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Themes: Monster Sex, Instant Loss, Fucked Silly

Summary: Part 3 of Glorious Defeat. Based on this set of images. It turns out even the Invincible Girl has a thing for getting taken by the right sort of Grimm. Of course they have to be strong. Powerful enough to defeat her. After arriving at Beacon, Pyrrha almost singlehandedly depopulates the Emerald Forest before finally stumbling across the right opponent. He puts her in her place... so of course she comes back for more, again and again. 



With an explosion of breath, Pyrrha Nikos slams her spear through the chest of yet another Grimm, twisting and then pulling it to the side in a way that eviscerates the Beowulf in one efficient motion. Then, she pulls back, eyes narrowed as she looks around for a moment. Tch… that seemed to be the last of them. For now.

Heh. Her peers probably thought she didn’t know. The Invincible Girl, they called her. The Undefeated Champion of Mistral, four years in a row. Logically, someone like Pyrrha Nikos shouldn’t even be aware of what it meant to lose to a Grimm as a woman. After all, as far as all of them knew, she’d never experienced it first-hand.

But that didn’t mean she didn’t know. That didn’t mean she was an unobservant idiot. No, Pyrrha was smarter than her peers gave her credit for, clearly. She knew what happened when a huntress… or a huntress in training, lost to a Grimm. It wasn’t death. It was something far, far worse. And that was why she was out here in the Emerald Forest.

Ostensibly, it was for training purposes. No one even stopped to question it. Pyrrha Nikos was the Invincible Girl after all. Of course she would spend every morning and every evening in the Emerald Forest, sharpening and honing her skills against the Grimm. Funnily enough, her reputation was so overwhelmingly powerful that no one even dared to whisper that she might have… other intentions.

W-Which she didn’t! Pyrrha had never lost a battle, against neither human nor Grimm. Until… well, until last week.

For the past few months, ever since the start of her time at Beacon, Pyrrha had come out to the Emerald Forest and depopulated it of Grimm as much as possible. She had fought and killed and fought and killed for hours upon hours. She did this not for herself… but for her fellow women. Rumors had started up in Beacon. Rumors that turned Pyrrha’s head. They said that some of Beacon’s female students actually went into the Emerald Forest on the regular to… to l-lose to the Grimm on purpose.

Needless to say, this scandalous idea had made Pyrrha scowl quite angrily! How dare the male students of Beacon make up such s-specious claims! They were clearly wrong, o-of course! But how was Pyrrha to combat such rumors? In the end, she only had once choice. She needed to make it impossible for the rumors to have any truth to them, namely by going out and defeating every Grimm she came across so that there was no possibility of those Grimm in turn defeating her fellow female students.

It was an excellent plan, if Pyrrha said so herself. And it had been going well for months too, until last week. Last week, when she had run into the first Grimm in her life that she couldn’t beat. Last week when that same Grimm had defeated her and… and…

Pyrrha’s cheeks go as red as her hair as she remembers what happened. It was… shameful. Degrading. Humiliating. And… intensely pleasurable. In fact, it was the most pleasurable experience of Pyrrha Nikos’ young life. She’d never experienced defeat before. And she’d never experienced THAT either. To receive a lesson in both from the same being… well, it would only have been better if it were a human, she supposed. Perhaps her Team Leader, Jaune Arc. But… no. He wasn’t any closer to defeating Pyrrha than any of the other students of Beacon.

None of them could hold a candle to… to her conqueror’s strength. That said, Pyrrha wasn’t out here looking for him so she could fuck him a-again! She swore it! No, she was out here looking for the Grimm who defeated her so she could finally put him in his place and defeat HIM! She was going to win this time! She was going to-!”

Pyrrha’s green eyes widen as she feels a slight tremor under her feet. She whips around, just as the sound of approaching steps reaches her ears. The steps are of something very, very heavy, and as she waits with bated breath, they get louder, stronger. Until finally, stepping into the clearing… is the Grimm she seeks.

A Beowulf, just like the ones she just got done slaying. Except… he’s the biggest Beowulf Pyrrha has ever seen. She tries not to, but her eyes slide down to his crotch involuntarily and she bites her lower lip when she sees his massive Grimm cock protruding in her direction.

Snorting softly, the Beowulf prowls closer, his glowing red gaze fixated on her. Pyrrha’s jaw clenches and she lifts her spear and shield, her own eyes narrowing.

“You. Monster. You dared to take liberties with me. Now I return! It is time for your comeuppance!”

The Grimm, obviously, does not respond with words. They don’t speak after all, they never have. Though… what compels them to do what they do to human women, Pyrrha can’t say. She has no clue. She just knows that she won’t fall again. Not to this creature!

As he comes to a stop, clearly getting ready to pounce, Pyrrha points her spear at him and raises her shield in front of her.

“Come, monster! Now is the time I shall reclaim my dignity and pride as both a warrior and a woman!”



“Kyaaah! N-No! Not my s-skirt! Not a-again!”



Face down, ass up. The most humiliating position Pyrrha can imagine. Mostly because it’s the only position she’s ever been fucked in, the exact same position that HE took her in last time this happened. And here she is… defeated again. Her spear had been spun out of her grasp somewhere off into the underbrush. Her shield was on the ground a few feet away.

Pyrrha herself, meanwhile, gasps as the Beowulf’s massive Grimm cock splits her open again and again, stretching out her insides in an oh-so-satisfying way and making her eyes damn near roll back in her head from the pleasure.

Laying there, the so-called Invincible Warrior’s ass is high in the air, her back arched and her face pressed against the ground. One of the Grimm’s clawed hands is on her head, gripping her hair most tightly and grinding her cheek further into the forest floor.

She’d lost again. So… so easily too. It hadn’t even really been a fight. Her form had been perfect. She had NOT given up like the rumors said most huntresses who were into this sort of thing did. She had fought with all of her power, and even managed to dodge the first strike… only for the second strike to take her right in the stomach.

From there, her defeat had been swift and her humiliation had been eminent. And now here she was, getting fucked by a Grimm once more. Not just any Grimm either, but the same Grimm who defeated her before. Then again… if it was going to be anyone, it would have to be him, wouldn’t it?

Pyrrha was the Invincible Girl. The Undefeatable Champion of Mistral. No one had ever held a candle to her, at least so far. So… so if she were to lose, it would be him. If she were to get… fucked, it would have to be him as well. N-Not that she WANTED to get fucked of course. Especially not in such a degrading manner! But… it was impossible to deny how good it felt.

“A-Ah… b-bastard…”

Much like last time, he’d torn her panties away first and then stuck his big fat Grimm cock inside of her without warning. Then, once he was buried in her clenching, drooling twat, he’d gone ahead and ripped her skirt off as well, tearing most of it away from her. What was left over was barely enough to be considered a thick belt of red cloth.

Meanwhile, her top had seen better days. The Beowulf’s first blow had ripped it half to shreds, and it was barely dangling off of her form. Mewling, Pyrrha can feel her nipples hardening from her arousal. She can feel her breasts squished against the hard ground as the Grimm pounds into her from above.

“I-It’s… it’s not f-fair. A Monster… shouldn’t b-be able to make me feel t-this good! Gah!”

And yet, there’s no denying she loves it. She doesn’t love HIM, mind you. He’s just a Grimm. They’re not people and this one isn’t going to capture the Invincible Girl’s heart just because he’s defeated her in battle and had his way with her a couple times. No sir! But at the same time… his cock is amazing. Absolutely amazing.

Before last week, Pyrrha was a virgin. So she didn’t really have much to compare her experiences to except each other. Both times, the Beowulf was rough with her. Both times, he’s been completely dominant in their interaction. And both times, he’s used that big fat Grimm cock of his to stir up her insides in a way Pyrrha fears no human man will ever be able to do.

After all, just going off logic alone, there’s simply no world in which any human is as well-endowed as this Grimm is. His cock is proportional to his body… and his body is easily twice her size. One of his hands is large enough to fully engulf her head, after all. His cock, thus, feels like it’s going to rip her a new one every time it’s inside of her.

Privately, Pyrrha suspects that only her Aura keeps her intact. But also, that her tight body is what attracts this particular Grimm in the first place. He probably loves fucking a recent virgin like her. He probably loves being the only male whose ever fucked her at this point. He certainly seems to enjoy her body, grunting and growling as he fucks her like there’s no tomorrow.


Groaning under him, Pyrrha shudders and shakes… until suddenly, he lets up on her head. His hands both go to her hips all of the sudden, large enough to completely encircle her waist. Pyrrha blinks, pushing herself up onto her forearms and looking back at him in confusion.

“What are you-?!”

Before she can finish getting the sentence out, he starts to truly fuck her. He starts to not just plow her, but outright RAIL her. His new hold on her body means she’s not going ANYWHERE, allowing him to use his full strength and power to pound her from behind as she kneels there on all fours, helpless to do anything but let him have his way with her.

Well… that actually wasn’t entirely true. Even as Pyrrha’s eyes threaten to roll back in her head, she becomes aware of something. Her spear… it’s closer than she thought. It tingles at her senses, thanks to her Semblance. With… with this position, she could summon the metal weapon to her grasp and drive it back into the Beowulf currently fucking her in an instant.

He’s so distracted with her body that he would never see it coming. She could END this humiliation right now… if she wanted to.


But she doesn’t. Moaning at the top of her lungs, Pyrrha throws her head back and lets out a lewd cry as she experiences yet another explosive orgasm upon the monster’s monstrous cock. Her insides flex and tighten around his pistoning length but don’t manage to actually slow him down for even a second. Her juices gush along her inner walls as well, making her passage even slicker for him.

She doesn’t… she doesn’t take advantage of the opening that her conqueror has inadvertently created because… because it wouldn’t be honorable. Yes, that’s why. She has to win in a fair fight. It’s the only way she can truly reclaim her pride. After all, while she might be able to end the humiliation she’s experiencing right now, she’d never be able to erase the stain on her honor as a warrior if she were to use such an underhanded tactic.

In the end, her spear stays right where it is and so does Pyrrha. Eyes rolling, tongue lolling back in her mouth, the Invincible Girl squeals as she’s plowed silly by her Grimm opponent, cumming again and again on the large Beowulf’s dick.

Until finally, the Beowulf tosses back his head and lets out a howl, before unloading right into her womb. Pyrrha’s eyes DO roll back in her head then, all the way back as she blacks out for a moment. Her entire body shakes and spasms and she cums harder than she’s ever cum before, even last week when this happened the first time. Though admittedly, she’d cum a lot that day as well.

By the time Pyrrha comes back to herself, the Grimm has pulled out of her. Shuddering on all fours, Pyrrha pants heavily, her torn corset having completely given up by this point and dropped to the ground below her. Her tits out, her nipples rock hard, they’d both been swinging back and forth for a while, completely unobstructed as she was fucked like the bitch in heat she’d become.

But… that was then and this was now. Recovering her breath, Pyrrha slowly pushes herself up from her hands and knees. Her Grimm is already gone, having left her after he finished with her. Heh, he doesn’t love her any more than she loves him, she supposes. At the end of the day, their relationship is adversarial for sure. Cunt clenching even as she leaks his cum all over the place, Pyrrha rises to her feet on shaky legs.

“I’ll… I’ll for sure get you next time. I swear it. I definitely… won’t lose again.”

She means it too. Everyone else puts her on this pedestal, as though she’s somehow the strongest huntress in the world already. They forget that Pyrrha is a student just like them, still a huntress-in-training. But Pyrrha hasn’t forgotten. She might be able to beat the likes of Team CRDL all by herself in a four-on-one, but someone like Glynda Goodwitch would hand her ass to her if they were to fight seriously.

Once she has more training under her belt, Pyrrha knows she can triumph over her Grimm one of these days. After all, Beacon wouldn’t allow a Grimm to roam the Emerald Forest that was strong enough to take on a full-blown Huntress. That, Pyrrha was sure of.

But until that day… well, she supposed her body belonged to her conqueror. Until she could win, then she had to accept the consequences of defeat. Letting out a shuddering breath, the well-fucked, cum-leaking warrior collects her shield and spear and begins limping back to Beacon. Last week, she had been terrified of being caught. This time around though, she knew where to go without being seen to get cleaned up.

And next time? Perhaps next time she’d win. Or perhaps she wouldn’t. And that.... that was okay too.


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