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Themes: Nurse Play, Fucked Silly, Breeding

Summary: Katsuki goes too far when he finds out Izuku has a Quirk all of the sudden. In fact, he beats the other young man up after their first day at UA and puts Izuku in the hospital. Mitsuki rushes to try to keep Izuku from ruining her son's life, even though Katsuki deserves it. What she finds is a very different Izuku than she remembers. A very chiseled, very strong... and very confident Izuku. He offers to forgive Katsuki if Mitsuki agrees to be his personal nurse until he's healed. However, it's Mitsuki who takes it a step further than that... 


“Mister Midoriya, sir, I’ve brought lunch! May I come in, or are you indecent?”

… Not for the first time since this all started, Izuku Midoriya questions why he let things get like this. Really, he should have put a stop to this already, right? And yet… here he was all the same.

He hadn’t been sure how Katsuki Bakugo would react to Izuku suddenly having a Quirk. It wasn’t like Izuku had been hiding it or anything, and the idea of him being an extremely late bloomer was certainly more believable than the actual explanation… that he’d literally ate a lock of All Might’s hair and the Pillar of Peace’s Quirk had transferred over to Izuku through that.

But Katsuki hadn’t liked it either way. He hadn’t like it one bit. He especially hadn’t liked that Izuku had made it into UA. In fact, he didn’t like it so much that he’d put Izuku in the hospital.

Now, it really wasn’t as bad as it sounded. Izuku was a very fast healer these days. Fortunate, because his own Quirk tended to cause just as much damage to him as Katsuki had, in fact. However, when Katsuki’s mother Mitsuki had come to visit Izuku in the hospital the day after he’d been admitted to beg for mercy on her son’s behalf, Izuku had been in a rather… flippant mood.

Technically since the attack had taken place outside of UA and Izuku had not yet identified his attacker, Katsuki was in the clear until Izuku decided he wasn’t. Back before, Izuku would probably have folded like a wet napkin before Mitsuki’s begging and promised not to destroy Kacchan’s dreams of becoming a Pro Hero.

But that was before and this was now. Even still… Izuku somewhat regretted his attitude that day. What he’d asked of Mitsuki… it wasn’t very nice. And he still felt a little guilty even now, even with how she’d… taken to the role.

“Ah… yes, I’m decent. You can come in.”

It had been five days since Katsuki attacked him. He’d been released from the hospital pretty fast too. Technically he was already fully healed, but UA had said he didn’t have to come back until Monday. Under normal circumstances, Izuku would not have taken them up on that offer. After all, he had applied to UA to become a Pro Hero. He would be damned if Katsuki stopped him or made him fall behind.

But then, why was he letting the boy’s mother cause him to fall behind instead? Well, two very big reasons, he supposed.

The door to his bedroom opens and Mitsuki Bakugo steps into the room wearing the sluttiest, sexiest Nurse Uniform that Izuku has ever seen. It’s the stereotypical white uniform with red trim, complete with the cute hat atop the MILF’s head as well. Except it’s at least two sizes too small and Mitsuki’s supermodel-esque body is barely contained within it.

The two very big reasons that Izuku hasn’t gone back to school yet bounce up and down almost hypnotically with every step Mitsuki takes as she brings over the tray of food she’s brought. Setting Izuku’s lunch down on the table, his bully’s mother, done up in sexy Nurse Cosplay, gives him a bright grin, trying not to let her eyes linger on his bared but bandaged chest for too long.

“Shall I feed you by hand today, sir?”

Now, let it be known that Izuku’s initial flippant offer to Mitsuki had simply been ‘be my personal nurse until I’m healed and I’ll let Katsuki off the hook’. Honestly, he couldn’t even say where it had come from. Only that… well, he’d said it and before he could take it back, Mitsuki had agreed. Everything after that was Mitsuki’s doing.

He supposed he was lucky that his mother had been on a two week trip to go overseas to see his father before all this happened. Inko Midoriya still didn’t even know Izuku had been in the hospital. He’d kept that information from her to keep her from rushing home and fussing over him. His reward? Well, he got Katsuki’s mom fussing over him instead. In a skimpy Nurse Outfit.

Izuku opens his mouth to tell Mitsuki ‘no’ as he’s done every time she’s asked at every meal for the past few days. But then… he hesitates. And finally with a blush, gives in.

“… Very well.”

Mitsuki looks startled, but then very happy. She beams and quickly begins to feed him by hand. Izuku doesn’t really know what he’s doing or why he’s letting this happen. He shouldn’t be treating someone like this, like… like his own personal servant. And yet, there’s one thing that holds him back from dismissing Mitsuki from his service. Well, two things he supposes.

Number One is Katsuki, of course. Izuku had endured his bullying for years. And he still had fond memories of ‘Auntie Mitsuki’ from when they were both very young and still friends. So having Katsuki’s mom serving as Izuku’s nurse, even if the other boy didn’t know about it… it was kind of a sweet sort of revenge. However, without Number Two, that definitely wouldn’t have been enough for Izuku to keep this whole thing going.

Number Two… Number Two was that Mitsuki seemed kind of into it. For one, the skimpy Nurse Uniform she wore right now? That was her idea. And every day, she kept talking about him being ‘indecent’ in a strangely hopeful tone. And she always asked if he wanted her to feed him, even though he’d always said no until now.

Also… she liked to stare at his body. At first, Izuku had thought she was simply looking at his injuries and bemoaning what her son had done to him. But as the days went on, he realizes that wasn’t it. At least not after a certain point. Izuku Midoriya… was kind of ripped. He was chiseled. He was even, dare he say it, buff.

Cleaning an entire beach of a huge amount of junk, training under All Might for ten months, and then being granted his Quirk… yeah, all of those things had changed Izuku. Big time. And now here he was, all grown up in a way Mitsuki clearly hadn’t expected… and it almost seemed like his bully’s mother had a thing for him. One thing was for sure. Izuku definitely had a thing for HER. Mitsuki looked amazing in her Nurse’s Uniform. And he knew he shouldn’t be taking advantage of her generosity, but she honestly just seemed like she was so into it. It was hard-

“Oh! My oh my. What’s this?”

Izuku’s eyes widen and he goes still as Mitsuki suddenly reaches down with her free hand and grabs hold of his crotch. Funny. He’d just been thinking about how hard this was, and now because of his foolish decision to give in to Mitsuki’s request to feed him, she’d noticed his hard-on.

… Perhaps this was all part of her plan. Perhaps this was where Mitsuki blackmailed him into never speaking about what Katsuki did to him? Perhaps…

“It seems I’ve caused a situation, sir. As your caretaker, I apologize most profusely. And as my patient… if you require me to take care of you, just say the word. After all, this is all… my… fault. Isn’t it?”

Wait, seriously? Izuku blinks as Mitsuki strokes his crotch, his cock twitching through his sweats as she feels him up. For a long moment he stays still. Maybe it is still a trap. But if it isn’t…

“… Yeah. I’d like that.”

Mitsuki jolts as if surprised that Izuku would even agree. But that doesn’t stop her from all but lunging for the opportunity. She has the good grace to move the tray away first, but then all of the sudden she’s on top of him and straddling him, grinding her own crotch into his. Wait…

“… Are you not wearing panties?”

Mitsuki freezes in place and blushes profusely at that, before trying to hide behind the roleplay.

“A-Ah… it would seem my patient has seen right through me, to the core of my l-lascivious nature.”

For a moment, Izuku considers pressing the issue and demanding a proper answer from his bully’s mother. Then, he decides not to look a gift horse in the mouth. At this point, there past what could be considered viable blackmail. At this point, the situation is just as bad for Mitsuki… worse, even.

Hands coming up to grab hold of his ‘nurse’ by the hips, Izuku decides he’s not going to let this opportunity go. Even if it still feels a little wrong… he’s going to go through with this anyways. He’s only human, after all.

For her part, Mitsuki certainly doesn’t have any reservations about what they’re about to do. As he takes hold of her, she’s also taking hold of him. Reaching down and freeing his cock from the confines of his sweats, the MILF coos over his throbbing erection.

“So big~”

Was it? Izuku had no idea. It was good enough for him, he supposed. And apparently, more than good enough for Mitsuki. Without hesitation, Katsuki’s mother fits Izuku’s cock against her slit… and drives herself down. She must have been really jonesing for this. Izuku can hardly believe how much of a slut Mitsuki is turning out to be. No, not just a slut… a slutty nurse.

What’s the difference? Well, once she slams herself down onto his cock, she actually pauses for a second to throw him a look of concern.

“Ah… a-are you okay? You aren’t still too hurt for this kind of thing, are yo-eep!”

Firming up his hold on Mitsuki’s hips, Izuku proceeds to bounce the woman on his cock. He pulls her up and then yanks her back down again, while also thrusting up with considerable strength from below. As previously mentioned, he’d been fully healed for a couple days now. He should have sent Mitsuki home. He should have gone back to school. Instead…

“I’m fine.”

Instead, he’s taking advantage of Katsuki’s mother right now. But then to be fair, she seems to be taking advantage of him as well. Mitsuki’s moaning cries fill the air as she quickly begins to ride Izuku at his nonverbal urging. In response, Izuku grunts and continues to thrust up into her from below.

He might be on the bottom, but he has to admit… it’s a spectacular view. Especially since the harder Mitsuki rides him and the harder he fucks her from underneath, the more her top strains. Until finally, the buttons on her Nurse’s Uniform give him the ghost and all tear free at once, flying all over the place. Luckily none of them hit Izuku, even as Mitsuki’s huge milk jugs come bursting free.

Unlike her lack of panties, she did at least have the decency to wear a bra. Albeit an extremely lacy red one that Izuku finds himself fucking her even harder at the sight of. However, no sooner has the lacy red bra been unveiled then Mitsuki reaches up and all but tears it off of herself.

Moaning wantonly, the blonde MILF frees her tits from their confines and then grabs Izuku by the head, pulling him up to her large mammaries, all but urging him to suck, slurp, and play with them. Izuku takes her up on the offer, motorboating Mitsuki’s tits and going to town on her nipples with lips, tongue, and teeth. He’s perhaps a little too enthusiastic with that last one, causing Mitsuki to yelp as he bites down on her teats forcefully.

Izuku begins to pull back in embarrassment, but Mitsuki holds him in place, cooing as she continues to ride him.

“D-Don’t stop… I deserve it, Izuku. I deserve a little pain after everything my son put your through.”

Blinking at the sudden end to the roleplay from earlier, Izuku tentatively goes back to biting, nibbling, and slurping at Mitsuki’s nips. She moans, squeals, and yelps as he abuses her nipples quite harshly.

“Y-Yes! Just like that! Please Izuku! Punish me for being such a terrible mother! Fuck me harder! Make me your bitch!”

Grunting, his cock surging inside of her at the thought, Izuku fucks Mitsuki even harder from below. Something that the guilty MILF seems to enjoy all the more. And not just because she thought she deserved it either. But because she was getting off on it. Her pussy was clenching down harder by the second.

With a lustful growl, Izuku suddenly flips them both over. Yeah, it reveals that he’s not actually hurt anymore and gives the game away that he’s fully healed, but he doesn’t care. Mitsuki squeals… and then tightens up even further around him, her legs high in the air but her thighs gripping down solidly on his waist.

As her feet knock back and forth in the air above him with every thrust, Izuku continues to go to town on Mitsuki’s breasts, attacking them with not just his mouth and teeth, but also his hands now.

“Yes! Harder! Fuck me, Izuku! Breed me! Fill me with your seed and knock me up! Make me a mother again! Make me raise your child as recompense for the failures I made with Katsuki! I want it! I want to be your broodmare!!!”

The thought had never crossed his mind until that moment, but then he realizes that he’s suddenly taking Mitsuki in a consummate mating press, isn’t he? Her arms wrap around his neck and while her legs stay straight up in the air, she clearly has no intention of letting him go without a fight. Meanwhile, Izuku feels himself getting closer and closer to cumming.

The thing is… he might never have thought of it on his own, but the moment Mitsuki spells it out so clearly, he knows exactly what he wants. With a hoarse growl and a bestial snarl, Izuku picks up the pace, really giving it to the beautiful woman who just so happens to be his bully’s mother.

Plap! Plap! Plap!

“Get pregnant! Get pregnant! Get pregnant!”

At hearing his battle cry, Mitsuki howls, her eyes rolling back in head and her tongue lolling out of her mouth. Her cunt clenches around his cock more rapidly than before as she cums for him HARD. At the same time, Izuku can’t hold back any longer. Her insides are milking him so powerfully that he can’t do anything but toss his head back and howl himself as he cums deep inside of the gorgeous older woman.

Filling and filling her with his seed, Izuku can’t say for certain whether he actually succeeds at impregnating Mitsuki Bakugo or not. But he definitely gives it his best shot, pumping a hot thick load right into her womb and creampieing the absolute hell out of the beautiful MILF right there on his bed.

Collapsing forward and then to the side, Izuku takes Mitsuki with him at least partially, resulting in the Cosplaying MILF winding up half-draped over him, panting heavily, her beautiful body pressed into his side as they both slowly recover from what just happened. In comparison to pretty much anything Katsuki had ever done to him? Izuku felt like he’d decisively ‘won’ as far as he and the other boy were concerned.


Osiris Sundavr

I sincerely hope that you continue this one


Plap! Plap! Plap! “Get pregnant! Get pregnant! Get pregnant!” …. You did not, I’m laughing my ass off right now.


I ended up enjoying this one more than I thought I would, especially considering I've never watched "My Hero Academia" myself. Still, rather nice. I admit, a followup with Katsuki would be excellent, although I certainly don't expect to ever see that. Cambrian is far too clever about leaving these prompts open-ended for that to be likely.