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Themes: Dom/Sub, Foursome, Bimbofication

Summary: Part 4 of An Eye-Opening Experience. Tsunade lays down the law. As Hokage, she makes it clear to Sakura and Hinata that she is next in command after Naruto. It could have been either of them if they didn't spend so much time trying to out "bimbo" each other. But they can be the head wives of Naruto's clans once they find suitable candidates to help rebuild them.


“I assume we all know why we’re here.”

There’s a brief pause at that, as Sakura and Hinata exchange a wary glance. Naruto, meanwhile, looks around the room for a moment before raising his hand.

“Err… to have sex?”

Tsunade can’t help but smirk at that, licking her lips in arousal. Ever since she’d made her younger body permanent, her libido had also been permanently increased. She was all too ready to have children again… and there was only one man in the entirety of Konoha who the beautiful blonde bimbo of a Hokage wanted to have them with.

“Yes, Naruto. You’re half-right. Please… strip and sit down on the edge of the bed.”

Naruto raises an eyebrow but shrugs and does as he’s told. His clothes come off, revealing his chiseled and toned body as well as his big fat cock. A cock that starts twitching to life the moment that it hits open air. To be fair, he’d already been half chub as it was, surrounded by three beautiful bodacious babes. But now that his dick is completely out, it quickly grows entirely erect right before their eyes.

As he sits down on the edge of the bed, Tsunade doesn’t waste time. She shucks off her own clothes, revealing her voluptuous assets in all of their glory, and before Sakura and Hinata can protest or say a single word, the Fifth Hokage proceeds to step over and impale herself upon Naruto’s cock. Facing away from him, she slides down his meaty pole without hesitation, her pussy tight but also super slippery and wet with arousal.

A throaty moan leaves Tsunade Senju’s lips as she plants her massive bubble butt right on Naruto’s lap, settling into place and letting out a contented sigh as Naruto groans in pleasure and enjoyment. His hands fall to her hips, gripping and squeezing her flesh, but Tsunade doesn’t start moving just yet. Instead, she looks to Sakura and Hinata.

It was funny. At one point in time, she’d considered taking Sakura on as her apprentice. But the girl hadn’t shown enough ambition, stuck as she was in a rut while the rest of Team Seven both blew past her but also dragged her along with him. She’d never had the push she needed to become anything more than Sasuke’s Fangirl. Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke had both become incredibly powerful ninja, bouncing off each other’s rivalry to get to where they were today.

That wasn’t to say Sakura was completely useless. She was Chunin-level at least. But she was also never going to be much more than what she was now. Fortunately for her, it seemed she’d found a different purpose. She’d finally gotten rid of her obsession with Sasuke… only to wind up in bed with Naruto. But Tsunade didn’t consider this to necessarily be a bad thing.

Still, both she and Hinata were… adrift. Neither kunoichi had done what they should have in Tsunade’s eyes. As they blush and avert their gazes from Tsunade’s bouncing tits now, the Fifth Hokage scoffs.

“Both of you. Take off your clothes. Let me see if your bodies are worthy of our newest Ninja Lord.”

That gets their attention… and finally raises their hackles. Both girls bristle a fair amount as they hastily strip down to show off their own assets. Obviously, Tsunade knew that they had used Naruto’s Sexy No Jutsu as well. She was quite aware that their bodies were as bodacious and voluptuous as her own. But provoking them into stripping down and ignoring their modesty was Tsunade’s only goal, and that had worked spectacularly.


From under her, Naruto’s voice sounds… curious. His hands, which had been on her hips, suddenly move up to grope her tits. The Fifth Hokage moans and wiggles on his lap.

“It’s like I told you, Naruto. You’re bringing back two clans from the brink of extinction. Your father was an orphan, the first to bring the Namikaze name to the forefront of Konoha’s consciousness. But his skill and the techniques he invented are more than enough to grow a Ninja Clan around. Meanwhile, your mother was the last Uzumaki… a clan of Seal Masters and Experts. With Jiraiya’s help, you can likely bring back their techniques as well.”

Naruto’s cock throbs inside of her at Tsunade’s words. It’s obvious he likes the idea of honoring his parents’ names quite a lot. Smirking, Tsunade makes eye contact with Sakura and Hinata.

“Of course, as Lord Namikaze-Uzumaki… you’ll need a wife for each of your clans. You’ll need a Lady Uzumaki and a Lady Namikaze.”

Both Sakura and Hinata’s eyes go wide at that. They immediately each step forward, only to glance at each other and glare daggers at one another. Then, in unison, they turn back to her and try to speak over her.

“I was here first; I should be Naruto’s second wife!”

“Lady Hokage, please allow me to fill the spot of Naruto’s other wife!”

Tsunade grins… and then chuckles. Beneath her, she can feel Naruto’s momentary alarm. He doesn’t want to see the two kunoichi fight. Meanwhile, Sakura and Hinata have misunderstood her. But then to be fair, she understands where their misconceptions come from. She’d just described Naruto’s circumstances while impaled upon his cock. Indeed, by all rights, it made perfect sense to assume that she was taking on one of the two openings that she’d just mentioned.

But no. That was never the plan.

“Calm down, both of you. I’m not about to make you two fight each other for a position in Naruto’s burgeoning harem.”

There’s a brief pause as both Sakura and Hinata blink at that before their shoulders slump in relief. Naruto, meanwhile, relaxes again under her, happy to let her do the talking as he plays with and fucks her Bimbotastic body. Tsunade is content to let him do so as well while she takes charge here. After all, someone has to. Speaking of which…

“Even though I probably SHOULD make you both work for it.”

Sakura and Hinata both flinch at that, eyes wide again as they jolt in place and blush.

“Honestly, what have you both been doing? You’ve managed to secure a catch like Naruto… and then done nothing but have sex with him? I understand why Haruno might not have realized the steps she needed to take to secure her position, but a Hyuga, even one that has been passed over for the position of Heiress for her younger sister, she nevertheless understand how Ninja Clans work.”

Hinata flinches even harder, looking down at the ground for a moment. Sakura, meanwhile, frowns, trying to figure out what Tsunade is saying.

“… Tsunade…”

Naruto’s voice, meanwhile, makes it clear that he doesn’t want her to be too hard on them. So the Fifth Hokage just sighs and bounces on his cock for a second to calm her ire down before finally speaking again.

“Well, I’m taking over now. Someone has to be in charge, and as Hokage, I suppose that position falls to me. You two will be the Ladies Uzumaki and Namikaze and any other women who enter this harem will answer to you.”

Again, Sakura and Hinata look relieved. However, then they look confused. Sakura in particular is the one who speaks up.

“Ah… but then… Lady Hokage, who will you be in all of this?”

Tsunade scoffs and rolls her eyes before gesturing around them.

“Do you know where we are right now? You’ve probably already guessed that this is the new Clan Compound I intend to give Naruto. It’s the biggest Clan Compound in the entire village, so it’ll definitely be able to hold not just two… but three clans. It used to belong to the Senju Clan back at the founding of the village. Obviously, the years haven’t been kind to my clan.”

At the mention of Senju, Sakura and Hinata’s eyes widen in understanding. Indeed, sometimes Tsunade’s Clan Name got lost in all of the other shit. She was the Slug Princess, one of the Sannin, and now the Fifth Hokage. But what everyone sometimes forgot was that the ‘Princess’ part of that title came from the fact that she was the First Hokage’s granddaughter, and the highest ranking Senju still alive.

The Senju weren’t as close to extinction as the Uzumaki or the Uchiha, mind you, but they also weren’t centralized anymore. The Clan didn’t have a signature dojutsu like the Uchiha to keep them together, and her grandfather’s wood release was a personal technique of his that had only been passed down through experimentation.

In the end… Tsunade Senju had given up hope of reviving the clan she’d once had in her distant childhood. Until now.

“I shall be what I have always been. Lady Senju of the Senju Clan. Naruto shall be my consort and provide me with heirs who will rebuild my Clan when we’re all gone. In the meantime, you may choose between you who will be Lady Uzumaki and who will be Lady Namikaze.”

At that, Hinata and Sakura share a considering glance for a moment. Finally, Hinata bites the bullet.

“I-I would like to be Lady Uzumaki… please…”

In the face of her earnest request, how can Sakura say no. Snorting derisively, the bombshell of a pinkette crosses her arms over her fat cow udders.

“Sure. I’ll happily be Lady Namikaze and honor the Fourth Hokage’s name.”

With that decided, Tsunade moans and clenches down even harder on Naruto’s cock… in a way that makes him groan before spilling his seed deep in her womb. The Fifth Hokage shudders and her eyes roll up in her head for a moment as he takes his big, thick load. Then, she slowly begins to pull herself off of his cock, stepping to the side and standing tall despite how wobbly her legs are.

With her hands planted on her hips, she looks between Naruto and his two new wives.

“Claim your women, Naruto. Show them your authority as a Ninja Lord and breed them both properly.”

Naruto hesitates for a moment… but only a moment to his credit. Then he gets a determined look on his face and nods, rising from the bed.

“Both of you… come here.”

Hinata and Sakura hurry over, winding up cuddling into Naruto’s sides as they fondle his cock and moan from him fingering them both from behind. As his fingers dip into their wet slits, Naruto looks between the two bimbofied kunoichi for a brief moment before laying down the law.

“Neither of you will fight over me from now on, okay? You will both be a united force in all things. Especially where our children are concerned. I don’t want you making them think that they need to constantly be at odds with each other!”

“O-Of course, my Lord…”

“A-As you say… husband…”

Naruto smiles and nods decisively… before turning and tossing both women onto the bed. Tsunade watches on with a wide grin as he manages to throw them in such a way that they actually land entangled with one another. Hinata is on the bottom and Sakura is on top, their massive titties smooshed together and their juicy slits wetly slapping against one another. Naruto immediately moves in and grabs Sakura by her fat ass, thrusting his cock between their cunts for a second before dipping into Hinata’s pussy first.

Even as he’s fucking Hinata, he’s groping Sakura and giving her no reason to complain. Indeed, he fucks his new Lady Uzumaki with such force and vigor that both Hinata AND Sakura are moaning up a storm from the experience, as though he’s fucking both of them together.

Tsunade approves of Naruto telling the two that they’d better get along or else. She might have split them up into two clans, both under the new Lord Namikaze-Uzumaki, but that didn’t mean that they should let a rift form between them. It simply meant that she believed there was enough techniques under both names that they could both be used to build new clans for Konoha.

And besides… Tsunade would always have a soft spot for the Uzumaki name. She didn’t want it to fade into obscurity even if Mito and Kushina were now gone. Similarly though, Minato Namikaze’s life had been cut short far too early. The Namikaze name should have been passed on to Naruto originally, but Sarutobi was trying to protect him. Now… now the Namikaze Clan would have a chance to truly flourish.

Of course, while Tsunade already knew she wouldn’t see the Senju Clan rebuilt in her lifetime since she only had one womb to fill with Naruto’s thick, virile baby batter, the same didn’t have to be true for the Uzumaki and Namikaze Clans. Sakura and Hinata might be the Ladies of both clans, but there were still plenty of other unattached kunoichi to bring into Naruto’s harem and assign to either clan.

As she watches Naruto cum inside of Hinata and immediately transition to fucking Sakura with the same vigor and power to his thrusts, Tsunade’s grin widens even further. Soon enough, the two will be pregnant. That’s when she’ll probably introduce more women into the mix. To not only keep Naruto active and breeding new women, but also to give Sakura and Hinata much needed breaks.

In the end, it made sense that neither Sakura nor Hinata had stepped up to the plate. They were young and uncertain of themselves. But Tsunade was not. She’d already had a vested interest in making sure Naruto succeeded in life, but now it was a personal one as well. Together… together they would bring Konoha to ever greater heights, revitalizing the decaying village and bringing back not one, not two, but three clans.

And all off of the incredible virile, thick semen filling Naruto’s hefty ball sack. In fact… Tsunade licks her lips as Naruto cums inside of Sakura as well, creampieing her just like he did Hinata. Unlike Tsunade, who was still left standing after receiving her own load, both Hinata and Sakura have been rapidly fucked into quite the shared stupor. As Naruto pulls out of them, he leaves two insensate bimbos on the bed, moaning and rubbing against one another as his cum slowly drizzles out of their respective cunts.

That’s perfect though, because despite knowing it’s a little debauched, Tsunade can’t help herself. As Naruto turns away from the bed, she’s right in front of him, dropping to a crouch and wrapping her index finger and thumb around the base of his messy cock as she takes him into her mouth. Dutifully beginning to suck his dick clean, Tsunade sucks in her cheeks and swirls her tongue around wildly… like the gorgeous bimbo that she’s become.


blound pilot

Hey where can I find your fanfictions that have been removed from fanfiction.net like a day at the pool and downfall


Hentai-Foundry.com is where everything I've ever written can be Searched up. QuestionableQuesting.com also has pretty much everything, but you need an account to access my content on that website


Ah, you might need an account on HF too in order to be able to find some stuff. Or if you have an account, you might need to fix your Content Filter Settings. Either way, check your Patreon PMs, I'll send you direct links.