider. She’s not willing to outright call Sakura to task, but she’s also not entirely happy with that order. Letting out a sigh, Shirou looks down at Sakura with a smile.

“Sakura, that really isn’t necessary. You can’t expect her to just be okay with having me as a Master. She came back because you called for her. Because she wanted to serve YOU.”

There’s a brief pause at that, as both Sakura and Medusa stare at him in surprise despite Medusa’s blindfold. They’re clearly taken aback by his words. Shirou feels a small burst of pride at that, giving himself a mental pat on the back as Medusa gapes and Sakura flushes, slowly lowering her eyes.

“A-Ah… I suppose you’re right, Senpai.”

Looking to Medusa, Sakura gives her a happy smile.

“I’m glad you’ve returned to me, Rider. I’m sorry I let Shinji get in the way of our pact the first time around, and I promise I won’t let that happen again. You are mine and I am yours.”

Medusa looks distinctly touched, even as she shifts on her knees before gently smiling as well.

“… Thank you, Mistress. I appreciate the kind words. They mean a lot to me.”

Sakura nods decisively… and then turns back to Shirou’s cock and licks her lips.

“That said, I’m not going to pass up this chance. So you can just sit back and watch while I suck Senpai’s cock.”

Shirou blushes as Sakura proceeds to dive down onto his member, taking him into her mouth right then and there. He groans in enjoyment of his purple-haired kouhai’s tongue and lips, even as Medusa squawks in surprise and throws him what’s probably a dirty look under that blindfold of hers. In response, Shirou just gives the Servant a helpless shrug.

What’s he supposed to do? Reject Sakura’s love? Never in a million years is he willing to do that. Besides, Sakura is kind of right. The opportunities for her to get him all alone to have her nasty way with him are few and far in between, all things considered. Hell, they were even before they arrived in Chaldea and Shirou accepted his status as harem protagonist at long last. Between Saber and Rin, it sometimes felt like they were afraid to leave him and Sakura alone together… probably why Sakura took so much delight in bullying Rin and attacking her weak points, as a matter of fact.

“W-Wait! Mistress, please allow me…”

Huh? Shirou blinks, pulled out of his moment of introspection when Medusa, surprisingly enough… offers herself in Sakura’s place. He doesn’t understand why at first… until he realizes that she’s trying to sacrifice herself on the altar of his lust so Sakura doesn’t have to. Despite Sakura making it clear that he’s not at all like Shinji… Medusa is having a hard time believing it, that much is obvious.

Pulling off of his cock with a pop, Sakura looks at Medusa and narrows his eyes.

“Oh? Now you want to join in on the fun all of the sudden, Rider?”

Blushing, Medusa bows her head in submission, the collar around her neck standing out all the more in this moment.

“… It is my duty as an extension of my Mistress’ will. If that is what you ask of me… I would gladly do it. I apologize for my earlier recalcitrance.”

Hm. On the one hand, well said. On the other…

“I don’t believe you.”

Oof. Shirou winces as Sakura’s four-word response does critical damage to her Servant. Medusa blanches, but before she can respond… the shadows rise up and grab hold of her, cutting her off by gagging her at the same time.


An unholy feeling fills the room as Sakura gives her Servant a singularly frightening sort of smile.

“Sit tight, Rider. I will show you that I do not need you to protect me. I am more than capable of protecting myself. I will also show you what you’re missing with Shirou. You couldn’t ask for a better Master than my Senpai, at the end of the day.”

As Sakura’s shadowy tentacles hold Medusa down, she turns back to Shirou and begins sucking his cock once more. Bobbing up and down on his dick, she looks up into his eyes with a level of love, devotion, and adoration that still makes Shirou feel distinctly inadequate, even after all this time. He can only reach out and caress her face, returning the look with a broad smile of his own.

In the end, what else can Shirou do but return Sakura’s loyalty with as much love and affection as he possibly can? Sure, his kouhai might be a teensy bit of an eldritch horror these days… but it was a small price to pay for her being by his side, healthy and happy and whole.

With that in mind, Shirou slides his hand from caressing Sakura’s cheek to petting her head, feeling the way she hums happily around his cock at the head pats. It is, after all, the Senpai’s responsibility to provide his darling kouhai with as frequent head pats as he can manage, especially when she’s doing such a good job and being such a good girl.

As he gives Sakura her well-earned head pats, Shirou’s eyes slowly slide past her, to the flustered face of her summoned Servant. Medusa’s skin is flushed all the way through as she kneels there bound up in Sakura’s shadows. It’s entirely possible that she could break free of Sakura’s bindings if she truly wanted to. She is a Servant after all, a Heroic Spirit. And Sakura is… mostly human.

But she doesn’t. She stays right where she is, her shoulders slumped as she watched Sakura submissively suck Shirou’s cock despite the blindfold in the way. She looks dejected and defeated and it honestly makes Shirou feel a little bad. He sort of wants to comfort her, but he’s also not sure he should interrupt Sakura when she’s clearly trying to teach her Servant a lesson.

The only question is… is it the right sort of lesson, really? Should Shirou maybe step in, to make it clear to Sakura that she doesn’t need to engage in this kind of behavior? Or should he just take a step back and leave the discipline of Sakura’s Servant to Sakura? His precious kouhai is quite the… enthusiastic type when it comes to him. But that doesn’t mean Medusa needs to follow in her footsteps necessarily…



Rin really is ntr bait


Loved the chapter. Just one mistake. You said "Fourth" Holy Grail War. It was the Fifth Holy Grail War, though