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Themes: Bondage, Threesome, Dom/Sub

Summary: Based on this gif. A pair of blonde twins are in Las Vegas living it up and looking for fun. They don't actually know that the two of them have the exact same sort of interests though. So when they both split up to get their... darker fantasies satisfied, they wind up in a very interesting situation as the man they both independently contacted ties them both up and makes them watch as he fucks them in front of each other. Needless to say, neither are complaining one bit~ 


What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. That’s the thought running through Cammie’s mind as she’s tossed onto the bed rather roughly, the air driven out of her lungs. The man who’d picked her up and tossed her down grabs her by the hips and pulls her ass to the edge of the bed, even as she pants noisily with lust.

“Hands above your head.”

She immediately obeys as he walks around to the other side of the bed, pulling nylon ties out from under the mattress and grabbing hold of her wrists. Crossing them over, he pulls her arms taut and restrains her, binding her wrists in place. Cammie moans as he treats her like she’s just a piece of property. Like she’s his bitch.

That’s why she’s here, after all. If she was going to spend a weekend in Las Vegas with her twin sister, then damn it all, she was going to live a little. Callie had no idea she was here of course. They’d spent Friday night and Saturday day together, and then as afternoon had turned into evening, they’d gone their separate ways. Cammie didn’t know what Callie was up to… nor did she care.

Even if the blondes were twins, even if they did everything together, that didn’t mean they shared one mind. They both had different hobbies, different desires, different… kinks. Cammie had certainly never told Callie that she was into being roughed up and bound by a man. Nor had she told anyone. In fact, she’d never actually explored this particular fetish of hers… until now.

“Remember your safe word?”

Blinking, Cammie blushes when she realizes he’s moved around to the side of her head and pulled out his cock. Looking up into the handsome man’s grinning face, the blonde blushes even harder before hastily nodding.

“Y-Yes sir.”

“Good. You might need it.”

That’s all he says before grabbing her by her hair and yanking her onto his cock. Cammie immediately chokes, his dick larger than any she’s ever had before. But that’s okay, because this? This is unbelievably hot. Getting manhandled. Tied up. And used. That was what Cammie was here for.

“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”

Once he has a steady rhythm in and out of her throat, he lets go of his cock and just thrusts forward into her mouth. Meanwhile, his free hand reaches out and yanks the side of her red dress down, exposing one of her tits. Cammie gurgles around his dick as he feels her up, casually fondling her chest and playing with her breast like… like she belongs to him.

Fuck it’s so hot. Having her throat abused by a man who’s not afraid to do whatever he wants to her. Being bound on his bed, completely at his mercy. She’s so fucking wet that if she were wearing panties, she’d have soaked them clean through by this point. She’s not, of course. One of the rules had been she wasn’t allowed to come to this meet-up with underwear on. Only a tight red dress, so he’d recognize her. So he’d know who his property for the evening was.

Finally pulling out of her throat, he almost contemptuously thrusts her head back onto the bed as he moves around to between her legs. Cammie doesn’t fight it as he grabs her thighs and yanks them apart just as roughly as everything else he’s done to her so far. She’s so fucking ready for him, it’s not even funny.

He doesn’t hesitate to plunge into her depths with his rock hard, throbbing cock either. He fills her with his dick like it’s no one’s business but his own. Certainly, it’s not like it’s any of her business. She’s just a cock receptacle. A fuck toy. Her entire purpose here is for him to plow her silly and then leave her wanting more the next morning. And god, Cammie can already tell she’s going to want more. The blonde has never been more turned on in her life.

Tight red dress bunched up around her waist, tits out and nipples rock hard, the bound blonde moans like crazy as she cums again and again on his cock. Her dom for the evening doesn’t let up for even a moment, to the point that she actually gets a little worried. She’d had one stipulation going into this. He couldn’t cum inside. She was technically on birth control, and she definitely hadn’t wanted him to wear a condom… but still, she didn’t want to risk it. Not for anything.

What if he got caught up in the moment though? What if he fucking creampied her? What if it was the point one percent chance and she got pregnant off of it? Butterflies flutter in Cammie’s stomach and her pussy clenches at the possibility. She shouldn’t be turned on by the idea, but at the same time…

Except no. He knows what he’s doing. Even as she’s coming down from her latest mind-blowing orgasm, he suddenly pulls out of her.

“No creampies, right.”

It’s more of a statement then a question, but Cammie jerkily nods her head all the same, not trusting herself to speak. In response, he just grins a wicked grin.

“No problem. Brought my own cum dump for the evening. Hope you don’t mind.”

Wait, what? Cammie blinks as he steps away from the bed and over to the closet. As she is, she can’t quite look over there without craning her neck back. But she hears him open the closet door… and she hears a distinctly feminine gasp as he pulls another woman out from within it. He’d just… he’d had another girl watching them this entire time?

That wasn’t part of the deal. But… it also wasn’t one of Cammie’s stipulations either. And he’d been very clear ahead of time that if she didn’t tell him he couldn’t do it, he’d probably do whatever the fuck he wanted. That had been exciting, but Cammie had thought he meant ‘do whatever the fuck he wanted to HER’. Not… bring in another girl.

And yet, it was sort of hot wasn’t it? Being ignored just because she wasn’t willing to take a creampie was… kind of doing it for her. And watching him cum inside of another woman while she was bound and helpless on the bed would be equally-


The man grunts as he tosses her twin sister onto the bed just a couple feet away from her. Cammie’s eyes bulge out of her skull as Callie, dressed in a sexy gold dress, blushes and averts her gaze. But her twin doesn’t have to say anything… the evidence is all over her face. Callie has a sticky, white facial covering her features… features she shares with Cammie.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on. Callie got here first. Independent of one another, they’d apparently contacted the same dude to have the same sort of… needs taken care of. So before Cammie showed up, Callie got face fucked and facialized… and then stuffed in the closet and ‘forced’ to watch.

The thing was, it wasn’t ‘forced’ if she hadn’t bothered to use her safe word. They both had one, Cammie was sure of that. Meanwhile, Cammie could also use her safe word right now… but she wasn’t.

The man snorts in amusement as he walks around the length of the bed, fondling Cammie’s body as he goes. In a few short moments, Callie’s wrists are crossed and her arms are bound above her head, same as Cammie’s are. Then, he moves back around to her lower half and flips the cum-covered blonde over onto her front, yanking her hips back towards him.

He’s inside of Callie a moment later, pounding away at her cunt and making her moan like a wanton little whore. Watching her get fucked, Cammie doesn’t even know what to think. On the one hand… she’d only really agreed to this trip to Vegas with her twin sister because she’d seen an opportunity to explore her dark, depraved fetish in a way no one would ever find out about… even Callie.

On the other hand, she’d never for a second believed that Callie shared her debauched desires with her. To be fair, even if they were identical twins, it wasn’t like they discussed sex with one another. They were separate people with their own lives. Though… once the shock finally wears off and she’s been watching Callie moan her way through multiple orgasms at the end of the man’s big dick, a thought does occur to Cammie.

“C-Callie… you’re going to let him cum inside of you?”

Callie blushes and ducks her head, still moaning up a storm but otherwise refusing to answer. Instead, it’s the guy who answers her, chuckling as he palms her sister’s fine, firm ass, groping it while fucking her prone on the edge of the bed.

“She insisted on it, as a matter of fact.”

Huh… that was… dangerous. Well, to be fair, Callie was always the more adventurous of the two of them. More athletic too. But that meant things like going skydiving or surfing or whatever. Shit that Cammie would never touch in a million years. Mostly because she was scared of both heights AND large bodies of water.

She hadn’t thought Callie’s risk taking would extend to here. Though… as she watches him fuck her twin sister, Cammie has to admit that the idea is more than a little hot.

Abruptly, he flips Callie over onto her back again. He lifts her legs high into the air, trapping them with one arm against his broad, muscular chest. Then, he dives right back into her, driving home deep as Callie moans up a storm. At the same time, his free hand yanks her dress down as well, playing with the same breasts that Cammie had.

He’s really quite lucky to have two beautiful twins, isn’t he? Or maybe its that they’re the lucky ones. Cammie flushes as she watches Callie’s eyes roll back in her head. She blushes profusely as the man they’d somehow both gotten ahold of without each other’s knowledge grunts and slams forward one last time.

She can’t see or feel it happening… but she knows in that moment that he’s cumming inside of her twin sister. Creampieing her. Filling her with his seed. Cammie’s own legs have crossed and lifted into the air as she watches this. She finds herself biting her lower lip. Is this… jealousy? No way, right? There’s simply no way she’s… she’s jealous of her twin sister. They’d both gotten what they wanted, after all. Cammie didn’t want to risk anything, but she’d still gotten fucked nice and hard. Callie, meanwhile, was being as risky and reckless as ever.

Cammie’s thighs clench as Callie groans and moans. And then it’s over, the load of white, hot cum delivered right to her twin sister’s womb. Pulling out of her, the man pants for a moment… but only for a moment. Then he seems to catch his breath, and as his eyes slide over both of their bodies, Cammie watches in real time as his cock, messy with all of their fluids and looking like it HAD been starting to soften… goes rock hard once again.

She and her sister had done that. Just by laying there, hands bound together, looking so delectably helpless. Cammie blushes as he grins down at her and then reaches under the mattress. He unclips the nylon ties from under the mattress and pulls them up, tugging Cammie with them. She gasps as she’s tugged up off of the bed and then onto the floor, forced to her knees as he circles around to the other side of the mattress.

Doing the same with Callie’s bindings, he pulls Cammie’s twin across the bed and onto the floor as well, so that the twin sisters are kneeling side by side one another. This was a bit further than Cammie had agreed to go, and judging by the look on Callie’s face, it was a bit further than she had expected to go as well.

And yet… neither blonde raises a single ounce of protest. He looks down at them both challengingly, raising an eyebrow as if to suggest that NOW would be the time to use their safe words if they were feeling even remotely uncomfortable.

Then, he drops their nylon ties and grabs them both by the head, sliding his fingers through their blonde locks and turning them to face one another. Cammie meets Callie’s eyes just as he thrusts his cock in between their faces. Even if one of them might have wanted to say something to the other, they can’t because suddenly, they’re both kissing and licking and slurping at either side of his messy shaft.

“Clean me up.”

Cammie does as she’s told. Callie does too. With his seed leaking out of her twin sister, both blondes moan, their eyes crossed as they fixate on the big fat cock between them. Was it possible that the man had already knocked up her twin? Was it possible that he’d bred her right here, in front of Cammie’s eyes?

Her pussy clenches at the thought. She didn’t… she didn’t think Callie WANTED him to breed her. She didn’t think that was the other blonde’s goal. But admittedly, she didn’t know. On the one hand, they’d never been closer then in this moment. Cammie had learned a lot about her twin… more than she’d thought possible given how close they were before. But on the other hand, there had been even more questions raised than answered at the end of the day.

Ultimately, all Cammie or Callie can do is obey. It’s what they’re here for, after all. To obey the man who’s cock they’re currently licking and sucking clean. Looking up into his eyes, Cammie can see how amused he is by all of this. And how turned on as well. She’s not remotely surprised when he eventually guides her onto his cock properly and guides her sister down to his balls.

As the twins dutifully begins to service him with their mouths, their hands still bound together in front of them, Cammie reflects that all of this was… honestly fine at the end of the day. Glancing down, she makes eye contact with her sister as she bobs up and down on the man’s cock and Callie suckles and slurps at his impressively large balls.

They didn’t have to worry. They could just enjoy themselves and never speak of this again come the morning.

After all, what happens in Vegas… stays in Vegas.



Could make a sequel to this? It felt like it ended too fast.

R Brown

"If your jealous of your sister getting filled, you just have to ask...for next time."